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The Spam and Scam Superthread- Merged

I am crying for your urgent assistance.Please help me out for God's sake.
Dear Good Friend,
I contacted you,after so many prayers and fasting towards your profile.I choosed you as a good & honest person,whom i can confide all my trust with,in this urgent business transaction.
My name is XXXXX,from Coted'Ivoire.The only daugther of late Mr XXXX XXXX.My mother died when i was a kid and My late father is the owner of XXXX Industries.But he was poisoned by his brother and before his sudden death,He called me privately and told me of huge amount of money,which he deposited in a BANK,here in my country and used my name as the next of kin,as her only daugther.Now,i am Orphan and I want you to help me in providing a bank account,where this total us$10,500,000.00.million united state dollars,will be transfered into,over there in your country,for my investment purposes.Also you will advice me on a good and profitable investment,which i can set-up in your country,after the successful transfer.
Sincerely,i am willing to offer you 15% of this my total funds,as a reward for your assistance in helping me out.Not only this,you will also be my oversea guidian and take care of all the companies or any business venture,which i will set-up in your country.Anyway,urgently reply me rightnow,with this email address : XXXX.fr or call me at : XXXXX,if you are ready and interested to help me out in this assistance.Please hearken to my crying for god's sake and help me out quickly.Inshort,I am eagerly waiting to hear from you now.Your new friend,XXXX.

Received this  in my 'personal messages' of the forum this AM. Anyone else? Most are aware, but warning to ALL - this is a scam. I've deleted all the'personal info' of this 'cry for help';   DO NOT ANSWER, even for curiosity sake; this is a long time, well known scam.


Modified to change topic title. Vern

Please PM myself or the site owner with the identification of the account from which you received this spam PM.

Thank you.
I'll lock this one up.

As the perp has now been banned.

Refer to this thread.

If however, anyone happens to receive like solicitations in the future, please bring it to the attention of the mods soonest.

Thanks very much.

The Librarian
Milnet.ca Staff


The thieves operated from small offices in Toronto and hangar-size rooms in India. Every night, working from lists of names and phone numbers, they called World War II veterans, retired schoolteachers and thousands of other elderly Americans and posed as government and insurance workers updating their files.
Then, the criminals emptied their victims’ bank accounts.

Richard Guthrie, a 92-year-old Army veteran, was one of those victims. He ended up on scam artists’ lists because his name, like millions of others, was sold by large companies to telemarketing criminals, who then turned to major banks to steal his life’s savings.
Arrest Made In Familiar Scam
SEP 12 2007 02:20 PM
Article Link

Winnipeg Police have made the first arrest in Canada outside of Toronto involving a huge West African inheritance scam.
Police say an 84-year old Winnipeg man was bombarded with e-mails pressuring him to wire over 37-thousand dollars on the promise of a 1.5 million dollar inheritance in exchange. The man wired 30-thousand dollars then contacted police who were waiting at his home last Friday to arrest a suspect who flew here from Toronto to collect the remaining amount.

Constable Jacqueline Chaput tells CJOB, it's tough for police to make arrests in these types of scams:

36-year old Toluwalade Alonge Owolabi, a Nigerian refugee in Canada since last September has been charged with numerous fraud related offences.
end of article
And after the courts have dealt with him, deport his ass, with all due haste.
Now Vern, do you really think that will happen.

He will go through years of appeals and while the appeals are going on. He will have a child born in Canada just to make it difficult for him to be deported.

Canada sucks on issues as this.

ArmyVern said:
And after the courts have dealt with him, deport his ass, with all due haste.

Put him on the ramp and drop him without a chute :D
Staff Weenie said:
So, does this mean I ain't getting my money now??????

You might have to wait for the last $7,000, but the $30,000 came didn't it?.......right before the police visited.
GAP said:
You might have to wait for the last $7,000, but the $30,000 came didn't it?.......right before the police visited.

Too funny.  >:D
reading this post made me want to share with you all a recent scam email I recieved not too long ago.......

From Kaluo Dikko
Abidjan, Ivory Coast
West Africa.

                      Dear One

After going through your profile i decided to contact you for friendship and assistace.I am Master Kaluo Dikko the only child of Mr and Mrs Mohammed  Dikko,my father was killed on a coup plot  by the rebels because of not insupport of the coup, before his death he told me as his only child because my mother died when am young and told me about the money($9.500.000)

he deposited in a bank here in our country before his dead he told me that i shall look for some one whom i trust to help me transfer this money out of this our country  to his account for investment purpose abroad while i will continue my education then the person will be managing the investment.Dear am solicating your assistance to help me transfer this money out of this country for my life sake while i will come to meet you to continue my education in your country.
Dear am looking forward to hear from you so that we can discuss on what will beyour compersation for this assistace.this is my privet mail(kaluod02@yahoo.it)
Kaluo Dikko

So, I decided to play his game back.  Below is my response.....

Dear Kaluo;

Thank you for taking the time to contact me with regards to helping you out of your situation.  I need to know how you found my profile?  Is this profile available to be seen in the Ivory Coast?  I fear my life may be in danger if that is the case as I have had dealings in your country before.  I trust that the information I'm about to give to you will be kept strictly secret between me and you.  I am an arms dealer as well as a hired "problem solver" if you will.  I have provided many warring factions the means to kill each other off in your country.  Cant say I blame people for wanting to knock each other off there as it is a sh$*hole, but thats neither here or there really.  Not trying to be mean or anything, but i'd rather live in a crack infested whore house than to live in that country.  Anyways, ive also been given money to "take care of business" in your country, by both rebel forces and government authorities.  Without giving you too much as I dont really know you and I cant be sure who reads this, but when someone has a problem with someone else, I make that someone else dissappear............get my drift?

I kinda feel bad as your father may have been one of the guys who got whacked either by me or by arms supplied by me.  I was thinking about this the other day and it's amazing that you contact me now.  Its like you were reading my mind!  I want to turn over a new leaf and I think im going to start with you brother!

So how much money are we talking about here.  Would you be coming to live with me?  Are you married with kids?  Would they be coming here too?  And how much do I stand to make out of this??

Looking forward to hearing from you my friend!  Lets get this thing going!

I.S. Yeouu

well see if he decides to "play" back....

We get the scams by phone. There is a delay when we answer, then we hear (usually in broken english): "Dear Friend, your Visa card number has been randomly selected and you have won an all expenses paid cruise to the Carribbean. (We don't have now, nor ever had a Visa card)  In order for you to claim your cruise line tickets, we will need your Card number and expiration date to purchase the tickets so we can mail them to you, then your money will be paid for by us.----they usually ask if there are any questions now, and I usually tell them where to go while informing them we've never had a Visa card. Or if I'm bored and have nothing better to do..... I screw with their minds. It's amazing how quickly they hang up after being informed that they've reached the office of the RCMP's international anti-fraud unit.
MP 811.  Shame on you!  ;)  Where's the charity? 

Can't you see that Kaluo Dikko (pronounced 'call you a dicko') is suffering the loss of his father in the bloodless coup of December 1999 ... or the failed attempt in January of 2001 ... or maybe it was the third (bloody) coup in September 2002 when government ministers were actually targeted (ref. US State Dept website).  Poor kid, he's been trying for at least five years to get his money out even though he's been sending emails from (and possibly living in?) Italy, France, the US ....  :D

And I'm with those that propose immediate deportation (following a lengthy prison sentence, please) for anyone convicted of scamming others, regardless of what they may be forced to return to.
Skookum Duck said:
And I'm with those that propose immediate deportation (following a lengthy prison sentence, please) for anyone convicted of scamming others

Nope, lets just deport them and not waste anymore money on them by keeping them in our prisons.  >:(
For the best in the art of "scamming the scammers" one must view Gilbert Murray's website at  http://www.scambuster419.co.uk/index.html. A true work of art!!!
I'm still new to the community and don't want to be accused of baiting or otherwise getting myself in trouble with the DS. 

Without pushing this thread in the wrong direction, I personally want to see ALL prison sentences served as hard time, regardless of the crime -- no TV, no creature comforts, rigid work schedules 24/7, no R&R, and these ***holes can start compensating their victims and society.  Education (which I firmly believe is a great equalizer) would only be focused on real job skills (e.g. welding, automotive repair, and accounting to name a few ... no sense teaching them law and making them better criminals).
Skookum Duck said:
I'm still new to the community and don't want to be accused of baiting or otherwise getting myself in trouble with the DS. 


Too funny. Search some of the DS posts ... and you'll see that a whole bunch of us have advocated the same position you have laid out!!  :D
Skookum Duck said:
MP 811.  Shame on you!  ;)  Where's the charity? 

ya, your right.................I got plenty of charity!  Id like to show him personally how much charity I possess!!!! ;D