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The PETA Merged Thread

Eye In The Sky said:
WTF is a lobster liberator.  Hey, they can liberate this lobster right into my stock pot if they want.  I'll take good care of it!

It must be the heat in Nova Scotia this week that is making people stupid like this.

You sure it was the heat this past weekend?  8)
PETA has made the local news in Halifax. They are offering the HRM the funds to fix the sewage treatment plant in exchange for naming rights on the plant.
Their name for the plant would be..."Seal Slaughter Stinks Plant"  :-X

Here's the story from the Chronicle Herald

PETA seals offer to pay for sewage plant
Thu. Aug 20 - 4:47 AM

An American organization is offering cash to help Halifax fix its broken sewage treatment plant.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals sent a letter to Mayor Peter Kelly on Wednesday promising unspecified funds — with one condition attached.

"In return, we would just like to rename the plant the Seal Slaughter Stinks Plant," Ashley Byrne, a spokeswoman for PETA, said in a telephone interview from Washington, D.C.

She wouldn’t divulge how much money PETA was talking about but denied the proposal was a joke.

"We’re absolutely serious," she said. "Nothing we can think of symbolizes the government’s argument for continuing the seal slaughter than tonnes of raw sewage. If the city wants to contact us, that’s when we can discuss how much funding PETA’s actually willing to offer."

Since the $55-million sewage treatment plant malfunctioned in January, all waste water has been flowing untreated into Halifax Harbour. The facility isn’t expected to be operational until at least next spring. Residents and business owners have complained about foul odours downtown.

More at link
Another protest by PETA. I like the looks of the costume. It's giving me ideas for Halloween.

from the Chronicle Herald

PETA protesters arrested at Canadian embassy
Activists dressed as seals show up at Washington site
By The Canadian Press
Wed. Sep 16 - 11:30 AM

WASHINGTON —  Three animal rights activists protesting seal hunting have been arrested in front of the Canadian Embassy in Washington.

U.S. Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan said officers arrested three members of PETA on Wednesday morning on charges of disorderly conduct, unlawful assembly and failure to obey.

The women taken into custody wore white seal costumes streaked in red paint to represent blood.

The protesters crawled onto Pennsylvania Avenue and blocked traffic. When they refused to move officers removed their masks, handcuffed them and carried them to the sidewalk.

About 15 other activists stood nearby holding signs asking Prime Minister Stephen Harper to ``stop the seal slaughter.''

The group says harp seals are targeted in Canada and wants to send Harper a message as he visits President Barack Obama.
kratz said:
Another protest by PETA. I like the looks of the costume. It's giving me ideas for Halloween.
from the Chronicle Herald
Three animal rights activists protesting seal hunting have been arrested in front of the Canadian Embassy in Washington.

U.S. Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan said officers arrested three members of PETA on Wednesday morning on charges of disorderly conduct, unlawful assembly and failure to obey.

The women taken into custody wore white seal costumes streaked in red paint to represent blood.

Let me get this straight...we haven't banned the seal hunt...so......let's just reopen it and get rid of those seals in front of the US Embassy.... >:D
Ouch!! Maybe a seal costum for Halloween is not such a great idea. At least around GAP.  ;)
or we could take a bunch of them to train as attack sea dogs... they are pretty vicious and territorial, wouldn't be long before the seals start taking out trespassing protestors, giving them a close up on exactly how "cute and cuddly" the things are.
PETA will be happy to note that I have 160 pounds of pork, bacon and ham in my freezer, all from a pig I raised myself.  Yum!

Midnight Rambler said:
PETA will be happy to note that I have 160 pounds of pork, bacon and ham in my freezer, all from a pig I raised myself.  Yum!


And what are you going to tell them about your relationship with the chickens that produced the eggs you had for breakfast with your home-grown bacon?
Old Sweat said:
And what are you going to tell them about your relationship with the chickens that produced the eggs you had for breakfast with your home-grown bacon?
If men can marry men, then I can "encourage" my chickens to make eggs in any way I desire

I hate to admit, but I am in fact a card carrying member of PETA!

People Eating Tasty Animals!!!
They really become upset when you insist that PETA stands for : "People for the Eating of Tasty Animals"
Steel Badger said:
They really become upset when you insist that PETA stands for : "People for the Eating of Tasty Animals"

But it's oh so true!

I have a bumper sticker on my tool box that says "I love defenseless animals.... Especially good in gravy!"
If God/Buddha/Allah/Yahweh/FSM didn't want us to eat animals, why did he/she/it/they make them out of delicious meat?
OK getting  back to original topic of flies. So I get one of these humane fly release things and I catch one of the little darlings and let him go out side my home in Canada in February. I have done the humane thing and not squished him in stead he freezes to death! Or it goes outside in June and straight into the gaping maw of a local bird. Makes sense to me!

I guess its true. Some people have nothing better to do. Maybe they should get actual jobs. If they pay more taxes I can get a raise, retire sooner and live in the sunny south and never kill a fly in Canada again!

Ad claims turkey torture: