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The Military Police [MP] Superthread

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MP‘s deal with domestics and drunk driving?

I am assuming that is civilian domestics and DD.

I thought MP‘s deal with military crimes...??
Not to attempt to tell you how to live your life. And I hate to attempt to turn someone away from the Forces but right now the RCMP is faced with an aging staff which is comprised mostly of baby boomers. There will not be enough warm bodies to fill the positions shortly. These condidtions should allow you to enter the RCMP directly.
I realize that. But at the moment I am only 20. Even if i do good on the exam they may think I am not experienced enough. I figure being in the army and being a full time MP for awhile will really help me get into the RCMP.

Plus I would really benefit from the training and the challenge of the Army. And not to mention being a MP.
MP Candidates must also meet the minimum education standard for the MP occupation, which includes a community college diploma in Law and Security Administration, Police Foundations, or a similar program from a recognized community college or CEGEP.

if you want to be an MP, you must take one of the courses listed above or another accepted one
I am aware of the requirements for being a MP and in six weeks or so I will have my degree in criminology with a transfer to SFU to further incease my degree in the near future :D

The other day I was talking to a friend of mine who is in the army reserve and we found it funny how MP requires a police science or criminology type degree since being a police officer, doesn‘t require it

With that aside can anyone give me any insight in what a usual day as a MP is like?
Please feel free to provide info, even if you aren‘t a MP.
Thanks for all your help so far guys.
try the army (dnd site) forum, theres alot of topics on MP's as well as MP's themselves.
I think I can give you a pretty good indication of what its like to be an MP. We deal with issues ranging from domestic violence, drunk driving, assaults, thefts.....the usual gamet of your typical policing stuff. Mixed in to that, I have worked with my RCMP collegues when calls for assistance came out for incidents such as out of control bush parties, fights, again.the gamet continues. I have been in pursuits (the funniest one being a slow speed pursuit on my first week on the job!!!)

You will deal with the military side of things, on some bases, more than others. I was lucky, where I got posted to gave me alot of off base experiance assisting other agencies. If you want any other information, feel free to send me a private message and i‘ll do my best to fill you in.

Your duties as an MP are no different than any other MP regardless of what kind of base you work at. I myself am an army MP at a navy base. The only difference is at the field platoon level. They do not do the traditional "policing" role as garrison MP‘s do but can work out of their respective guardhouse from time to time. Happens in Pet all the time.

As for MP‘s deployed to sea aboard ships, there has been talk about this for some time but nothing concrete as of yet. We have not deployed MP‘s out here on the West Coast but I have heard of a pilot project out in Halifax.

With boarding parties doing force protection work at sea would there be a need to deploy an MP onboard ship?
Personally speaking my friend, I dont see a need for MP‘s onboard ship at all. if something big happens then send them. We had a big incident involving some guys aboard a frigate in Hawaii and we ended up sending two MP‘s down to do the investigation.
Just wondering who here is interested in Military Police as a trade. I‘m patiently awaiting the MPAC in the new year and was wondering if anyone else was doing the same, or is already in the trade. It‘d be nice to have some people to talk to about shared interests in that field. Hoping to hear from you all soon.

Is it true that you have to have a police foundations course to be a meathead these days?
not for reserve except air force, but to become an MP in the regs you need a 2 year diploma in criminology or another police science course from an acredited college or university
Originally posted by Ex-Dragoon:
[qb] MP811 might be able to help you out. :) [/qb]
I emailed MP 811 about some MP stuff. Haven‘t heard from him, nor have I seen any posts by him recently. Maybe he ran away? No clue. But MP 811. If you‘re out there, your advice would be great.
I was speaking with an MP, got him to run a background check on me in fact (came out clean),

At the moment, you do need something like police foundations, or criminology to get into the MPs, although he said there may be a consideration if you finish a 3 year hitch in another trade.

and just an interesting aside for Shaun, in most police courses, like say the RCMP, you have the choice of being sprayed with the pepper spray, so that you know what it‘s like. In the MPs, its not a choice. Fun, eh?
I am also getting into the MP trade, I just got my application in the other week acutally.

I would suggest doing a search on the DnD forums because there has been a lot of past discussions about MP‘s and a few pics of MP‘s on there.

Shaun what is the MPAC??
Hmmmmm........let‘s see what do you want to know about. Shaun, I dont remember getting an email from you. Send me a PM and ill try and help you out with your questions. As for the OC Spray guys, there are many forces out there in civy land who dont really give you a choice either........sure they TELL you it‘s optional but in reality........IT‘S NOT!
MPs i‘ve worked with in Pet have said it used to be manditory but now it is no longer a part of the course. They practice on each other with cans that contain 10% pepper spray (for aiming etc..) and let you tase the stuff/spray yourself if you want but they won‘t make you get sprayed any longer.
Theory behind it was an MP needs to know what its like to get sprayed however an MP doesnt shoot himself with his pistol to see what it‘s like so they no longer do it with pepper spray.
A few years back on the NLBP courses we used to be shot with pepper spray as well but that is no longer done. The reasoning (and it makes sense) is if you use pepper spray on someone and they are struggling you will get contaminated yourself and by knowing how it feels, you will be able to fight or work through the effects so you can put the person in restraints. (Ice cold water never felt so good and the redness lasted 3 days on me).