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The Shaving Superthread- All You Want and More....

Thanks for the sound advice.

On somewhat of a side note, just wanted to say how refreshing it is to come here looking for help, and not only do you guys give me some good advice, but also the reasoning behind it. Its nice to know WHY this would/would not work.

Again, thanks.
Another thing to try is shaving oil.  Along the lines of the Noxema trick, it is a different type of lubricant that might help the blades run smoother.

Can't remember where I read it but shave before you get all steamy in a hot shower or hot facecloth.. something about the skin swelling with the heat..

Bzzliteyr said:
Another thing to try is shaving oil.  Along the lines of the Noxema trick, it is a different type of lubricant that might help the blades run smoother.

Can't remember where I read it but shave before you get all steamy in a hot shower or hot facecloth.. something about the skin swelling with the heat..

Probably in the long topic we had going on "SHAVING".

As we are starting to cover all the same things over again, this topic will be LOCKED, and the usual caveats apply.

I shave with a straight razor. Will anyone have a problem with this at basic?
If so I will suck it up and use an inferior safety razor.
I'm only asking because I don't want to get yelled at for bringing it.


The only time you will get yelled at is if you DON'T shave.  They don't care what kind of razor you use to get that clean smooth look.
George's reply is 100% correct.

I'd also like to add, that my understanding is that a straight razor is a slower process. It won't be uncommon for you to have to shave in 2-3 minutes from start to finish. Keep that in mind, FWIW.
Really? A straight razor?
Isn't there a restriction on the length of blade you are allowed to have at St. Jean? I know its not a "knife" but just a thought....
Really? A straight razor?
RubberTree said:
Really? A straight razor?
Isn't there a restriction on the length of blade you are allowed to have at St. Jean? I know its not a "knife" but just a thought....
Really? A straight razor?

Don't sound so incredulous. Lots of guys shave with a straight razor. Some of us, even still, use a brush and soap instead of canned foam. Personal choice.
Straight razors are old school. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course! My barber uses one.  Amazing how bloody they can be when misused. Like anything I guess. They don't call them "throat cutters" for nothing!
I know this may look like a dump question. I have acne condition and I use some products. Also to shave I use electric shavers, since they wont cut the acne and leave blood all over my face. Is this allowed in BMQ?
George Wallace said:
The only time you will get yelled at is if you DON'T shave.  They don't care what kind of razor you use to get that clean smooth look.

I think that answers whether you can use an electric razor or not.

As for the cornucopia of other products, it's a matter of whether you'll have room to store them with your personal effects (we had a shoe box on my course, don't know what the rule is now), and whether you'll have time to use them (likely not).
No matter what you use, you are expected to have a locker layout just like everyone else. In other words you will have to buy shave cream and a normal razor.
Pretty hard to get away with using an electric razor actually... They suck and guys were getting called on it a lot by my instructors.

If a razor buggers up your face too much you can go to the doctor and get a med chit to grow a beard. If you're not sure whether your face is buggered up enough, just dry shave and go down ;D no pain no gain right?
Ballz says "If a razor buggers up your face too much you can go to the doctor and get a med chit to grow a beard. If you're not sure whether your face is buggered up enough, just dry shave and go down  no pain no gain right?"

Great advice. No sense having any integrity or honesty. Just play the system and bulls***. That's why we have these things in place. Never mind the guys that actually need the chit. Everybody go get one. While your at it why not complain of a sore back to get out of work so you can stay home and collect pay while your buddies do all their work AND yours.

Not hard to tell who is in because they can't find a job anywhere else and who actually cares about what they are doing and why.

Ballz, I'd like to see you as a supervisor and have all your guys out on bogus med chits and your CO come to to get a job done. Should be interesting!!

If your electric is not doing the job than get a razor and some shaving cream for sensitve skin. Once BMQ is over you can go back to using whatever method you want. While your in BMQ you have play by their rules it's only 14 weeks out of a 25 year career. Not much time when you look at the big picture.
I am scheduled to start BMOQ at St-Jean in September 2010 and would like to know if I can continue to shave with my straight razor. 
My current shaving kit includes the razor, a 14"x2"leather strop, boar's hair brush and solid shaving soap.  I noticed that most posts in this forum consider your shaving kit to be a spray can of foam/gel + safety razor.  Will my kit be permitted?

Annex B part 2 of the Joining Instructions states that a non disposable razor with blades shall be purchased at CANEX after arrival.  The document also prohibits 'edged weapons.'  I found a few other posts re this topic on the forum, but nothing seemed conclusive.

Topic: "The Shaving Superthread- All You Want and More....":
Has anyone ever thought of using NAIR? Its the cream that woman uses on there legs for hair removal. If I'm correct, it can last a few days or so. And what if you tried waxing :crybaby:? That's like a week with out worries about shaving.  :P :)
I have known a person that tried Nair...... don't.  There is even a warning on the product not to use it for sensitive areas like the face.  I believe there is a Nair product for facial hair, but I don't know how well it works.
Sonar Mike said:
Has anyone ever thought of using NAIR? Its the cream that woman uses on there legs for hair removal. If I'm correct, it can last a few days or so. And what if you tried waxing :crybaby:? That's like a week with out worries about shaving.  :P :)

Jesus wept......entire generations have completed basic training and used a razor daily to remove facial hair. Are you people that f'ing lazy ?

Watch out Cdn Aviator, they might fill out a hurt feelings report on you......
