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The Military Police [MP] Superthread

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im pissed and ab00013, it is possible you are both talking about two different occupations.   Perhaps not but, consider:

  • -With a recognized 2-year diploma in an appropriate subject matter you would be able to apply for MP (NCM).
  • - With a recognized 3- or 4-year degree in an appropriate subject matter you would be able to apply for MPO (Officer).


Can anybody help me out?  I'm a little confused about the MP Officer occupation. 

Sometimes I've heard it referred to as Security while other times its called MP.  Is there a difference between the 2 or are they part of the same occupation? 

What exactly does this occupation entail?  I've read the recruiting website but as usual they tell you alot without really telling you anything. 

Is this job basically like a cop but in a military setting or do they do other things? 

If you are accepted into this position can you choose to focus more on the Security side of things rather then on the policing side?  I just wonder that if I join as an MP officer will I be driving around in a police car like a civilian cop for the next 9 years.

Do Securtiy/MP officers get involved in intelligence work as much as it says in the recruiting info?  Can they become more involved, transfer over to Int etc.?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Security used to be the term used for Military Police.  Now it's just MP.  However, to confuse you a little bit, there is a Security Branch to the Military Police.  Basically there's Physical Security or Security Protection.  To answer some of your questions, it depends.  Do you mean MP Officer as in you have a university degree and you want a commission?  If so, then you won't be out driving around in a cruiser.  You'll be doing mostly paperwork and running a detachment.  If you mean MP as in you have a 2 year police sciences, criminal justice, or police foundations degreet, then you'll be in the cruiser at the guardhouse.  This is where you get to go out and deal with the public hands on and interact with the people in your community.  Hope this helps.
hey i was wondering, if i joined the army and wanted to become a MP, what doi need to do to be able to become that? like what type of schooling? do i take schooling before i join? or after basic training you do the schooling in the army to become an MP? any help would be great, thanks
This web site will tell you every thing http://www.recruiting.forces.gc.ca/engraph/army/jobs_e.aspx 

here is what they say on the matter.

Military Police personnel are recruited into the occupation in accordance with very specific selection standards and by a unique, research-based selection mechanism. To meet or exceed these specific standards, Military Police must possess courage, dedication, physical and mental stamina and good reasoning ability. They must also have patience, tact, initiative, good powers of observation, a memory for details and a genuine interest in working with and helping people. Military Police must be able to communicate very well both orally and in writing.

Candidates must also meet the minimum education standard for the MP occupation, which includes a community college diploma in Law and Security Administration, Police Foundations, or a similar program from a recognized community college or CEGEP.
I am an army cadet sergeant here in PEI...and i am very interested in joining the Canadian Forces, but more specifically the Military Police trade. I've been looking at the DND website for information about what i should do to get ready or what courses i actually need to take to even qualify to join the MP's. All i get from the website is the usual "do your duty...join the CF" stuff...i already know that i want to join the CF, i have wanted to since i was 8 years old, but i want to know is what the people here would reccomend that i do to prepare myself both mentally and physically for what lays ahead in the future. I figured that this would be a good place to look for information because there seem to be a lot of current CF members in here, and i hope at least 1 current or former MP.

Any information that you fine folks could give me would be muchly appreciated.

C/Sgt. N. Warren
Search and you shall find:

Re: Deployment Opportunities as an MP?

Reserve MP

military police

The Cdn. Military Police - Time - Date - Place - I Was - I Saw - I Did

Good luck man.  The requirements are strict and the MPs have a HUGE number of potential recruits to chose from.  You also have to go to a MPAC (MP assessment Center).  It is one week long and pretty much a job interview (kind of like a shorter version of the Apprentace)  They let you know what being an MP is all about than they put you through a number of group tests to see observation, leadership skills, intelligence etc.

It may be faster to do three years in the military in a different MOC than remuster to MP. (if you already have your criminal justice diploma)
I have a question for any current MPs out there, or for anyone who knows, if I join as an MP, where can I expect to be most likely ber posted?
nothing wrong with it at all.
Just noticed lately that a lot of people have expressed intrest in that branch rather than the usual Infantry branch that everone nomally enquires about.
Nobody ever asks about us these days.......
PS-If you want to hear an intersting story about the MPs pm me
Torn:   Initially you can be posted to the Guardhouse of any Reg Force base.   Now, having said that, some bases have larger MP Dets than others so the probability of getting somewhere with a small Det, like Wainwright or Meaford, are lower than going to Ottawa, Halifax, Edmonton etc.   Once you've completed the Provisional Employment Period, and possibly further training, you are then eligable to be moved to the Security Section (Physical and ADP), Invest, Training etc or be posted to:   "Remote" ASU's, like London, Calgary, Sault St Marie, St John's, Chilliwack;   a "field" posting to a MP Pl, Cbt Arms unit or a Svc Bn; NIS; NCIU; MSGU; plus a couple others which are unique and interesting...

As for what to do to make yourself more attractive to the Branch...this is a hard one since each MPAC is slightly different.   First off, be yourself.   Don't try to mould yourself to what you think the recruiter and MPAC personnel want to see.   It is very hard to keep up a façade when you are in close and constant contact with people for a week and it will become apparent pretty quickly if you've been doing something because you're actually interested in it, or simply because you were â Å“punching a ticketâ ?.   Some things which never hurt if you have the inclination: Community Service/Volunteerism either through your school or outside of it; get involved with sports teams if you aren't already; a â Å“non-aggressiveâ ? martial art, such as Aikido; hobbies can be helpful to round yourself out (drama, believe it or not, would be very useful as it not only teaches you how to act but how to perform in front of others);    schooling, schooling, schooling...can't say this enough, particularly writing skills, you're going to write, write, write and then write some more and if you can't put together a coherent report, you might as well not even bother with the work; mental exercises which develop memory and an eye for detail (think the good old â Å“what is different in these two picturesâ ? game), deductive and logical reasoning; getting involved in ride along programmes (hopefully MP, if not check out the local police force); get a job where you actually have to make some decisions (hopefully while under stress, although this is kind of hard to do as a 16 year old); need I mention working on the second official language at this point etc; and most importantly, tell the truth and stay out of trouble!!   A criminal record is a sure fire way to not getting past go, as is getting caught in a lie.   As for the physical shape you need to be in, the standard for the Branch is the same as for the rest of the CF.   It would not hurt, however, if you were also able to do the PARE test in a reasonable amount of time.

Hope this clears the mud a little.   Specific questions?   Feel free!

I have a question for you, is it possible to specify, for NCM, where you would like to be posted after training? By specify I mean, not the actual base but say more like "Atlantic Canada"?

One other question, I am planning on applying in April after I have completed one year of my M.A. in Criminal Justice, will it look bad that I am only half way through and am planning on finishing my M.A. after training is complete? It won't reflect like I am a quitter will it? (you can only volunteer and be a full-time student so long before you actually have to get a career :P)

Thanks in advance!

After sending the MP reference packages (really huge documents) to my previous employers way up north I applied to the MP's only four months before I got my degree.  I got a call the very next day telling me they could not process my application further until I showed them proof of my COMPLETED education.

This was a pain in the butt for me because by the time I could show them my completed education I had to send my MP reference packages BACK up north to a few unhappy previous employers who had to fill it out yet again!  Needless to say they got some excellent expensive champagne in the mail.

Long story short - unless you have your police justice/ criminology etc. diploma don't bother getting all the paper work done until you can show proof of your education!
Once you hit Borden, which is where the MP Academy is, and start your MP training you'll be asked for 3 "prefered" posting choices.   Most people put down 3 bases but, since we can do it "geographically", I would imagine you'd be allowed to use a geographic choice as well.   It'd be pretty obvious you were looking for the Maritimes if you put down "Greenwood, Gagetown and Halifax" though...so it would do pretty much the same thing I think.   Note that just because you specify a location does not mean you will get it, or even to one nearby any of your three choices, as there are a limited number of positions at each base.

As for finishing a degree after joining, good on ya, although the pressure will then be on you to take your commission. ;)   People do University courses quite often these days and to be truly competitive at the higher ranks for promotion you need to do something like that, although it can be hard to pull off depending on your workload.   FYI, the MP Branch has actually been sending 1 x Sgt/WO to University to get a MA in Criminology or similar for the last 3-4 years.   I personally don't see taking time off as quitting, people need to put food on the table, experience changes in life's circumstances or just suddenly realize that the classroom is not the place they need to be at that point in time.   Be prepared to explain your choice at the MPAC though as I'm sure it will be of great interest because making a decision such as this, and the thought process that went into it, can show quite a bit about the make up of a person.   One word of caution though, which has been mentioned previously in this thread, to be recruited directly into the Branch you NEED to have a minimum of a community college diploma in a police oriented programme.   I do not believe that a partial MA in Justice will count, but that is something I am not 100% sure of and you'll need to talk it over with your recruiter but my advice to you is DO NOT quit school until this has been clarified or you could find yourself out of both options.

AndrewD83:   Good advice. I wasn't aware of the requirement to show proof you had actually completed it and not just in the last semester etc since I'm not at the recruiting end.

EDIT:   Sorry, I just re-read this since it was linked through another thread.   Please note that the MP Branch is sending Sgt/WO's through to get a BA not MA.  My apologies for any confusion.
Thanks for the info. I really appreciate it. I was concerned I wouldn't even be able to mention my preferred postings. The minimum requirements for education are no problem, I have completed my 4 yr B.A. degree in Criminal Justice and am coming up half way through my masters degree (graduate degree).

Thanks again!
<rubs his eyes> MA?   Whoops...makes sense you'd have a BA then wouldn't it!   My apologies for mis-reading that one, even typing it "MA" never registered...wasn't I the one going on about being able to communicate effectively in writing??   In that case, be prepared for a lot, and I do mean a lot, of pressure from the recruiter to go officer.
I am really interested in getting into a military career after high school. But right now I've been thinking whether or not I should join up with the Infantry, or the Military Police. I mean for the past few years I have had my sights on policing, but recently I've started to think more and more about a career in the armed forces, between either the Military Police or the Infantry. Ever since I was a kid, I always loved the military, and was always fascinated by it. I know for sure that I want to serve my country, and the community. I also want to be in a job were their is alot of pride involved, and to also have a job were their is alot of Espirt De Corps [I might have gotten that wrong]. I've also really wanted to get a great career after high school, or by the time I'm 21. Can anybody give me any advice on what I should do.

PS: I'm also planning on taking a police studies/foundations course for the next 2 years after high school.

Thanks for the responses.
Why does'nt anyone ever ask about Wpn Tech? :).I guess the jobs not flashy enough!
Either choice is fine.If you join as a meathead,and don't like,OT to infantry.Infantry probably the quicker route in,and you'd probably want to try that first cause, if you go MP first,then OT to infantry,you could find yourself meeting some of the people you busted! ;D
Your best bet would be what gun plumber said. Go MP if you can get in. If you don't like it, go Infantry. It's always easy to get into the Infantry. But, if you join the infantry and decide you don't like it and want to go MP, prepare to be sitting in Bn a long time waiting.
Personnally, if you wanna be a cop, go civie side. Make more money and do a lot more.
ToRN said:
gun plumber, although my first and second choices are 031(infantry) and 811(MP), my third is 421(wpn tech) , so could you please tell me about the trade?

Since a diplom in Police sciences is required for MP it seems like kind've a waste to go through school for that and join tjhe infantry.....