1. Yes, we had a massive increase in people wanting to join after 9/11. Training capacity was increased, somewhat.
2. Finding instructors for BMQ or BMQ(L) shouldn't be hard.
It's learning basic dress and deportment, basic drill, rank structure, first aid, etc etc. Some units should run a BMQ on their own (reserve side) so summers can be used for courses that actually produce useful soldiers, rather than wasting everybody's time having a recruit sit around during the year only to come back at the end of summer still being non-deployable.
Teaching a BMQ or BMQ(L) isn't hard, and it shouldn't be hard to find instructors. These aren't specialized courses requiring specialized training facilities. It's the most basic s**t in the world.
I don't believe every single recruit needs to go through St. Jean, personally. Streamline recruiting, and get a few regional BMQ courses going, etc. Running BMQ, some unit level Driver courses (Multiple units can come together to run one, isn't the first time), etc. Get people in, get people trained up, and let's get going - so that the specialized instructors can focus on getting people trade qualified. :2c:
(Someone mentioned One Station Training, the way the US Army does it sometimes. Get things moving, keeps people motivated because they join & instantly start making progress towards career/goals, and aren't sitting around being 'make work' projects.)