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The Next Conservative Leader

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Remius said:
Don't take this personally but your response was a bit discombobulated and turned into a rant about Liberals and Gerald Butts (I have no doubt that he is behind the messaging btw just like Ray Novak was Harper's puppet master).  My assumption was that we were comparing the Liberals and Conservatives as trained animatronic trained seals.  My point was that they are exactly the same and answered your question about that comparison.  I'll assume you also missed my point entirely as well but being the smart old timer that you are I'm sure you'll go back and figure it out as well.  ;D

If we are moving on to discussing Liberals and their current governing style I am more than happy to engage.  I posted something in the Politic 2017 thread about my concerns with the Liberals.  Their true colours are starting to come out but not enough to sway most people in two years I think.

I don't consider a review of facts as a rant. I also did not miss your point. I've considered it but I'm just not interested in it. You go ahead and believe that the CPC is as bad as the liebrals because of some instances that are comparable. While the liebrals and their chief liar Trudeau, use the tactic non stop, every time they open their mouths, and have since election. Even his Pravda network agrees with that now and is going after him. So you can keep complaining Harper was the same, but we really know he's not. No different than all the lies he told at his latest conference before shutting down. Nothing is his fault, it's all those dastardly, evil conservatives against his MAJORITY government. He's an irresponsible twit, ruining the country and I find it completely unfathomable how supposedly intelligent people can possibly agree with the way this dipshit ruining the country. Now, those are my personal feelings on Ali Babba and his forty thieves. I don't expect all to agree with me, so be it. However, if you think Trudeau is the second coming and you believe his massive line of bullshit, save your breath responding, because I'm not interested in someone who is in agreement with him to sell our country out.
Clearly this subject is upsetting you.  I realise as well that my attempts at a balanced approach can be offputting. 

To be fair, I don't think Trudeau is the second coming.  Quite the opposite.  I find it strange that agreeing with some of your points sets you off though.  Just because I criticize the Blue team does not mean I am for the Red team and vice versa.  Both teams are hypocrites.  The blue for complaining about the red for using the same tactic so they used and the red for using the tactics they cried about. 

Another thing and I know you don't care because you will likely say so at some point, but go back and reread your last post.  It's full of ad hominem attacks and does nothing to help the already degraded tone here.

For someone who has requested on several occasions to respect his opinion you rarely if ever respect others that might disagree with or call you on what you say.  It works both ways.
I'll save you the trouble of trying to shoehorn me into a mold that I'm not from. I respect what others say, up to a point, then I can stop listening, especially when it's misleading, off topic or if it becomes a test of one upmanship. Trust me, you are not upsetting me. I'm an asshole and act like this all the time. I don't sugar coat things or attempt to be coy and hedge my conversations. I can be bruske, profane, vulgar, angelic or devilish, as I see fit. I get on here and post drunk, then have to apologize after I see it. I fuck up on a constant basis. My difference is I'm not afraid to admit it and will wear it each and every time. I don't do hours of research to back my points. Much of what I post has been from my observations of life over the last 64 years and 37 years service and my ever expanding gut. I'm cynical, sarcastic and have an extremely low tolerance for idiots that don't have a mental ailment, but act like they just climbed down from the trees. I try read everything that is posted when I'm in the discussion. I respect them all, but I reserve the right to disagree vehemently if I wish. So don't get your shit all tied in a knot. People don't agree with me sometimes simply because of my delivery. I hate Trudeau with a passion, I hate his party (not liberals as a whole), I vote conservative because they are the closest to what I want to see. Not because they are ideal. They aren't perfect either, but for now, there's not much choice. The greens and dippers just take up room and oxygen. Disagreeing is not disrespecting an opinion, quite the opposite and I won't apologize for it. Love to stay and chat some more but I've got things to do.

HAGO  :salute:

Sorry for the tangent all.
oh don't worry.  I don't have to shoehorn you into anything nor would I try. 

I don't do hours of research either.  i tend to pay attention though and have a long memory at times.  Most things are easy to find if you look for them.  Takes a few minutes of perusing really.  Not sure why that would be a bad thing. I will read a few things a bit more in depth at times to get a bigger picture purely from interest.

I prefer to discuss the issues though and legitimately respect your candour.  But if I see something, like you do, I will comment, present a differing opinion or try to add a different perspective.  It has nothing to do with one upmanship.

Anyways, enjoy the evening.  It's pissing rain here.
Peace and Kumbaya, Honoured Brethren, Peace and Kumbaya.

Same side 'n' all.
Jarnhamar said:
Didn't want to do with sunny days?

Screw that BS.

Them's just fighting words.

Now my blood pressure's exploding and my mouth frothing.
Loachman said:
Screw that BS.

Them's just fighting words.

Now my blood pressure's exploding and my mouth frothing.

Sunny days are fine.  Sunny ways though....
Part of the problem in modern politics is much of the staff supporting the politicians were all trained in the same schools by the same Profs and they think alike. In fact staffers may end up working for both parties in their career, being rather mercenary. Then the big cheeses surround and  themselves with very smart people who may be a bit to smart for their own good and won't make a sound moral choice, when there is a political way to slide out of something. The Mike Duffy affair to me is a classical example of this mindset. There was a simple and moral solution and had they gone that route, they would have come out looking much better than they did. I get donation pleas from both the Libs and the CPC, basically they are are exactly the same wording, just change the name of the party. Part of this is driven by the fact that the majority of voters exist in a fairly narrow range near the centre of the political spectrum. So neither the Libs or the CPC can stray to far from band before losing votes.
China's doesn't appear happy with Scheer's position on a potential free trade deal -- this from the CHN Communist Party's paper online ...
Canada's Liberal government is in exploratory talks with China over possible negotiations on a free trade deal, but the country's opposition Conservative Party leader Andrew Scheer said in a recent interview that he would not hold free trade talks with China if his party was in government, citing concerns about human rights, labor standards and the environment. The opposition leader's statement shows nothing but his arrogant and biased attitude toward China.

"There are so many concerns with the Chinese government - their human rights record, the way their economy works. We don't want to see Canadian manufacturers, Canadian workers put on a completely uneven playing field," Scheer said, according to a Global News report on Sunday. He also mentioned that the differences in the two countries' labor standards would put many Canadian companies at a huge disadvantage to Chinese competition under a free trade deal.

Scheer's logic is beguiling but wrong. As Canada is a developed country and China is a developing one, inevitably there are differences between the two economies in terms of economic structure, State-owned companies, labor standards and other aspects. But the essence of a free trade agreement (FTA), which countries sign to lower trade barriers so as to further complement each other's advantages in trade relations, should not be overlooked.

China has already signed FTAs with several developed countries like New Zealand and Australia. The China-New Zealand FTA has allowed New Zealand's trade with China to nearly triple over the past decade. Meanwhile, since the signing of the China-Australia FTA at the end of 2015, China's outbound direct investment into Australia soared 56.1 percent year-on-year in 2016.

Canada would become another developed country to ink a free trade deal with China if negotiations between the two governments are successful. A China-Canada FTA would increase Canada's GDP by 7.8 billion Canadian dollars ($5.9 billion), boost its exports by 7.7 billion Canadian dollars and add 25,000 jobs by 2030, according to a 2016 white paper released by the Canada-China Business Council and the Canadian Council of Chief Executives.

But if Canada requires a potential FTA partner country to have the same ideology and labor standards as itself, then it should probably only look at Western countries. Few developing countries could meet Mr Scheer's standards for a level playing field.
Free trade with China?  Do we still have any manufacturing for them to take over?  Maybe they will put a few Canadian owned factories in Mexico out of business.
Next up:  the shadow cabinet - list attached.

Some interesting choices:  fmr VAC minister Steve Blaney as VAC Critic ("why didn't you do what you're asking for now?") and former PA for NatDef as Defence Critic (see above in yellow).

Former TB Chair Tony Clement is listed for Public Services and Procurement Critic.

"Inner" shadow cabinet:  Lisa Raitt (Deputy Leader), Alain Rayes (QC Political LT), Candice Bergen (House Leader), Mark Strahl (Whip), Chris Warkentin (Deputy House Leader), John Brassard (Deputy Whip), Diane Finley (Caucus-Party Liaison)


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