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The Next Conservative Leader

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PuckChaser said:
Remember, if someone can't argue directly on the topic, they can just accuse you of racism to try to win the argument.
Yup, but that must be a strawman
Bird_Gunner45 said:
Look at any study which shows how many deaths are attributed to terrorism vs other ways of dying

32,658 people killed by terrorists around the world in 2014

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3322308/Number-people-killed-terrorists-worldwide-soars-80-just-year.html#ixzz4K3mBA8Uq

Almost 33,000 in one year. That's the reported ones and only one years statistics. If you think that's insignificant, I'll have to agree with Puckchaser this time.  There's not a lot we can do about medical diseases, industrial accidents, etc. However, stopping the slaughter of, mostly innocents, is something we can do something about. The perpetrators need killing. And that goes for wherever they are found.
You can craft screening so it doesn't disadvantage or unfairly target specific groups of people, or verifiable refugees. Economic immigrants, especially unskilled workers should be subject to enhanced screening to see if their values system is compatible with Canadian laws and societal norms. No one accuses Australia is racism for having tight controls on immigration.
What about 'polygamy'?

How many potential, perhaps actual, cases of Welfare Fraud are being carried out by polygamists now living in ghettos?

Jed said:
This is just ridiculous.  It is an extreme stretch to associate / compare Hutterite colonies with Muslim enclaves around the world.  For the most part these colonies that are numerous throughout Canada function well within our Canadian laws and norms.

You could talk about Dukabors possibly, but eventually they have assimilated with the rest of the Canadian Society.

Could it be that the reason that Muslim peoples seem to be coming to the forefront in Societies concerns is because their religion eventually demands they force their practises on their neighbours and is totally intolerant of any other peoples way of life?

There have not been very many other peoples that strap on bombs to their feeble minded, and women and children on a regular basis and send them in to slaughter innocents.

You sound like an Extremist Muslim appeaser.  Is it too much to ask people to at least acknowledge a countries Laws and cultural norms?

Accusations and name calling are the lynch pin of politics in 2016, so you should probably keep that going. Grow up Peter Pan. Not all opinions have to fit neatly into A or B/Con or Lib categories. I'm not an appeaser of radical islam, I'm more anti racial profiling for immigration because I believe that western values and culture is better than it and have demonstrated how it is historically the precedent for Canada and the US. Whereas your arguments are based more on your feelings

You've heard of the crusades right? You know the biggest Canadian terrorist attack was by Sikhs right? The current practice for citizenship has a values based, history, and institutions based test that all have to pass. Like any other group of immigrants they'll settle in enclaves because of linguistic and cultural reasons, unless you've never noticed that Germans settled around Kitchener, Portuguese around Cambridge, Amish around St. Jacobs, Dutch around Ingersoll, etc etc. That doesn't mean that they're not assimilating. It means that they are initially more comfortable being around those that understand their socio-economic needs. Like when westerners move to other countries and settle in enclaves.
[quote author=Jed]

Could it be that the reason that Muslim peoples seem to be coming to the forefront in Societies concerns is because their religion eventually demands they force their practises on their neighbours and is totally intolerant of any other peoples way of life?

There have not been very many other peoples that strap on bombs to their feeble minded, and women and children on a regular basis and send them in to slaughter innocents.

You sound like an Extremist Muslim appeaser.  Is it too much to ask people to at least acknowledge a countries Laws and cultural norms?


What do you do when someone is Muslim and they want out of Islam? You kill them. You have to kill them, do you understand?  The judgement for adultery? Stone him until he dies.  Transgender or gay? Kill them. Throw them from the highest place

This was posted a few weeks ago. Not from Raqqa but apparently from a school in the UK. We would be naive to think this isn't happening in Canada as we speak.
George Wallace said:
What about 'polygamy'?

How many potential, perhaps actual, cases of Welfare Fraud are being carried out by polygamists now living in ghettos?

I remember a funny thing on Bill Maher's show about that, "Would you rather be the second or third wife of Mel Gibson or the only wife of Willard Scott?”.

A lady replied, "If it comes to Mel Gibson, I wouldn’t care if I was one, two, or three.”

This was 20 years ago, so today I suppose we could substitute Matt Damon for Gibson. The principle remains the same.  :)

Jarnhamar said:
I know. I don't even know why people are getting upset. Remember the crusades? Exactly. Plus people die every day from car accidents and stuff like that, people are just being racist.  There's no difference between what happened with the Irish and Italians with what's happening today world wide with Islam.

Strange, I don't remember the Irish or Italians flying planes into buildings, or slaughtering whole villages after subjugating all the females, or using poison gas against civilians or inhumane ways of killing people by fire, beheading and stoning.

Is it racist to want to stop these animals? Is it unfortunate that the vast majority of these terrorists are muslim, but were we racist when we took on the Kaiser in WWI or the Axis in WWII? No, they were a threat to world peace and the government of the times decided to kick their ass and kill them into submission. During that time, immigration of the people considered the enemy was halted. It seems to have worked fine. What's changed?

The Crusades were centuries ago and most of humanity has moved on and evolved. People keep bringing it up, but it's pointless.

To reiterate what Puckchaser alluded to, the words racist, xenophobe, islamophobe, and all the other buzzword phobes are designed to limit, or end, discussion when you have exhausted your standpoint without being right or not having the facts to rebutt intellectually.
Bird_Gunner45 said:
Accusations and name calling are the lynch pin of politics in 2016, so you should probably keep that going. Grow up Peter Pan. Not all opinions have to fit neatly into A or B/Con or Lib categories. I'm not an appeaser of radical islam, I'm more anti racial profiling for immigration because I believe that western values and culture is better than it and have demonstrated how it is historically the precedent for Canada and the US. Whereas your arguments are based more on your feelings

You've heard of the crusades right? You know the biggest Canadian terrorist attack was by Sikhs right? The current practice for citizenship has a values based, history, and institutions based test that all have to pass. Like any other group of immigrants they'll settle in enclaves because of linguistic and cultural reasons, unless you've never noticed that Germans settled around Kitchener, Portuguese around Cambridge, Amish around St. Jacobs, Dutch around Ingersoll, etc etc. That doesn't mean that they're not assimilating. It means that they are initially more comfortable being around those that understand their socio-economic needs. Like when westerners move to other countries and settle in enclaves.

Looks like you are doing the name calling, but It doesn't bother me as long as you smile when you say it.  [:D

The whole world is racist. It has been forever.  The extent of racism is the issue.  Not one single person is without some bias.  It is how it is dealt with both individually and as a group that makes the difference.

I've been around a bit too and observed human nature at its best and worst.  Am I a tad emotional about this issue? You bet I am.  It upsets me considerably to see our Country being dragged down in to a cesspool due to people not speaking their mind or using any common sense.  It upsets me to see politicians of all stripes act dishonourably and suck in all sorts of useful idiots.

I have first hand experience with several of your 'enclaves' around the world and in Canada. I will take Canadian 'enclaves' any day before what we see now around the world.

You are a soldier. Stand up and help defend your country from obvious harmful individuals and / or cultural practises.

mariomike said:
I remember a funny thing on Bill Maher's show about that, "Would you rather be the second or third wife of Mel Gibson or the only wife of Willard Scott?”.

A lady replied, "If it comes to Mel Gibson, I wouldn’t care if I was one, two, or three.”

This was 20 years ago, so today I suppose we could substitute Matt Damon for Gibson. The principle remains the same.  :)

However, we have Laws against "Human Trafficing"...... >:D
recceguy said:
The free city of Toronto has already allowed muslim only housing, refusing to let anyone else rent there, even though it's illegal to discriminate against them.

More on that,

Toronto city councillor says Muslim-only subsidized housing is acceptable
TORONTO — A Toronto city councillor says a provision that allows only Ahmadiyya Muslims access to a city-subsidized apartment building is not unfair.

“We want people to live in a culturally-appropriate setting,” said Councillor Joe Cressy, of Ward 20 Trinity-Spadina.
Jed said:
The whole world is racist. It has been forever.  The extent of racism is the issue. 

Actually, I would say that it more human nature to be "BIASED" as opposed to "RACIST".  It is human nature to be suspicious of something new/unusual and be biased against it.  Once it has become a "known" the bias is usually gone.  "Racists" do not change their views.  Therefore, in your argument, I would suggest you substitute "biased" for "racist"......Which changes the whole message you are sending.
George Wallace said:
Actually, I would say that it more human nature to be "BIASED" as opposed to "RACIST".  It is human nature to be suspicious of something new/unusual and be biased against it.  Once it has become a "known" the bias is usually gone.  "Racists" do not change their views.  Therefore, in your argument, I would suggest you substitute "biased" for "racist"......Which changes the whole message you are sending.

OK George, but when does BIAS morph into RACISM ? 
George Wallace said:
However, we have Laws against "Human Trafficing"...... >:D

True. But, perhaps most women benefit from polygamy, and most men benefit from monogamy?

George Bernard Shaw said, “The maternal instinct leads a woman to prefer a tenth share in a first rate man to the exclusive possession of a third rate one.”
I got that George but there is a time element to the change.  Many people assume RACIST when basically it is just BIAS not yet evolved.
mariomike said:
True. But, perhaps most women benefit from polygamy, and most men benefit from monogamy?

George Bernard Shaw said, “The maternal instinct leads a woman to prefer a tenth share in a first rate man to the exclusive possession of a third rate one.”

However, when we bring monetary gain into the picture, it could be construed as "Prostitution", could it not?
George Wallace said:
However, when we bring monetary gain into the picture, it could be construed as "Prostitution", could it not?

Other than buying breakfast, Alpha males get it for free.  :)

For the others, "Chant your a$$ off kid, but, any _ _ _ _ _  you get in this world, you gonna have to pay for, one way or another."
The Last Detail.


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Altair said:
For some weird, unidentifiable reason, I doubt those groups are the target of this anti Canadian values talk.
Maybe, but if they answer the questions (of the day, anyway) incorrectly (no, I don't support same-sex marriage -- yes, my woman should be covered) = here's your hat, what's your hurry? #CollateralDamage
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