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The Spam and Scam Superthread- Merged

These sort of phsihing emails provide a link that appears to be legit, but is in fact hosted on another computer.  You login with your username and password, their computer records the information and sends you a page that says "Everything's hunky-dory now", and your account is compromised.

Kevin Mitnick, noted computer hacker, has written books on this topic - the biggest liability in any IT security system is the human factor.  Scratch that - it's not limited to IT systems.  People reveal remarkable amounts of information that they should not.

You so have to be on your guards about everything these days.
I have received several emails over the years from ebay and paypal. If you don't pay attention.. these hackers does for you!

Imagine all the innocent people beeing ripped off.
It's almost scary to even log on.
I know I have deleted my ebay account. Too many glitches and security issues.

It's nice to see this posted on here. I hope people are more carefull.
I recently received an email "notification from Walmart" telling me that I had been selected to participate in a customer survey. To thank me for doing so, they would deposit thirty dollars in my credit card account, all I had to do was forward my card number to their "secure site." Needless to say, the email was deleted.

At least it is a change from the paypal and Nigerian banking scams.
You need to let the company eg: paypal, Walmart , know that the emails are out. They probably know, but your's may be the one they are able to trace.
Heh.... and then there's always those emails from a widow / lawyer from Liberia that has MILLIONS of US$ to get out of the country and all you have to do is provide a few $$s to share in the windfall.......... it's all legit of course ...... NOT!!!!!
I've been getting them from PayPal, E-Bay, RBC and alot of others. As I don't subscribe to any of them, they just end up in the trash.
I am an active Ebay member since 2002 and also with Paypal. I have found both to be extremely safe. I have never encountered any difficulty. I have on occassion received 'spoof' emails and just forwarded them on to the appropriate company. It is easy to tell if its a scam email or a real one. But if your unsure delete it.
geo said:
Heh.... and then there's always those emails from a widow / lawyer from Liberia that has MILLIONS of US$ to get out of the country and all you have to do is provide a few $$s to share in the windfall.......... it's all legit of course ...... NOT!!!!!

No doubt! Look at this piece of work I got today  ::)

Please l understand that you are not expecting any email from me but kindly accept the content in good faith. I do not intend to cause any grief to you and your family.
The reason for sending this mail is very fundamental to the doctrine of human privileges and right.
My name is Norbert Franz Fuhr from South Africa, am presently on political asylum here in Poland. l got your email contact from my research because am presently looking for an honest person that will help my client to invest in Real Estate lnvestment and commercial properties.
l will be more than happy and glad to start a new life in your Country with your assistance and co-operation on this issuse concerning on this Real Estate lnvestment.
So please if your in good position to work with me, please send me an email at this email address ( link disabled ) indicating your desire to help me invest this my client fund  in your country and beyond.
l urgently wating for your reply by end of the day, so that l will furnish you with all the details concerning about this business transaction and hopefully if it works out between me and you then we are going to meet in the next one or two weeks after all the transaction is done because every thing about this transaction is ready, l only needed an honest and quicker person who can handel it as fast as it can be.Thanks for your extra time for reading this mail and am wating for your urgent respond.

Best Regards & God Bless

Norbert Franz Fuhr


I've also been getting emails from Pay Pal like crazy. The thing is if you look at their email address it’s not even a @Paypal.com domain.

<link disabled>  

Dear valued PayPal® member:

It has come to our attention that your PayPal® account information needs to be updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our website.  If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your personal records you will not run into any future problems with the online service.

However, failure to update your records will result in account suspension.
Please update your records on or before October 18, 2006.

Once you have updated your account records, your PayPal® session will not be interrupted and will continue as normal.

To update your PayPal® records click on the following link:
<link disabled>

Thank You. 
PayPal® UPDATE TEAM                                   

Accounts Management As outlined in our User Agreement, PayPal® will periodically send you information about site changes and enhancements.

Visit our Privacy Policy and User Agreement if you have any questions.

I get them too but I don't have a Pay Pal account

GAP said:
This is going around again. If you click on their link provided in the email, you go to a fake site.

Forward this email, if you receive one to paypal security at spoof@paypal.com

here is the wording they use

Your online credit card account has high-risk activity status. We are contacting you to remind you that on October. 15, 2006 our Account Review Team identified some unusual activity in your account. In accordance with PayPal User Agreement and to ensure that your account has not been compromised, access to your account was limited. Your account access will remain limited until this issue has been resolved.

We encourage you to log in and perform the steps necessary to restore your account access as soon as possible. Allowing your account access to remain limited for an extended period of time may result in further limitations on the use of your account and possible account closure. If you would like close your credit card account, please contact us, as soon as possible.

Login to your limit account and restore online access:


This notification is part of the All-Electronic Program you enrolled in to receive your activity report online.

To protect the security of your account, PayPal, employs some of the most advanced security systems in the world and our anti-fraud teams regularly screen the PayPal system for unusual activity.

If you're planning to change your e-mail address, sign-on to www.PayPal.com, go to the Manage My Account menu, and choose Update Personal Profile to edit your Email Profile. To change your postal address, just use the same menu and choose Address & Phone Change.

If you use your work e-mail address, keep in mind some employers may block receipt of employees' personal e-mail. Please update your e-mail address at www.PayPal.com -see instructions above.

Card Member Services
Same message recieved about a month ago.

They know about it, but it couldn't hurt to let their fraud/phishing department know about it.
Ya i got a similar one that claimed to be from paypal said i bought this $600 item(it looked like a receipt from paypal) and if i didn't i should click the link on the email to go to paypal and fill out some form. there is so much of this crap going around.
Cut and paste the link below at home.  It's the glorious tale of an individual scamming a scammer.  If it doesn't work - do a search for "fake powerbook" - the pictures are excellent.


yammit said:
Cut and paste the link below at home.  It's the glorious tale of an individual scamming a scammer.  If it doesn't work - do a search for "fake powerbook" - the pictures are excellent.



HAHA that's awesome but what happend to jeff?
I know of two people that were taken by this type of offer. They are both older people and one I know, goes to the same church I go to. When he told us what happend, I asked him if he watches the NEWS, I said if you did, you would have known about this. I told him "if it looks too good to be true, it's not true at all" 

geo said:
Heh.... and then there's always those emails from a widow / lawyer from Liberia that has MILLIONS of US$ to get out of the country and all you have to do is provide a few $$s to share in the windfall.......... it's all legit of course ...... NOT!!!!!
Wow, don't remember receiving one of those!!!

To whom can I forward it for legal follow up (which cops) ?
The returd adress is hotmail.fr, which I presume is in France....

And anyone want to play with Mr. Ibru  >:D ?


I am ABUMANI IBRU Manager Audit Accounting Department  Bank International Du Burkina
(B.I.B). I would like to know if this proposal will be worth while for your acceptance.
I have a Foreign Customer,Andreas Schranner from Germany who is an Investor, Crude Oil Merchant and Federal Government Contractor that was a victim with Concord Air Line, flight  AF4590 killing 113 peole crashed on 25 July  2000 near Paris    leaving a closing balance of  Twelve  Million Eight Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ($12.8m in one of his Private US Dollar Account
that is been managed by me as the Customer's Account Officer.

Base on my security report, these funds can be claimed without any hitches as no one is aware of the funds and its closing balance except me and the customer (Now Deceased) therefore, I can present you as the Next of Kin and we will work out the modalities for the claiming of the funds in accordance with the law. If you are interested, Please call me to discuss in further details and our sharing ratio will be 60% for me and 30% for you.while 10% will be for the naccasery expenciss that might occur along the line.

Thank you,
N.B.In other for you to beleive me honestly try and go through this
(website)before you start with me.
Below is the website.
I get hundreds of these a week.  You would have to be an 87 year old granny coming out of a ten year coma to get suckered by one of these. 
Well, I saw people with university degree  in a TV reportage that suck it up
for tens of thousand of dollars...
Yrys said:
Well, I saw people with university degree  in a TV reportage that suck it up
for tens of thousand of dollars...

What does a university degree have to do with anything?

Yrys said:
To whom can I forward it for legal follow up (which cops) ?

The 'delete' or 'report as spam' button usually works best.