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The Military Police [MP] Superthread

  • Thread starter Thread starter cf_2000
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Hey all,

I have already done a search for this and came across of few threads, but none that directly answer my question. I'm considering applying DEO for Military Police Officer (MP O) 81. What I was wondering was what types of degrees are necessary. Mine is a B.A. in International Development, not exactly security or policing related I know. Does anyone think that it's too much of a long shot to bother applying for this posistion with my current education? My first application seems to have gone missing from the first recruiting center I went through. I'm going through another recruiting center now and this time my application is going to have different MOC's listed on it. Also I was wondering how much emphasis is placed on your University grades when applying (for any MOC) in general. I know it would definitley help if you had straight A's, but does anyone know how much of a role your actual grades play in the whole application process?

All I know is that you have to have minimum - a college diploma in the related field. EG> Police Foundations/Law and Security, Border Guard, Prison Guard related courses...

I don't know if it counts for University to have the same field of education but you should ask the recruiters directly. Also, if you already put through your application with different choices on it, you had better call them and change it QUICK! The longer you wait to change it, the longer it'll be before you get in man. TALK to your recruiter!!!

PS> Good luck, being selected for MP is hard!
Here's a response to AESOP 081 and his sarcastic comment WHY?  How about we sat Why Not?  The kid will join the CF and start at $44,000 a year, vice pay his way through RCMP Depot and start at $32 K a year...or he could re-muster to AESOP and fly on Aurora's, serving coffee to pilots like you do...lets not glorify your job, I know exactly what you do...
Couple of questions for CAMPVET:

Are you sure of the $44,000 a year for Recruits; as I think that sounds a bit high?

When did one have to pay their way through RCMP Depot training?  They recruit the same as the CF. 

Once you become a recruit with RCMP you don't get paid when you're on their 6 month basic training. They tell on their web site to bring about 5k with you for expenses. They'll pay for board and food but that's it. Once you graduate then you start to get paid. It's kind of a let down since municipal police services do pay their recruits a salary even when they're at the academy. And the salaries are almost the same.
meni0n said:
*snip*It's kind of a let down since municipal police services do pay their recruits a salary even when they're at the academy. And the salaries are almost the same.

While many municipal forces start pay the day you're sworn in, it's at either Probationary PC4 or at 'cadet' rates...which, last time I checked, is in the area of $28k.  Nowhere near the $60k a PC1 makes.  (In Ontario.)

Also, recruits must now pay their own way at the Ontario Police College.  Police Associations (read: unions) have started to offer loans to new recruits to offset costs.
In BC, recruits attend the JIBC after receiving an offer of employment from a municipal police department. They are responsible for the $9500 in tuition to attend the JI.

City cops are on the payroll as soon as they accept an offer of employment, and make $43K as a probationary constable, and then $50K as a Cst. 4th class.  That doesn't include the heaps of overtime that City cops can choose to put in, since they are understaffed in many departments right now.
Some Cst.'s at the VPD are making between $80K-$85K, including all their overtime.

I can join the CF, with the potential of moving to a higher rank and pay scale, but more than likely be moved away from BC.  Or, I can try and get into a municipal police service, get paid slightly less and have less upward mobility, but get to stay in BC.
sguido said:
While many municipal forces start pay the day you're sworn in, it's at either Probationary PC4 or at 'cadet' rates...which, last time I checked, is in the area of $28k.   Nowhere near the $60k a PC1 makes.   (In Ontario.)

Also, recruits must now pay their own way at the Ontario Police College.   Police Associations (read: unions) have started to offer loans to new recruits to offset costs.

    MTPS pays $38k per year as soon as you're sworn in, which goes up to $41k once you finish the training.  Also, they offer to pay the $5k for the police college, and deduct $75 from your pay every month to cover it.  If you stay for 5 years, they'll give you the full $5k back as a bonus.
Hey Turf,

  Right now I am in the CF as an MP NCM but am still awaiting my actual MP training which doesnt start til March.  Right now I am making Cpl spec 1 pay so that is around $48,000 a year. You get paid basic private while going through basic training but get promoted to Cpl on grad day. Also, you get Cpl spec 1 backpay for your time as a private so you aren't losing any salary through basic. If you want any other info, feel free to private message me.

I think you're confusing Military Police (MOC 811 - NCM) with Military Police Officer (81) (admittedly an easy mistake to make).   The MPO description on the Recruiting web site talks about getting a degree in a related field which probably means criminology, law or justice studies at the university level. Police foundations courses are usually community college or private college programs. Kincanucks (our in-house recruiting officer) may be able provide you with more detailed information on this MOC. It's my understanding that there aren't a lot of slots open. And yes when there's a very competitive MOC grades count - unless you have tons of related civvie experience on make up for it.
thanks for the good info king kong. retroactive pay is quite a bonus.  it's hard to tell from the recruiting site whether officers have a similar pay scheme.

I hope I'm not getting too far off this thread, but does anybody know how civilian police agencies select their ERT or tactical teams?
Are there a lot of ex-military types on these teams?
On the surface, it seems like they'd want people with similar training & experience, such as CF naval boarding parties, etc.
Curious if military experience is a relevant, valuable asset when being considered for these types of teams.

Any thoughts?
eod/combatdiver said:
Can't spell wimp with out MP!!!!! ;D

Hmmmm...issues? Seriously, you keep that up and someones going to get their feelings hurt.
BTW when did engineers learn to spell?   ;D

Should check my own spelling before I hack on others...especially people who can blow up my house
Poppa said:
Hmmmm...issues? Seriously, you keep that up and someones going to get their feelings hurt.
BTW when did engineers learn to spell?   ;D

Spelling skills were issued with my cap badge in Chilliwack   8)

Should check my own spelling before I hack on others...especially people who can blow up my house

i'm sure if you can make it no meathead ever gives me a ticket again, that we can prevent that ;D
I dunno much yet cause m still waiting to get in but I've heard nothin but crap about the MP's...Every grunt hates em cause they dont let em do anything...And they're a law freak...Anyways...I'd agree with the WHY statement lol! :threat:
Hopkins said:
I dunno much yet cause m still waiting to get in but I've heard nothin but crap about the MP's...Every grunt hates em cause they dont let em do anything...And they're a law freak...Anyways...I'd agree with the WHY statement lol! :threat:

While I'd agree to a point...we do have some tossers in the trade so does everybody else. My whole philosophy has been that of a steel fist in a velvet glove. Of the soldier for the soldier.
If I and my troops do their job right no one gets in crap...or hurt (Force Protection anyone?)
Just remember you may be slagging us (me) now...but when you're in a jam that red hat looks pretty good.
Poppa I think that you have some very good points and people do look towards your trade for help when their in trouble but I think that your BTS should be expanded. For an example during Op Athena the Infrantry Coy were running VCP's and teaching local police how to run VCP's.   During a reconstruction of a country the local police should be taught and given assistance by the MP's.   What I observed on Camp Julian was the MP's were policing the troops and looking after lost and found bin where they should have been doing other jobs. It is very frustrating for a ground pounder to watch a trade getting Spec pay and not work to their potential. MP's should be the lead on teaching VCP's, pepper spray and non lethal weapons trg, personnel searches, riot control, Local int gathering and recording of info and anything else that an infranty-man may use on a patrol or working on the front gate or VCP. Just a observation from someone looking in and maybe things have change for your trade while being deployed.


You're not alone in your thoughts and in pre-deployment traiining I know that MPs have taught some of the topics you're mentioning, at least to some of the Rotos.   Thing is, the units being trained need to request that the MP Pl, or Grn/Base MPs depending on where you are, send instructors.   A HUGE problem is the size of the training audience, particularly when it comes to things like searches, non-lethal weapons etc as we train enough instructors for our needs (normally 20-30 MPs per base so 1-2 instructors per base, some more some less) so we really don't have the manpower to go out and teach a BG on short notice.

In theater the problem arises due to where the MP Pl is in the force structure.   The trend on Army deployments is MPs end up in the NCE as opposed to the BG, although OP Kinetic and the BG to Apollo were notable exceptions.   So the MPs are not commanded by the BG (or even the applicable Force) and can be VERY unresponsive to requests such as these depending on the personalities involved or, on the other hand, the BG can decide they don't want us playing in their "sandbox" so we don't even get invited.   On the other hand, I've been on Ops where relations between the BG and the MPs were very good and both wanted the MPs involved on various Ops, which made the tour much, much more interesting and I think was more valuable from a learning perspective for all involved.
while Garb811 makes a whole hockey sock of good points one of the big reasons there aren't a lot of us out there doing VCPs and convoy escorts is that our numbers can't support it.
Another reason is that under the past direction from former PMs the army side of our trade was all but decimated in favour of policing. just now we are seeing a bit of a paradigm shift back to army-centric ops but there are still those forces afoot who want nothing to do with our other 3 functions namely mobility support, detention ops (pw) and security ops (force protection)

Too bad the trade doesn't polygraph, I would love to see it implemented.