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The Merged Thread on Gay/ Homosexual Topics and the CF.

recceguy said:
"An opinion is like a penis, it’s okay to have one, it’s okay to be proud of it, it’s even okay to play with it. But it’s not okay to whip it out in public and try to shove it down the throats of others."

Or attach a disclaimer about your opinion in your sig block.
recceguy said:
It's nothing more than a "Woo hoo, look at me" attention ***** moment.
One man's attention ***** moment is another man's community outreach/"showing the flag" (no pun intended).
recceguy said:
I guess letting our serving members garner international attention by marching, in uniform, in Toronto's (and other cities) Pride parades doesn't do that then?

This is just a feel good initiative and, in actual fact, does absolutely nothing to change a single view of anyone on the subject.

It's nothing more than a "Woo hoo, look at me" attention ***** moment.

"An opinion is like a penis, it’s okay to have one, it’s okay to be proud of it, it’s even okay to play with it. But it’s not okay to whip it out in public and try to shove it down the throats of others."

Recceguy your post is from a position of ignorance and provides little or no constructive input.

You took the time to post so I took the time to respond.  :facepalm:
Runner said:
Recceguy your post is from a position of ignorance and provides little or no constructive input.

You took the time to post so I took the time to respond.  :facepalm:

Yeah okay, whatever.
This is a slippery slope to start. Maybe we should raise a jewish star during hanukkah, or the league of muslims flag during ramadan... The list is long. If only there was one flag that represented everyone in the CF and for which it stands. O wait we have one  :cdn: and it's one that people in the CF have served under for a long time, died wearing, and stood by proudly. So I think it is distasteful to raise any other flag. And I'm not even that patriotic.
ObedientiaZelum said:
... if I was in CFB Edmonton I'd just be thinking damn I hope I don't have to stand on some kind of parade and listen to speeches.
Cringe worthy (the thought of having to do so)
What bothers me about the whole thing is that they spent 50 years asking to be treated like everyone else and as equals.

No problem. We obliged.

Now however, as soon as they were not special anymore, they want to be seen and heard as something else. Special days, special flags, special parades, etc.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

I just wish they'd make up their minds about what they want.

But then that's probably just my ignorant and unconstructive opinion.  :dunno:
This is like opening "Pandora's Box". 

Now that Edmonton has ventured into these waters, it pretty much opens the door for every segment of todays society to "ask for and expect" the same consideration.

I just hope they are prepared for the inevitable "Why not us?" question that I am sure will come.
Above two posts are bang on

I used "during", implying that I know it was not random. If that post was directed at me.
UnwiseCritic said:
This is a slippery slope to start. Maybe we should raise a jewish star during hanukkah, or the league of muslims flag during ramadan... The list is long....

DAA said:
This is like opening "Pandora's Box". 

Now that Edmonton has ventured into these waters, it pretty much opens the door for every segment of todays society to "ask for and expect" the same consideration.

I just hope they are prepared for the inevitable "Why not us?" question that I am sure will come.

It's about exposure, education and getting people talking.  If a bunch of Jewish soldiers want recognition during Hanukkah then all they have to do is ask to hold an event on the base or invite people to attend one they are organizing.  If Muslim soldiers/staff want recognition during Eid al Fitr then it's up to them to ask the base to support them in organizing an event to which everyone is invited (Who doesn't like a chance to eat!).

There is nothing stopping people from being recognized and, provided what they are seeking recognition for is in the best interest of the base or CF, there's no reason why it would be refused.  Those who complain that THEY need to be recognized and feel they aren't need to get off their asses and do the work, like the MWO who made the official request to raise the rainbow flag did.
recceguy said:
Special days, special flags, special parades, etc.

Sounds a lot like what the CF does a lot of eh?

The fact that any of this bothers you is worrying.

I'm not bothered.  And neither should anyone else be.  This is not a big deal.  There are plenty of other things to be worried about.
Oh, and during Aboriginal Awareness Week CFB Edmonton celebrates a different aboriginal group every day at lunch with dancing, food, music and presentations on the base.

So, if anyone disagrees with attention being brought onto various groups then maybe they should avoid being posted here.

And there's a sweat lodge on the base.
So, does that mean all week there will be noon displays of simulated sodomy and oral copulation, a la the dignified procedures of pride parades everywhere?  I kid, save the flames, I don't care if you copulate with a timber rattler as long as the snake can tell me he's into it.
Strike said:
Oh, and during Aboriginal Awareness Week CFB Edmonton celebrates a different aboriginal group every day at lunch with dancing, food, music and presentations on the base.

So, if anyone disagrees with attention being brought onto various groups then maybe they should avoid being posted here.

And there's a sweat lodge on the base.

And every Sunday the base accommodates me and my family in a building built exclusively for our observances.
Recceguy you are not doing yourself any good by compounding your response, your last post was no better and even worse then your first.  I stated your first post was from a position of ignorance (uniformed), now with you second post it is not just your position coming from ignorance that limits your credibility but your words are ignorant. (willfully uniformed)  Notice the difference between the two.

I heard a lot and chose my battles carefully and contributed greatly over my career (Soldier On to name just one etc...) and have no regrets.  I never have and never will ask for anyone to validate my position;  it has been earned through efforts like Strike points out (get off your *** and do something) and with my pursuit in educating myself about different issues that exist in society as a whole.

I have demonstrated through my efforts the flag I represent, I do not need to explain that to anyone, I have said it before.  I do understand that this flag does represent pride for some of the individuals in the GLBT community and I respect that.

You can willfully ignore intolerance or you can willfully address it through leadership, what is great about Canada is that you have a choice and can make that decision on your own.

In my last discussion with my CM (2012) he indicated to me "unfortunately you will have that stigma with you." What he said was not inappropriate, it was a fair and honest assessment of the 'sensitive topic' we were discussing. 

I wish this CO was in my COC when I needed backup!

Just my opinion (a credible one)
Crantor said:
Sounds a lot like what the CF does a lot of eh?

The fact that any of this bothers you is worrying.

I'm not bothered.  And neither should anyone else be.  This is not a big deal.  There are plenty of other things to be worried about.

You're taking me too literal.

Trust me, I could really care less.

Runner said:
Recceguy you are not doing yourself any good by compounding your response, your last post was no better and even worse then your first.  I stated your first post was from a position of ignorance (uniformed), now with you second post it is not just your position coming from ignorance that limits your credibility but your words are ignorant. (willfully uniformed)  Notice the difference between the two.

I heard a lot and chose my battles carefully and contributed greatly over my career (Soldier On to name just one etc...) and have no regrets.  I never have and never will ask for anyone to validate my position;  it has been earned through efforts like Strike points out (get off your ass and do something) and with my pursuit in educating myself about different issues that exist in society as a whole.

I have demonstrated through my efforts the flag I represent, I do not need to explain that to anyone, I have said it before.  I do understand that this flag does represent pride for some of the individuals in the GLBT community and I respect that.

You can willfully ignore intolerance or you can willfully address it through leadership, what is great about Canada is that you have a choice and can make that decision on your own.

In my last discussion with my CM (2012) he indicated to me "unfortunately you will have that stigma with you." What he said was not inappropriate, it was a fair and honest assessment of the 'sensitive topic' we were discussing. 

Just my opinion (a credible one)

Read my above response to Crantor.

I could also care less whether you think I'm ignorant of the subject or not. You don't know me

As to your opinion, I'll respect it because it's yours and what you wish to believe.

However, if you wish to take my comments as a personal slight, so you can attack me, fill yer boots.

Because like I said, I could care less.
Perhaps this will merge with the existing super-thread.

"The Merged Thread on Gay/ Homosexual Topics and the CF."
I love how tolerance now means accepting/agreeing with the ideal and or person. It used to mean put up with and allow.

Funny thing with that is you don't tolerate my intolerance, therefore you are intolerant.

No the flag thing is not a big deal, it's just an underlying symptom of how soft the army is becoming (not the gay part), I just don't like the idea of celebrating people's personal lives.  Escpecially if it means some poor sod has too stand on parade and listen to all the nothing being said. Plus I hate people that are politically correct all the time. I think it's just fine too offend people if your views differ. Who cares what other people think.
UnwiseCritic said:
I love how tolerance now means accepting/agreeing with the ideal and or person. It used to mean put up with and allow.

Funny thing with that is you don't tolerate my intolerance, therefore you are intolerant.

No the flag thing is not a big deal, it's just an underlying symptom of how soft the army is becoming (not the gay part), I just don't like the idea of celebrating people's personal lives.  Escpecially if it means some poor sod has too stand on parade and listen to all the nothing being said. Plus I hate people that are politically correct all the time. I think it's just fine too offend people if your views differ. Who cares what other people think.
