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The Next Conservative Leader

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jollyjacktar said:
Nothing could compel me to ever vote for a separatist party, provincial or federal.
And nothing could ever compel me to vote for the communist party of Canada.

If we're sharing parties that we could never be compelled to vote for. I think that's what we're doing, right?
I suppose so, if you like.

I wasn't painting you as a separatist, btw, just the fact that you chose to vote for them and thus give them encouragement to continue.  I've voted NDP in the past, but that doesn't make me a Dipper, just an enabler.
Donated to Erin otool. Thinking it was a mistake. Their party gave out my email address to all Conservatives (suppose that's normal? ) and  now I'm being bombarded with emails from all candidates spelling my name wrong (even though it's right there in the email) and begging for money incessantly. Fucking annoying that is.
Jarnhamar said:
Donated to Erin otool. Thinking it was a mistake. Their party gave out my email address to all Conservatives (suppose that's normal? ) and  now I'm being bombarded with emails from all candidates spelling my name wrong (even though it's right there in the email) and begging for money incessantly. Fucking annoying that is.

Suppertime and 3 robocalls a night on which to hang up.....  :rage:
Chris Pook said:
Suppertime and 3 robocalls a night on which to hang up.....  :rage:

Why is Stephen Harper calling you three times a night? 
jollyjacktar said:
Why is Stephen Harper calling you three times a night?

jollyjacktar said:
I was thinking of the "Air Farce" Stephen Harper phoning you nightly.  :nod:
I just assumed it was that whole 1-800-POOKSEX thing....    >:D
Journeyman said:
I just assumed it was that whole 1-800-POOKSEX thing....    >:D

Quiet, you!  D9er doesn't know. 
I get e-mails from both the Conservatives and the Liberals extolling themselves, talking about the threat the other party is and begging for money. Funny how they sound more or less the same.
Sent in my ballot this morning.

1. Scheer
2. Leitch
3. O'Toole

I saw no reason to respond further with #4 thru #?

I can now send all political junk and spam to the appropriate folder. There's no need for me to read any more political crap until the new CPC leader is chosen.
Interim leader's apparently heading south ...
Canadian interim Conservative Party leader Rona Ambrose is leaving politics to join the Washington-based Wilson Center as her party prepares to choose her successor.

Ambrose, 48, confirmed her departure in a speech Tuesday morning in Ottawa, saying she’ll resign her seat in parliament after the House of Commons adjourns for the summer. She pledged to continue to help the Conservatives recruit more women and didn’t say where she’d go in her “post-partisan life.”

In Washington, Ambrose will serve as a visiting fellow at the non-partisan think tank’s Canada Institute, focusing on bilateral trade with the U.S., according to a Wilson Center statement obtained by Bloomberg. She will lead the institute’s “efforts to convene U.S. and Canadian officials to explore the benefits of an integrated and competitive North American economy that is focused on job creation and prosperity,” the statement said.

The appointment comes as President Donald Trump’s administration prepares to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, which also includes Mexico ...
Scheer surprises, I guess!
jmt18325 said:
I wonder how all of the people here who mock Trudeau because of his youth feel?

I think those people were mocking his lack of political experience and banking on the name, not his age.  Scheer was the Speaker from 2011-2015.
Scott said:
Scheer surprises, I guess!

My wife was at the Congress Centre yesterday, and returned today to vote for him.

The traffic was terrible. There is also an Anime convention in the same building.

mariomike said:
My wife was at the Congress Centre yesterday, and returned today to vote for him.

The traffic was terrible. There is also an Anime convention in the same building.

Cartoon characters and politicians.  There's a joke in there somewhere.
jmt18325 said:
I wonder how all of the people here who mock Trudeau because of his youth feel?
Pretty damn good. In spades! I can go to bed, now that I have found the most childish AND stupid question (staying with the Trudeau theme) anywhere in the whole ether.  [:D

I just realized that, maybe, you were serious. If so, I apologize in advance  :salute:
jmt18325 said:
I wonder how all of the people here who mock Trudeau because of his youth feel?

I mock the PM because he's a bubble head and a narcissistic idiot as far as I'm concerned , not because of his age.  For me, he'll still probably be a tool at 70 or 80.  Mind you, by then I'll be dirt napping so I won't give a shit.
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