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The Red Fridays Foundation of Canada & Repatriation Memorial Rally (May 08): Objections & Praise

X-mo-1979 said:
So what is the issue with other Canadian civilians wishing to honour our fallen?I understand they did not contact many of the families,but I see it as a good intention.

Things are not free to organise,where does your organisation get it's money?Toronto is full of larger business,thus where they are getting their money.

Having your names removed off his webpage,where he placed it to maybe aid your organisation seems petty.

Congrats for organising Red Fridays to start.However if it wasn't for people like Mr.Green (CFRA) and other civilians far from the base entrances,it wouldn't have become as popular as it is.

IMHO you two do not own the rights to mourning and celebrating our troops.

Again just my opinion.It has Petawawa PMQ wife pettiness written all over it.

Never have we had a problem with anyone wanting to honor our fallen.
The problem with the families is that comments have been left on the site indicating that all family members were contacted and issued invitations to attend. It becomes a problem when some of those families have no idea what's going on and wonder why such a statement would be made yet they were not contacted. Problem? I think so.

We have never claimed to own the rights to mourning and celebrating the troops. What we do own though are our personal reputations, and those reputations are taking a hit the last few days because of this! We have every right to speak out.
Put yourself in our shoes for a couple days.

As for organizing costs, we are not an organization, we are TWO people who wanted to show support and encourage others to do the same. We accepted the help of people like MR. Green who believed in us and our message and wanted to do something to help.
It became as popular as it is because we made the effort to contact media outlets who CHOSE to help us because they believe in it and we were not afraid to ask other civilians and civilian companies for help in spreading the message.
We have no shame in admitting that had it not been for our friends in the Canadian Media who believe in everything we do, this would not be what it is today.

We've never asked money of supporters, the most we've received were donations towards a very large event we put on last fall!
Any other costs that have come up over the last two years have come out of our own pockets, which have not been much more than travel costs to events across Ontario.
We have A LOT of support/supporters, so when the time comes to do any kind of event organizing on our part the offers of help pour in, we don't incur any costs.

Having our names initially removed from his site was a personal decision on our parts. How would you like your phone ringing off the hook on the regular basis from people asking where to send you money cause your name has appeared on a web page designed to bring in donations.
We aren't doing this for monetary reasons, we don't want to be associated with that.

Now tell me how this is PMQ wife pettiness... what an ignorant comment to make.
For all I can tell, this guy [Brian Muntz] has excellent intentions with seriously misguided execution.  Recreating a rather somber event as a festival of sorts is somewhat morbid & distrubing, using names of the fallen without consent is questionable, misrepresenting others as endorsing your activities is a lie, and I'm only tapping the surface.

X-mo-1979 said:
Having your names removed off his webpage,where he placed it to maybe aid your organisation seems petty.
Petty?!  Would you appreciate your name & image being used to imply endorsement of a product/event/organization of which you had no knowledge?  What if that organization were casting itself in the light of being a charitable function (despite not being registered as such) and your public reputation & perception of integrity risked serious harm?  Demanding one's own personification be removed in such instances is most certainly not petiteness.  It is the only reasonable course of action.
X-mo-1979 said:
Just did. ;)
And I don't agree with two women from Petawawa representing this country's fallen all the time.Many people around this country have lost son's,and have never been to a Ottawa valley rally.I think if more people like Mr.Muntz were around we could better honour our troop's extended families as well,by bringing red Fridays outside the control of a few people.

Red Friday's is NOT about representing the fallen. Where have you been? I would ask that you educate yourself regarding Red Fridays and what it stands for before making such ignorant comments.

Lisa and I do NOT represent the fallen, we help spread the message of wearing red on Fridays and when we appear in public forum (ie Rally's) we speak on behalf of canadians who support our troops, past, present and future.
If you would like to really educate yourself regarding what we do and how we do it, I encourage you to visit YouTube and view the videos posted of the first red friday rally held on Parliament hill in 2006, our speeches in particular.
Visit news sites such as A-Channel.ca and view the footage that is available there from several different interviews.
Use google as a tool... bottom line here is that you need to educate yourself regading OUR message of support and what we are about or here's a thought, quite simply ask US, before you start making any comments or accusations about us or our message.

As for Mr.Muntz, it's your personal decision to support what he does and how he does it but we do not and that's our opinion. We don't have to agree.
We have no personal issue with Mr. Muntz or the fact that he's holding events, in fact we encourage others to do so. What we do believe is that he has the PERFECT opportunity with his site to bring awareness about our CF members, fallen or otherwise serving in country or out, to bring awareness to the ease of which you can host an event of your own and to help educate people which registered charities and organizations are out there to support our military families, and there are MANY.
However we feel that he is raising too many questions, he spends too much time representing the fallen, rather than the whole of the military.
We believe that you must give equal support to all aspects of the military, not just one.

We do hope that Mr. Muntz listens to what people have to say (and not just us) and perhaps make a few changes.

Please remember that Lisa and I do not represent the fallen and we never have, nor do we want to (although we strongly believe in honoring our fallen) We represent those who support our military by wearing RED on fridays.
LadySierra said:
Where have you been?

Away as per.

MCG said:
For all I can tell, this guy [Brian Muntz] has excellent intentions with seriously misguided execution.  Recreating a rather somber event as a festival of sorts is somewhat morbid & distrubing, using names of the fallen without consent is questionable, misrepresenting others as endorsing your activities is a lie, and I'm only tapping the surface.
Agreed completely.Keep in mind this is most likely someone with little to no military contact,and just really trying his best to organise something.The road to hell was paved with good intentions.

LadySierra said:
We have A LOT of support/supporters, so when the time comes to do any kind of event organizing on our part the offers of help pour in, we don't incur any costs.

And so does he.That's why he is receiving money/donations as well.
Your names are off his page (which I also believe had good intentions),the CAV looked into him and believe he is legit,and I'm sure if their is an issue the RCMP will look into it as well.I hope the fallen's family get their loved ones name removed if they do not wish it to be there.I understand that very well.As a certain regiment here in Canada keeps having ceremonies for a fallen soldier,over and over....and the family is having a hard time coping.As well as his friends as well..I know.
However that regiment is doing so with good intentions,and it is appericated.However it is a little too much from some of the families point of view.
Look, I'm not in this to argue or even debate the issue for that matter.
I've said my peace privately and publicly how I, how we (Lisa and I) feel about Brian Muntz and his organization. We're not looking to pick fights, we're just trying to defend morals.
We're not looking to disrespect Mr. Muntz or anyone else for that matter, that's not what we are about. We're just trying to get the facts straight. We are not willing to allow our names to be dragged through the mud (after two years of hard work) over something that we believe to be immoral.
and just to be clear as to his legitimacy, some believe him to be, and others don't... that is yet to be determined by the proper investigative agencies.

To each their own I suppose.

I just wish to keep doing what we do, and that's spread the word about Red Friday's.

Accept it or don't accept it... Red Friday's is simply about supporting the troops and their families, bottom line. It's not about money and pledges for this event or that one... It's not about who's right and who's wrong, it's solely about SUPPORT!
Lady Sierra

As someone who was on Parliament Hill on that extremely emotional and moving day, I would like to thank both of you for your efforts over the years. As far as this broken down old gunner is concerned there never will be any question about your strength of character and your motivation. I was close enough to the podium to see the joy and amazement on your faces as the lawn in front of the centre block turned into a sea of red.

Wear Red has a special meeting as we have a new name on the war memorial in front of the high school under the heading Afghanistan. Hopefully we won't be adding another any time soon.
Old Sweat said:
Lady Sierra

As someone who was on Parliament Hill on that extremely emotional and moving day, I would like to thank both of you for your efforts over the years. As far as this broken down old gunner is concerned there never will be any question about your strength of character and your motivation. I was close enough to the podium to see the joy and amazement on your faces as the lawn in front of the centre block turned into a sea of red.

Wear Red has a special meeting as we have a new name on the war memorial in front of the high school under the heading Afghanistan. Hopefully we won't be adding another any time soon.

Thank You Old Sweat!
That means an aweful lot.. Not only to myself but I speak for Lisa as well in this regard.

Thank you, not only for supporting us, but thank you for all you've done for our country! You make us proud and for you, we wear red! :)
Hello to everyone posting on here.  I joined this forum today to respond to this discussion about the rally this weekend.

I was registered to participate in the rally this weekend.  I was under the impression that this event was legit.  I was going to ride from Toronto to Trenton with a fairly big group of other motorcycle riders that I know.  A co-worker brought to my attention the article in the Sun yesterday about this rally and that prompted me to do more research about this whole thing.  The more I've read, the more disturbed I've become about this whole thing.  I came across your forum and after reading what has been going on with respect to this rally and some of the concerns that families are having with respect to all of this, I have bowed out of participating in this rally. I had no idea that I'd be potentially participating in something that was upsetting to so many families.  I've informed my group of all the concerns that there are surrounding this event/organization and I hope that they will follow suit and bow out as well.  Our intent was never to harm anyone with our participation, it was only to show support and it is clear to me that participating in this event is not the right thing to do now.

I support the troops with all my heart.  My spouse and I wear red to work on Friday's and have been doing so for quite some time now.  :cdn: We will continue to do so.  :cdn:

Best wishes to everyone, you have my SUPPORT!!

Thank-you, Leanne.

Thank-you, Lady Sierra and Lisa.

X-mo-1979: Were this a simple rally, I would have no objections to this event, or it being billed as a "fun event" - I certainly enjoyed the performances at the Toronto one a few years ago (as well as meeting the "homeless man who looked like Gordon Lightfoot" - ask Danjanou). It is the simulated procession that bothers me.

Why stop there? Why not put coffins in the vehicles? Why not hold a simulated full-blown funeral as well?

While OPP participation is a nice gesture on their part, I think that if somebody suggested showing support for police by simulating a police funeral parade, they might not be quite so enthusiastic.

The disrespect shown to at least some families is extremely distressing as well.
I really appreciate how people are beginning to see what we see when it comes to this, we are NOT trying to be vindictive....and
its not a matter of taking sides (I know someone will pipe up at some point and that's so, but it's not) it's about seeing the full picture, it's about knowing what you're getting involved in before you do, it's about education!

We never have, nor will we discourage anyone from participating in this event, we just want those that chose to, to be VERY well informed before they do.

You know, I appreciate that the OPP and the Golden Helmets are going to take part to ensure safety on the highway. Although I may not agree with it, they have been assigned a job to do, therefore they must follow through on that job. It's not about personal opinions to them, however if it were perhaps they, like us would dig into all of this a little further, but that, we'll never know.

I only wish that a little more, no, make that A LOT more respect would be shown to these grieving families!  :mad:

and thank YOU Loachman!  :)
As far as I know, none of the families that I know have a problem with a red rally. We have attended those that we could . The biggest complaint that I have heard is the simulated procession along the Highway of Heros. Red Fridays is about supporting our serving troops. Trust me when I say that as far as my family is concerned, we do not need anymore processions. The repats, funerals and memorials have all been done and now we choose how to honour our loved ones. For most of us, that will happen on the anniversary and on Nov 11th. Had this rally been just a support rally there would probably be very few objections. We appreciate all those who stand on the overpasses as our loved ones passed on their final journies.
teddybear said:
As far as I know, none of the families that I know have a problem with a red rally. We have attended those that we could . The biggest complaint that I have heard is the simulated procession along the Highway of Heros.


Unfortunately, in my opinion of course, this was put together all wrong. Perhaps a little more thought should have been involved surrounding the day's 'activities'
From the feedback here, and elsewhere all day today, this is not something that people are ok with, families of fallen included.

Teddybear, thank you for posting.

I too was eager to attend the rally at Downsview before reading this thread. Not so much anymore. The rally now seems to me like two very different events of differing atmosphere welded together: one sombre (and perhaps not appropriate) and the other, "Family Fun".

So, I'm thinking what if we had an annual Canadian Forces Day, a day of "Family Fun" to show support for those who currently serve. Not a holiday but maybe a day in late spring or early summer. I recall as a very young child attending military shows and tattoos in stadiums. Why couldn't we have a full day of events, displays and demonstrations of all things Canadian Forces? Downsview would be the perfect place for such an event.

-Display hardware past and present
-Demonstrations such as the QOR rapelling from a helicopter, 7 Tor firing their guns, etc.
-Massed bands, pipes and drums.

This would be a fabulous oppurtunity for the public to really engage with serving members. I recall the family day at Borden a couple of years ago as an example. Kids played games and had fun. Might also be a great oppurtunity for recruitment.

Wouldn't something like this be feasible?

Mods, if this is off topic, I apologize.
Blindspot said:
Mods, if this is off topic, I apologize.
Your sentiment might better fit in the Peacekeeping day thread:  http://forums.milnet.ca/forums/threads/76831/post-717291.html#msg717291
Blindspot said:
So, I'm thinking what if we had an annual Canadian Forces Day, a day of "Family Fun" to show support for those who currently serve.

Actually, there is already a day set aside annually for this exact thing which is commonly referred to as 'Canadian Forces' day.
Different bases go about it in different ways, for example, this Friday in Ottawa, NDHQ has organized, for the second year in a row, a "run in red" which consists of a 7km run in which all participants wear something red and run the course.

I know here in Petawawa, CF day generally consists of a large display of military vehicles, displays and such. It's normally a very "fun" day for all involved.

However, the event planned for this weekend gives the impression of fun is not exactly appropriate in my eyes in connection with the rest of the planned events.
I don't believe they belong together.
Blindspot said:
I too was eager to attend the rally at Downsview before reading this thread. Not so much anymore. The rally now seems to me like two very different events of differing atmosphere welded together: one sombre (and perhaps not appropriate) and the other, "Family Fun".

So, I'm thinking what if we had an annual Canadian Forces Day, a day of "Family Fun" to show support for those who currently serve. Not a holiday but maybe a day in late spring or early summer. I recall as a very young child attending military shows and tattoos in stadiums. Why couldn't we have a full day of events, displays and demonstrations of all things Canadian Forces? Downsview would be the perfect place for such an event.

-Display hardware past and present
-Demonstrations such as the QOR rapelling from a helicopter, 7 Tor firing their guns, etc.
-Massed bands, pipes and drums.

This would be a fabulous oppurtunity for the public to really engage with serving members. I recall the family day at Borden a couple of years ago as an example. Kids played games and had fun. Might also be a great oppurtunity for recruitment.

Wouldn't something like this be feasible?

Mods, if this is off topic, I apologize.

You mean something like The Warriors' Day Parade


Established in 1921, The Warriors' Day Parade takes place in August of each year during the opening weekend of The Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The longest-running, annual parade of its' type, The Warriors' Day Parade is an important Canadian tradition and a very significant event for our Veterans, our brave men and women who currently serve in Canada's military, their families and the general public.

We are pleased to announce the details of the 87th Warriors' Day Parade which to be held on Saturday, August 16th, 2008. This year the theme of the Parade is 'SALUTING OUR VETERANS, SUPPORTING OUR TROOPS'. We also remember the 90th anniversary of the end of World War I. Complete Information about the Parade is available on this website by going to our Parade Info page. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require further information. Email addresses are shown at the bottom of this page.



the 48th regulator said:
You something like The Warriors' Day Parade

The Warrior's day parade is a wonderful show of support and I did hear about the theme of this years parade at the CNE this summer. I believe that it is for this particular event that Lisa and I have been asked to be in attendance.
I look forward to it.

These are the perfect displays of support... this is what we like to see when we talk about supporting the men and woman in the canadian forces and their families!!
I have some intimate knowledge of this business a few things to ponder as follows;

1. They claim not to accept gratuities, if that "free" car is not a gratuitiy I do not know what is. I would suggest it is woth $700.00 per month. That kindest thing I can say about that car is rather exploitive at best. The fallen are living souls who should be remembered, their names belong on graves, cenotaphs, unit lines and in our hearts. NOT I repeat NOT on a commercial enterprise with a car dealerships logo on it. May I suggest we start a petition the Chrysler and ask that it be removed from the road ASAP. If not that why not call Scarsview Dodge Chryser to express our displeasure at this crass and tasteless heap of iron. BTW the phone # 416 281 6200I for one will never purchase a Chrysler product so long as that car is on the road. Can anyone tell me how that car supports anyone in the CF?  In the event Chrysler or a dealership really wants to show support they could give that car to the MFRC in Trenton or any other that may need it (wrapping removed of course). Better yet why not rig out a Magic Van so one of our amputees could use it or perhaps at a MFRC for the greater good of all.

2. While there may be a few NOK who have no issues with their loved ones names being on the car I think the lions share object. The fact that this business chose not to seek permission speaks volumes.

3. They claim to have only collected a few 100 dollars at the many shows they go to sell wares at. I challange that statement. I have personally witnessed them and the brisk trade they do at the  2007 and 2008 International Motor Cycle show. Folks this show attracts 60K over a weekend in Jan. I think it is fair to say the Motor Cycle crowd are generous to a fault. At this booth they have the old donation box. I suggest they collect a few 100 dollars out of that. Insofar as sales go I suggest they would gross several 1000 at the prices they charge they net a tidy sum. This is but one event they do a number of them a year. All cash business not including his internet business. Every T shirt every ribbon etc he sells take away from MFRC's and CFPSA at the end of the day the troops. They also say they pay for booth space I challange them to show me reciepts from this show anyhow considering they were in the charity area. Hmmm interesting very few events are posted as past events makes you wonder.

4. The web site is always changing and in a flux whenever they are questioned or caught out. Point in fact some time ago they had the image of the CDS on his donate now button. That folks is a defacto endorsement. I can only assume they were asked to pull it along with the other images they posted to give the illusion of being associated with the CF.They had some of our wounded posted on the site and were asked several times to remove this illusion of endorsement. They basically blew them off by saying their image was public property NOT TRUE. I suggest as a business they would require a models release. They in fact had a picture of a charity event that involved Don Cherry and Ron McClean that supported the troops. Why you ask hmmm I guess with those two Cdn icons it may look like an endorsement. Only after the Toronto Sun article did they pull them. Now I ask you are these the actions of a business the "Supports the Troops". I say no rather a business that not only exploits our fallen but also our wounded.

5. Let's talk about their latest charity (They have in the past articulated several none have collected other than the grand sum of $1000.00 to CFPSA) The Canadian Hearing Society, last time I looked VAC looked after our folks as well as the CF Med system. Now I am not saying that this group is bad. Rather The Red Friday Foundation is embelishing the impact they have on the troops both old and new. I may be wrong on this but I await to be corrected.

6. It would be interesting to find out what sales pitch they used with his corporate sponsors (particularly the car) again we should call them each and every one to express our displeasure. After all a business understands what a bottom line is. Indeed a business cares about upsetting potential customers.

7. The Red Fridays Foundation is a business that uses the word "foundation" this word conjures and creates the illusion of charity. While it is true they post this on the web site on the "About us" button one has to dig deep. I think it is fair to say most folks do not read web site rather they peruse them see pictures of that appear legit etc then donate (BTW I do not know of any "business" that asks for donations I guess that is another one of thos magical words that charities use). Take a read of the About Us button they very losely articulate what their expenses are. my pers fav is the one on purchasing SOT items, hello you then sell them and reclaim your costs and then make a profit hardly an expense.

8. As a "Non Profit" business it is true one generally does not draw a salary but boy those expenses can sure add up. Of course as a business there is no transparancy whatsoever. Now that they are under the gun they say they will at some point sometime open the books. did I mention that at shows it is all cash.........They say they are looking into being a charity whatever that means. this is inconsistant with the reason they give for not being a charity. They state the reason we are not a charity is as a charity we cannot give to another charity. This is true Rev Canada is very clear on what a charity can do. so my question is after 2 plus years as a business you have given $1000.00. show me the money. to me this is nothing but shape shifting when asked a simple question.

9. BTW what is the awareness business, cute as a fox I think. What I want to know is who asked them to be an advocate (we have a few pretty good ones incl the new VAC ambudsman) for the troops and what have they done. The last time I looked it was the short form of Richard.

10. Finally, the facts are this business took a great grass roots idea started by 2 very special ladies i am honoured to call friends. They took it contorted and twisted a lovely thing and made it a ugly nasty business to serve only one end. They were cunning enough to take the concept and protect "their" intellectual property.

There is a latin word for that th__f you fill in the blanks.

This was the act of a bully, confirmed by todays radio AM640 int with one of the girls. Generally when one does not let the other speak when it is their turn it is considered "me thinks thou protest too much". Usually this is because ones back is agaist the wall aka Hillery.

What we need to do is to keep reminding Cdns  that this is a business nothing more nothing less.

legal yes it is the intent that is in question. The good news is Canadians heard what they are really about, bullys who bully our wounded, and two very fine Canadians my "red fridays" girls.

Bullys who have exploited our fallen and put the NOK in a difficult position. They need to be tried in the court of public opinion where Canadians can see the unvarnished truth.
captainj said:
I have some intimate knowledge of this business a few things to ponder as follows;1. They claim not to accept gratuities, if that "free" car is not a gratuitiy I do not know what is. I would suggest it is woth $700.00 per month. That kindest thing I can say about that car is rather exploitive at best. The fallen are living souls who should be remembered, their names belong on graves, cenotaphs, unit lines and in our hearts. NOT I repeat NOT on a commercial enterprise with a car dealerships logo on it. May I suggest we start a petition the Chrysler and ask that it be removed from the road ASAP. If not that why not call Scarsview Dodge Chryser to express our displeasure at this crass and tasteless heap of iron. BTW the phone # 416 281 6200I for one will never purchase a Chrysler product so long as that car is on the road. Can anyone tell me how that car supports anyone in the CF?  In the event Chrysler or a dealership really wants to show support they could give that car to the MFRC in Trenton or any other that may need it (wrapping removed of course). Better yet why not rig out a Magic Van so one of our amputees could use it or perhaps at a MFRC for the greater good of all.2. While there may be a few NOK who have no issues with their loved ones names being on the car I think the lions share object. The fact that this business chose not to seek permission speaks volumes.3. They claim to have only collected a few 100 dollars at the many shows they go to sell wares at. I challange that statement. I have personally witnessed them and the brisk trade they do at the  2007 and 2008 International Motor Cycle show. Folks this show attracts 60K over a weekend in Jan. I think it is fair to say the Motor Cycle crowd are generous to a fault. At this booth they have the old donation box. I suggest they collect a few 100 dollars out of that. Insofar as sales go I suggest they would gross several 1000 at the prices they charge they net a tidy sum. This is but one event they do a number of them a year. All cash business not including his internet business. Every T shirt every ribbon etc he sells take away from MFRC's and CFPSA at the end of the day the troops. They also say they pay for booth space I challange them to show me reciepts from this show anyhow considering they were in the charity area. Hmmm interesting very few events are posted as past events makes you wonder.4. The web site is always changing and in a flux whenever they are questioned or caught out. Point in fact some time ago they had the image of the CDS on his donate now button. That folks is a defacto endorsement. I can only assume they were asked to pull it along with the other images they posted to give the illusion of being associated with the CF.They had some of our wounded posted on the site and were asked several times to remove this illusion of endorsement. They basically blew them off by saying their image was public property NOT TRUE. I suggest as a business they would require a models release. They in fact had a picture of a charity event that involved Don Cherry and Ron McClean that supported the troops. Why you ask hmmm I guess with those two Cdn icons it may look like an endorsement. Only after the Toronto Sun article did they pull them. Now I ask you are these the actions of a business the "Supports the Troops". I say no rather a business that not only exploits our fallen but also our wounded.5. Let's talk about their latest charity (They have in the past articulated several none have collected other than the grand sum of $1000.00 to CFPSA) The Canadian Hearing Society, last time I looked VAC looked after our folks as well as the CF Med system. Now I am not saying that this group is bad. Rather The Red Friday Foundation is embelishing the impact they have on the troops both old and new. I may be wrong on this but I await to be corrected.6. It would be interesting to find out what sales pitch they used with his corporate sponsors (particularly the car) again we should call them each and every one to express our displeasure. After all a business understands what a bottom line is. Indeed a business cares about upsetting potential customers.7. The Red Fridays Foundation is a business that uses the word "foundation" this word conjures and creates the illusion of charity. While it is true they post this on the web site on the "About us" button one has to dig deep. I think it is fair to say most folks do not read web site rather they peruse them see pictures of that appear legit etc then donate (BTW I do not know of any "business" that asks for donations I guess that is another one of thos magical words that charities use). Take a read of the About Us button they very losely articulate what their expenses are. my pers fav is the one on purchasing SOT items, hello you then sell them and reclaim your costs and then make a profit hardly an expense.8. As a "Non Profit" business it is true one generally does not draw a salary but boy those expenses can sure add up. Of course as a business there is no transparancy whatsoever. Now that they are under the gun they say they will at some point sometime open the books. did I mention that at shows it is all cash.........They say they are looking into being a charity whatever that means. this is inconsistant with the reason they give for not being a charity. They state the reason we are not a charity is as a charity we cannot give to another charity. This is true Rev Canada is very clear on what a charity can do. so my question is after 2 plus years as a business you have given $1000.00. show me the money. to me this is nothing but shape shifting when asked a simple question.9. BTW what is the awareness business, cute as a fox I think. What I want to know is who asked them to be an advocate (we have a few pretty good ones incl the new VAC ambudsman) for the troops and what have they done. The last time I looked it was the short form of Richard.10. Finally, the facts are this business took a great grass roots idea started by 2 very special ladies i am honoured to call friends. They took it contorted and twisted a lovely thing and made it a ugly nasty business to serve only one end. They were cunning enough to take the concept and protect "their" intellectual property. There is a latin word for that th__f you fill in the blanks. This was the act of a bully, confirmed by todays radio AM640 int with one of the girls. Generally when one does not let the other speak when it is their turn it is considered "me thinks thou protest too much". Usually this is because ones back is agaist the wall aka Hillery. What we need to do is to keep reminding Cdns  that this is a business nothing more nothing less. legal yes it is the intent that is in question. The good news is Canadians heard what they are really about, bullys who bully our wounded, and two very fine Canadians my "red fridays" girls. Bullys who have exploited our fallen and put the NOK in a difficult position. They need to be tried in the court of public opinion where Canadians can see the unvarnished truth.

Holy run on sentences batman.

If you want to be taken seriously in your posts then please take the time to put it into paragraphs.

The Army.ca staff
Fair enough actually did but somehow when I posted it kinda went nuts on me. Give me a break I only mastered the rotory phone last year LOL. Thanks ever so much for fixing it up for me.