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The "Occupy" Movement

OccupyWallStreet 'protestor' during interview: "I wouldn’t give a **** if 9/11 happened 911 more times"

And he says bye to them with "God bless you." Huh.

EDIT: Other thoughts I have on that person are not fit to be shared right now.
WRT Confederation Park, I suspect the rats will solve the occupation problem by eating the occupiers...

Looking at the massive contradictions of the Occupy movement, it seems fair to post this: who are the 1% and why are they getting a pass?


Occupy Wall Street, Jon Corzine, and other failed human beings

November 8, 2011—Wall Street corruption and greed does exist, and leftists are sanctioning it, engaging in it, and blaming conservatives for it.

When Barack Obama began flogging “Wall Street fat cats” and “hedge fund managers” in his speeches, it gave the green light for what would become the violent community organization known as Occupy Wall Street. Yet what will soon become apparent is that the movement was never intended to be financial. It was entirely ideological.

In short, liberals would be given a free pass while conservatives would be burnt at the stake.

Many Occupiers claim that Wall Street received special treatment. That those who caused the financial meltdown deserve to be tarred and feathered. Yet when actual names are named, liberals go silent when they realize that the evil corruption they rail against can be located in the political mirror.

Democrats Christopher Dodd and Barney Frank were at the epicenter of the 2008 economic collapse. They have never nor will they ever be held accountable. Christopher Dodd retired rather than face questions about his sweetheart deals with Countrywide. As for Barney Frank, several crimes have been committed in his very home, from prostitution to drug running. He has always claimed ignorance.

Mr. Frank admitted that he had “ideological blinders” on when dealing with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Yet Mr. Frank still has his job, and former Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines was given a platinum parachute of over 90 million dollars.

Yet these men are never criticized. Mr. Frank happens to be gay and Mr. Raines happens to be black. They are both liberals. Scrutiny would be homophobic and racist, respectively.

One man who has spent his life in the financial services industry profiting off of human misery is George Soros. Mr. Soros trades currencies. To be more specific, he destroys currencies and profits off of that destruction. He is a convicted felon as a French court found him guilty of insider trading. Mr. Soros has never been held accountable. Mr. Soros is a leftist. He funds liberal causes worldwide. He is therefore above the scrutiny that would come to a conservative.

When liberals complain about Wall Street corruption, and how the rich should “pay their fair share,” why do they never seem to mention current Treasury Secretary and tax scofflaw Timothy Geithner? When combining him with Claire McCaskill, Charles Rangel, Kathlees Sebelius, and Hillary and Bill “Whitewater” Clinton, it is no wonder liberals favor higher taxes.

They don’t pay them.

Yet no list would be complete without one of the very worst men to ever enter Wall Street and the political arena, Jon Corzine. Mr. Corzine is everything the left should despise, if only rational thought and logical reasoning were part of their intellectual calculus.

Mr. Corzine was the Chairman of Goldman Sachs until he was fired. This billionaire Wall Street executive then decided that he was a Socialist, and that he would foist his “progressive” agenda on New Jersey. He became the governor, and his reign of error was one corruption scandal after another.

He was caught driving 91 mph when he was involved in a car crash. That resulted in injuries. He was not punished.

He was caught hiring his lover and putting her on the payroll. He was not punished. Ironically his predecessor Jim McGreevey committed the same act and was punished. Mr. McGreevey was gay, yet did gay advocates point out this hypocrisy as Mr. Corzine skated? They said nothing. Being a leftist meant a free pass from criticism.

Yet being a failed leader is not a crime in itself, and Governor Corzine was fired and replaced with superstar Chris Christie. Yet Mr. Corzine could not leave well enough alone. His reward for failing to keep the board happy at Goldman Sachs led to him being the chief executive of a state. His failure as a political leader led to his being named the head of MF Global. This guy may be the luckiest executive since Dilbert’s boss. He keeps bungling his way higher.

So what has happened since MF Global took over? Naturally Mr. Corzine has played a major role in leading it down the road to ruin and possibly creating another financial crisis.

MF Global used to make most of its money through fees and commissions. Brokerage services of client accounts paid the bills. In 2010 Mr. Corzine decided to change the business model to make it much more aggressive in what is known as proprietary trading. This meant that large bets would be placed using the firm’s capital. Mr. Corzine bet on European bonds against the wishes of his advisers (Mr. Corzine has a history of being a lone wolf), and he lost.

To say “he” lost would be inaccurate. MF Global lost, and is now desperate to find a buyer as clients flee the firm. If the company collapses, Mr. Corzine will come hat in hand to his ideological soulmate President Barack Obama seeking a bailout.

This is what happens when liberals are allowed anywhere near Wall Street. Taking people who have no clue about money and entrusting them to handle money is insane. Allowing avowed Socialists to play a major role in the capitalist system is worse than letting the fox guard the hen house. It is more like asking hens to survive by caring for foxes.

Liberals love wailing about Wall Street because Wall Street is inaccurately seen as “Republican.” Wealthy industries associated with liberal Democrats, such as Hollywood, are never given the same level of scrutiny.

Back in 1994 liberals across America chanted with glee when ultra-conservative Orange County, California, went bankrupt. Those evil white Christian Republicans mismanaged their money. Yet Orange County Treasurer Robert L. Citron was a Democrat. His big bets involving complex (at the time) derivatives not only ruined his county’s bond rating from AAA to C status, but it nearly brought down Merrill Lynch.

This is what happens when liberals are allowed anywhere near financial matters. Yet none of these liberals have ever been associated with corporate greed. None of them have had their homes marched on. There are no protest movements against these people. There are no indictments, and no arrest warrants.

Letting Jon Corzine anywhere near a financial services firm borders on insanity. Yet while Occupy Wall Street protesters try to blame the previous Republican administration, the very greed they claim to care about is happening right before our very eyes in calendar year 2011 by Jon Corzine.

Yet like every other uber-wealthy leftist, Jon Corzine will never be held accountable no matter how many innocent MF Global clients get hurt by his hubris.

After all, the entire OWS movement was never about honesty and fairness. It is about ideological purity. Like Mr. Soros, Mr. Corzine fits the politically correct narrative. Those left behind to endure the suffering from Mr. Corzine’s recklessness were never cared about to begin with.

Brooklyn born, Long Island raised, and now living in Los Angeles, Eric Golub is a politically conservative columnist, blogger, author, public speaker, satirist and comedian.

Eric is the author of the book trilogy "Ideological Bigotry, "Ideological Violence," and "Ideological Idiocy." Eric is 100% alcohol, tobacco, drug, and liberalism free. After years of dating liberals, he has finally seen the light and now only dates Republican Jewish women. His family is pleased over this. Republican, Jewish women, you may contact Eric above.
Cops swoop in on Occupy London, Ont. protest

Police moved in early Wednesday and removed Occupy protesters from a city park.

Dozens of officers surrounded the park about 12:30 a..m., as Day 18 of the protest began, ordering the occupiers to vacate or risk trespassing charges.

The city had ordered the protesters to vacate the park by 6 p.m. Tuesday, and were told they'd be charged after 10 p.m.

But as police stood by as both deadlines passed, up to 150 occupiers remained.

As it looked like police were standing down, protester Neil Hamell said he wasn't surprised city officials didn't follow through on the threat.

"There's too many people here," Hamell said. "It shows the strength in the movement." 
But all that changed after a groundswell of supporters and onlookers dissipated and protesters settled in for the night.

That's when police swooped in, becoming the first authorities in Canada to move against one of the many U.S.-inspired Occupy Movement camps that have sprung up across the country.

More at link

I think Mr. Hamell spoke too soon.

Good for the city of London.  :nod:

The really scary thing is these people actually believe they are entitled to be the future leaders of our civilization and run the redistribution of wealth racket:


Occupiers in San Diego Show Gratitude for Free Food. Just Kidding—They Vandalize the Carts, Threaten Owners
Posted By Bryan Preston On November 8, 2011 @ 6:46 am In Politics | 35 Comments

The sense of entitlement is strong with San Diego's occupiers. God bless ‘em.

The coffee and hot dog carts were located in Civic Center Plaza, the same location as the Occupy San Diego protesters.

That group first settled in to the plaza Oct. 7 and set up a tent city which has since twice been taken down by police.

Coffee cart owner Linda Jenson and hot dog cart operators Letty and Pete Soto said they initially provided free food and drink to demonstrators, but when they stopped, the protesters became violent.

And according to one city councilman, bodily fluids were used in the attacks.

Both carts have had items stolen, have had their covers vandalized with markings and graffiti, as well as one of the carts had urine and blood splattered on it,” said Councilman Carl DeMaio.

The damages will likely require at least a complete cleaning if not a replacement of the cart covers, DeMaio said.

The lovely, peaceful and tolerant occupiers are also said to have hurled death threats at the food vendors. Elsewhere in the occupation, they had to set up a lice tent after an outbreak swept through the Oakland camp.

And in the original Wall Street occupation, life is so grand they have had to set up a rape shelter.

The safety measure comes amid a terrifying spree of sexual assaults — including an alleged rape — in the Zuccotti Park camp.

Kitchen worker Tonye Iketubosin, 26, was arrested Wednesday for allegedly groping an 18-year-old woman after offering to help set up her tent. He is also a suspect in a rape at the park.

The grope victims include Kara Demetropoulos, who told The Post she was fondled in a tent last Saturday night after accepting a man’s offer of a place to sleep.

Most protesters have not been reporting all the incidents to police — instead preferring to settle things on their own.

The tent and its all-female security detail is the latest crime-fighting measure, and it is already garnering much interest.

Violence in DC and Atlanta are drawing police crackdowns that should have happened weeks ago to rid cities of the growing anarchy and disorder that has impacted jobs and law-abiding citizens.
The arc of history marches on. Eventually these folks will catch back up with the 21st century one way or another.

Article printed from The PJ Tatler: http://pjmedia.com/tatler

URL to article: http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2011/11/08/occupiers-in-san-diego-show-gratitude-for-free-food-just-kidding-they-vandalize-the-carts-threaten-owners/

Perhaps luckily for us, we are living at the end of the progressive project, and their future lives in a post progressive world will probably be a form of indentured servitude (history tells us that the chaotic conditions at the end of crisis periods like the French Revolution or Weirmar Germany will be ended with the arrival of "the man on the white horse" who promises to end the chaos, usually not through the application of liberal democracy).
They all got evicted today in Halifax by police with arrests made. They apparently worn out their welcome.
Chief Stoker said:
They all got evicted today in Halifax by police with arrests made. They apparently worn out their welcome.
If the comments section is any gauge to go by.  The well done's seem to outweigh the been badly done by's.  Doing them a favour anyhow, who would want to sit in a tent in this weather.
jollyjacktar said:
If the comments section is any gauge to go by.  The well done's seem to outweigh the been badly done by's.  Doing them a favour anyhow, who would want to sit in a tent in this weather.

Someone who is fully committed to their own life and belief system, for better or worse. Other than that, most of the "occupiers" will 'regroup' over the winter.  Should be interesting to see what the spring brings.
Sapplicant said:
Someone who is fully committed to their own life and belief system, for better or worse. Other than that, most of the "occupiers" will 'regroup' over the winter.  Should be interesting to see what the spring brings.

BTW, their "one demand" is an overall end to greed. I really don't understand why in the blue sacre they haven't been able to just come out and say it so bluntly (no pun intended). I guess, when you think about the 7 deadly sins, it is completely contradictory to their belief in no higher power.

As nice as a world where everyone genuinely cares about the well-being of every other person around him would be, they're right in assuming that it won't exist so long as we give into our own personal greediness.

I'm pretty sure that it'll stay the same, so long as we keep calling for "changes" :D
Over the last 2 days I've read all the news reports on Occupy NS. There's a Your View on CBC site. One of the tweeters wishes the military had defended Occupy NS! Thought you guys should know, someone doesn't think you're doing your duty!!

Hawk said:
Over the last 2 days I've read all the news reports on Occupy NS. There's a Your View on CBC site. One of the tweeters wishes the military had defended Occupy NS! Thought you guys should know, someone doesn't think you're doing your duty!!


I saw that comment.  It actually made me wonder if they were trying to draw an analogy between the Taliban torturing innocent Afghans and Canadian police ousting "innocent" protesters - i.e. the CF should step in to help them the same way we did for Afghan people.  I don't know if that's what they were getting at with the whole 'why didn't the military defend us' BS, but the fact that they even think the military and the police in our country are not or would not be on the same side shows the level of intellect we are dealing with here.  :blotto: 
jollyjacktar said:
...who would want to sit in a tent in this weather.
Infantry. Staying in the tent is warm/dry.  ;D

...but that's not what Infantry does.  ;)
Journeyman said:
Infantry. Staying in the tent is warm/dry.  ;D

...but that's not what Infantry does.  ;)

Maybe the infantry in WInnipeg should do their winter indoc in the park with the protestors??

Just a thought.... >:D
Journeyman said:
Infantry. Staying in the tent is warm/dry.  ;D
...but that's not what Infantry does.  ;)
I wholeheartedly concur.  I do remember many shitty days outside in Wainwright/Suffield and don't miss it.  I've become accustomed to the "soft" Navy lifestyle of three hots and a cot.
Nemo888 said:
Remember when 80k was a lot of money? With a mortgage in a neighborhood  that you can raise kids in 80k is a few pay checks away from disaster. Maybe they should just rent till the kids are older.

Maybe they shouldn't have kids then?

The future on display:


The Five Most Infantile Beliefs on Display at the ‘Occupy’ Tantrums

Posted By Kyle-Anne Shiver On November 10, 2011 @ 10:00 am In PJ Culture,PJ Steel Magnolia | 69 Comments

[1]What we have here are the biggest, baddest public temper tantrums we’ve seen since 1960s spoiled-brat college kids reverted to the terrible twos and marched, rioted, burned, and bombed their way across America.

So far at least, the violence at “Occupy” tantrums hasn’t reached ’60s-level, though there have been thefts, assaults, rapes, and lots – and lots and lots – of incendiary hate speech.

Old ’60s radicals, now in charge of “mainstream” news, are  all “wee-weed up” — to use President Eloquent’s expression — by the OWS tantrums. This new generation’s display of wasted minds gives the aging-hippie brigade a moment to relive their own misspent youth. These “news” people haven’t had this much thrill going up their legs since Barack Obama hip-hopped his way to the presidency on the wings of ‘60s radical hope-dope [2].

But what do responsible Americans see in the “Occupy” tantrums?

Tea Partiers, of course, see the gross liberal/conservative double standard at work big time. Where Tea Partiers got legal permits and paid tens of thousands of dollars for such things as police presence, traffic coordination, and sanitary necessities like porta-potties, these leftist tantrum-throwers form health-hazard Obamavilles on public property – fee free. The Obamaville squatters disrupt the sleep and threaten the health of close-by residents with their all-hours, out-of-control misdeeds, all the while getting positive press from the aging-hippie chorus in the media.

Some OWS kids are surely there just for the free food, the no-strings sex, the communal bong hits, or the summer-camp, kumbayah déjà vu.

Most of the lot are, we can be pretty certain, pure hope-dopers from the Obama Youth brigade – the in-your-face and up-yours gang – now come to flaunt their disillusionment with their adolescent president.

These young Obama voters — who in 2008 exchanged their liberal parents’ adolescent rallying cry of “Our hope is in dope!” for the even more stupid “That dope is our hope!” —  are now angry “bitter clingers” who refuse to let go of their infantile delusions.  The One “they were waiting for” has failed to deliver their fairy tale utopia, so they throw a public tantrum in every city stupid enough to put up with them.

Hordes of good minds so thoroughly wasted in a vainglorious celebration of immaturity and weak character is not a pretty sight. And it bodes horrible ills for the future of this country.

But unless we recognize the fundamental childish beliefs now being trotted out  by leftist news people as “high philosophy” and  “significant political issues,” then we are bound to repeat our parenting tomfoolery all the way to the destruction of this grand republic.

So in the interest of saving America, let’s first recognize the five most infantile beliefs of the OWS kids. These youngsters will go down in history as the biggest bunch of booby-brats ever produced by an advanced civilization.

First: Back to the schoolyard…

#5: Cooties can kill me and disagreeable words will crush my spirit.

Now, dear readers, this is sad. Truly sad. Prior to this OWS moment, the last time I saw so much childish behavior and stupid thinking on display was on an elementary school playground.

Here’s the perfect OWS Anthem: I don’t want to work!

YouTube Preview Image [3]

At the ongoing OWS tantrums, we daily see video and read news reports of physical grown-ups taking bullhorns in hand to shout inanities like: “The rich have cooties! And their cooties can kill you!”  “Those evil bankers made the grass on their side of the fence greener than ours!” “Life isn’t fair so let’s destroy everything to make it fair!”

This big, booby-brat pack offer nothing of substance and cannot explain why they are there in any more adult terms than hurling childish taunts at the cootie-carriers.

We see scenes of the “general assemblies” where physically grownup humans revert to things like “twinkling” hand symbols to avoid words that might crush their spirits or those of the delicate kids next to them.

YouTube Preview Image [4]

See more videos and images in Zombie’s post from yesterday here. [5]

These fools still believe that childhood’s mob-chants have real meaning. They’re so stuck on stupid that their interviews are downright incoherent.

The OWS brat-pack apparently altogether missed the  character-development lesson designed to toughen them to words and opinions different from their own. If any adult ever told them to toughen their spirits against the barbs of others with the aphorism, “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” these ninnies cried en masse in their mommies’ skirts. And their foolish parents let them be, soothed their pitiful tears with self-esteem coddling poppycock and never did the hard work of disabusing them of the “world revolves around me” egocentrism of young childhood.

Now, these adult children are left with “twinkling” their fingers in lieu of mature discussion — which might hurt their ‘ittle feelings. Pitiful.

But that is not nearly the worst of it.  These childish idiots are a danger to themselves and to all others in their wake.

Next: The debauched cesspool of Zuccotti Park…


#4: Sharing germs, having sex with strangers and imbibing mind-altering drugs won’t hurt me one bit.

At the OWS tantrums we see continual, disgusting displays of basic hygiene ignorance as though these over-educated buffoons missed science class from the first through the eighth grades.

Evidently unaware that they are taking their very lives in their hands by urinating and defecating in close proximity to their food preparation, these OWS waifs threaten themselves daily with an outbreak of disease, all the while thinking they are magically immune to the tenets of basic science. Germs? What germs? I can’t see any  germs.

Every kid, by the age of 12, should know down to his last brain cell that sharing microscopic germs, having sex with strangers and imbibing mind-altering drugs all carry extreme health risk. But these OWS kids have been brainwashed to actually believe that keeping one’s body and dwelling clean are all about “bourgeois appearances” and not having sex with strangers is all about “religion” and imbibing mind-altering drugs that kill your brain cells and cause you to do dangerous stupid stuff is really “cool” and “intelligent.”

How has this country been reduced to producing such utter nitwits, most of them carrying actual college degrees in their filthy hands? It’s a puzzle that will haunt historians for generations to come.

But the threat to public health is still not the worst of it.

Next: What the world needs now…

#3: Free love makes the world go ‘round.  Tra, la, la and Kumbayah.

I knew this culture was headed for big trouble in 1965, the day I heard Jackie DeShannon sing her lilting pied-piper melody and throngs of Boomers swallowed it whole-hog.  What the World Needs Now Is Love [7]:

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No, not just for some but for everyone.

No, not just for some, oh, but just for everyone.

YouTube Preview Image [8]

The song itself was lovely. The singer was pure and sweet as she could be. And the world, barely through the furious rebuilding in WWII’s aftermath, was hungering for a lay-down-all-the-weapons approach to civilization.

But what came about was an entire generation’s imbibing a false concept of love itself. We Boomers tossed out more than a thousand  years of real-world knowledge in our quest for a nicer, softer, more lovely existence and allowed ourselves to grasp the idea that the hard-earned mutual respect between people and nations could be replaced with nothing more substantial than a Hallmark-card sentiment.

It’s that same childish, “love makes the world go ‘round” sentiment which pervades the OWS tantrums. The modern set got it straight from their Boomer-hippie parents.

Peace and prosperity, formerly gained through force of arms and stalwart vigilance, would magically come about, we Boomers believed, by laying it all down and becoming the doormats of the world.  Then, we could all gather ‘round the worldwide campfire and sing Kumbayah, while never having to worry about feeding ourselves and our children or such mundane things as creating real wealth through the sweat of our brows.

Today at the OWS tantrums this foolish poppycock has come full circle, demonstrating that liberal Boomers who never grew up themselves have produced a generation of offspring without the slightest adult notion of peace through mutual respect, often forced upon recalcitrant nations hell-bent on war. At OWS, we see adult children without the understanding that hard work and wise choices are the only avenues of individual prosperity.

So they whine and wallow in filth, wasting away their days, honestly believing that they are good, worthwhile human beings.

And the world does most certainly owe them a living. These OWS brats luxuriate in the infantile state of eternal entitlement

Next: The sharp sting of the WASPs…

#2: The world does too owe me a living!

Would this worthless bunch of booby-brats even understand the meaning of JFK’s  famous 1961 admonishment to those who would confuse liberty with license?

Ask not what your country can do for you.  Ask what you can do for your country.

YouTube Preview Image [9]

Whenever I see displays of egocentric worthlessness parading as “adult political statement,” I find myself asking where in the world are those WASPS when we so desperately need them? Lots more of those icky, boring, responsible, hard-working,  work-ethic-promoting, industrious white, Anglo Saxon Protestants would really come in handy as we face off with this big, fat, booby-brat pack.

The booby-brats huddle ‘round their donated tents, taking advantage of taxpaying citizens, costing uncounted thousands in police presence and disruption to real citizens’ business, while putting a bunch of highfalutin, educated-sounding words to a self-absorbed doctrine that just boils down to the child’s rant:  The world does too owe me a living, a free iPhone and all the ice cream I want!

Adult Americans have always, since our founding, insisted that every single individual best serves the common good through self-sufficiency. Only in being self-sufficient could one ensure that he would never become a burden to his neighbors. The words lazy, shiftless, no-account were three of the most feared in the American vocabulary. The worst thing a child could be called by his own mother was “slacker.” The last thing a child ever wanted to hear from his own father were accusations of laziness.

Say whatever you will about the WASP and Jewish cultural bearings, but these folks gave Americans one of the greatest gifts ever bestowed upon a civilization: an understanding of the inherent value of honest work for one’s own benefit. The Protestant work ethic is its most common name. Whatever one chooses to call it really doesn’t matter. The underlying brilliance was always that by being self-sufficient, one also served his fellow man. And when one failed through his own fault to provide for himself, he was rightly considered an unnecessary burden to the common good.

Charity was for those who simply could not help their own misfortune and was given person-to-person and through voluntary organizations, mainly through the churches and synagogues with great care to preserve the recipients’ dignity.  Unless the beneficiary’s personal dignity was preserved, charity would not have been considered charity at all but would have been rightly seen as an action intended to ensure dependence. No American virtue was seen in becoming dependent upon others and those who would encourage dependence were seen as downright evil. Making others dependent, it was widely known, was merely a way to amass power over others. A truly disgusting goal if ever there was one.

Today, evil political charlatans pose as benevolent providers of the common good. Robbing from the productive class to give to the indolent class, all in the name of the common good, is the moral equivalent a plantation owner who claimed to really love his slaves.

And the OWS kids just eat this malarkey up and run into the streets with their infantile demands spewing from their self-centered, irresponsible mouths.

Finally: Yes, we can! Yes, we can!

#1:  Yes, we can have our cake and eat it too!

YouTube Preview Image [10]

If these civilizational throwbacks really are the 99%, then the republic is already lost and we just haven’t yet admitted it.

They went off to college with the apparent belief that they could borrow tens of thousands of dollars to pay for it, but that they would never really have to pay it back.

Yes, we can have our college cake and eat it too. Yes, we can!  Yes, we can!

They signed legal loan documents with enough disclosure requirements to protect the dumbest, most foolish ninny ever to fall off a vegetable truck, and yet now, they claim they were somehow defrauded. The great, big society of American taxpayers has somehow let them all down because their stupid-stuff degrees in things like “Women’s Studies” and “Queer Studies” and “fill-in-the-blank-ism lite” haven’t landed them corner offices with a view and a truckload of delightful perks.

Yes, we can study stupid stuff and useless-in-the-real-world junk and still make truckloads of money too! Yes, we can! Yes, we can!

They actually believed that they could while away years of their lives in bong-hits and yoga meditations and sex with every dumb prick on campus and still march off to Never Land to find a guy named Jack with some magic beans that would make them all rich and fat and happy too.

Yes, we can be lazy and self-indulgent and misspend our youth and still get that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Yes, we can! Yes, we can!

Because… because, well, because we are entitled!  The world does too owe us a living!

Yes, we can vote for a man-child president who is no more mature than we are and has only a smidgen more on his resume.  And we can still have world peace with no more war or terror.  We can elect a know-nothing just like ourselves who has an even fancier degree in know-nothing-ness and still end hunger and famine and plagues – because we say so.  We can elect a man who’s never had a real job in his life and still expect him to “create” meaningless, easy jobs for all the rest of us with all the perks he himself has enjoyed.

Oh yes, we can be nitwit voters and still get ourselves a great president! Yes, we can! Yes, we can!

Honestly, dear readers, the only thing worse than this self-indulgent display of childhoods wasted is the lineup of so-called “news people” dissecting their every word as though it actually had meaning and the power to move civilization forward.

The scariest thing of all is that these overgrown children can actually vote.

And look at the sham of a presidency we all have to show for that sad fact.

Yes, dear readers, 2008 will forever be known as the year America passed through the looking glass on its way down the yellow brick road to Never land.

And 2012 will be the year we grown-ups take the country back.

Or else, we’ll seal our own society’s death warrant, as we all join hands and continue this march with Barack, shouting  “Yes, we can jump off this cliff!”


Check out some of Kyle-Anne’s previous hits:
[11]   [12] [13] [14]
Why Herman Cain Electrifies the Grassroots: Five Voters Speak Out [11]
Five Things Republicans Must Do to Crush the Left in the Propaganda War [12]

Romney’s Electability Card Is a Joker to Perry’s Four Aces [13]

The Five Biggest Reasons Republicans Keep Losing the Propaganda War [14]

[15]  [16]  [17]  [18]  [19]  [20]  [21]  [22]
Each PJ Culture column will feature this colorful collection of icons so you can check out the columnists you might have missed.
Illustration courtesy shutterstock [23].

Article printed from PJ Media: http://pjmedia.com

URL to article: http://pjmedia.com/blog/the-five-most-infantile-beliefs-on-display-at-the-occupy-tantrums/

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: http://pjmedia.com/files/2011/11/tantrum-girl.jpg

[2] 60s radical hope-dope: http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/224571/obama-closer/kyle-anne-shiver

[3] Image: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlMVazw_vUE

[4] Image: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9zMDWzOi2k

[5] See more videos and images in Zombie’s post from yesterday here.: http://pjmedia.com/zombie/2011/11/09/fresh-anti-semitic-videos-coming-out-of-occupy-wall-street/

[6] Image: http://pjmedia.com/files/2011/11/germs-ka.jpg

[7] What the World Needs Now Is Love: http://www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/forrestgump/whattheworldneedsnowislove.htm

[8] Image: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMS2uMUQNnQ

[9] Image: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzRg--jhO8g

[10] Image: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3v91pi9L98

[11] Image: http://pjmedia.com/blog/why-herman-cain-electrifies-the-grassroots-five-voters-speak-out/

[12] Image: http://pjmedia.com/blog/five-things-republicans-must-do-to-crush-the-left-in-the-propaganda-war/

[13] Image: http://pjmedia.com/blog/romneys-electability-card-is-a-joker-to-perrys-four-aces/

[14] Image: http://pjmedia.com/blog/the-five-biggest-reasons-republicans-keep-losing-the-propaganda-war/

[15] Image: http://pjmedia.com/blog/introducing-pj-culture-a-new-team-of-seven-weekly-columnists/

[16] Image: http://pjmedia.com/blog/author/walterhudson/

[17] Image: http://pjmedia.com/blog/author/belladonnarogers/

[18] Image: http://pjmedia.com/blog/author/phyllischesler/

[19] Image: http://pjmedia.com/blog/author/kyleanneshiver/

[20] Image: http://pjmedia.com/blog/author/robtaylor/

[21] Image: http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/author/johnhawkins/

[22] Image: http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/author/davidswindle/

[23] Illustration courtesy shutterstock: http://www.shutterstock.com/gallery-216559p1.html
The squatters have migrated back to the Grand Parade in Halifax.  Some members have confronted Police as expected.  The CBC commenter types are having a field day.
I've been watching news on tv and reading the CBC posts online - I'd intended to go down town today, but was afraid there'd be trouble, so I stayed home. The protesters now seem to think Mayor Kelly was wrong to enforce a city by-law, and that their freedoms were trampled on because they were evicted from Victoria Park. CTV is claiming the protest today at the Grand Parade was to call for Mayor Kelly's resignation! Have they lost whatever direction they had? Global asked Mayor Kelly 4 times if there was anyplace in HRM they could protest, and 4 times he told them they could protest wherever they wished on public land, as long as they didn't erect tents. Other things I've read: they were wading in the fountain in the Public Gardens and taking change, they were going to the bathroom under the bushes in Victoria Park, and the 14 or whatever number were arrested were in prison for 10 hours in wet clothes, and told it wasn't a hotel when they demanded blankets and the heat turned up. I'm hoping this will just die and go away!! On the other hand, Halifax is usually pretty quiet once the tourists go home!