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The merged BIEBER thread; for those who feel the need to talk about him.

Danjanou said:
Nobody specified Canadian Army www.legion-recrute.com/en/  >:D

Wow can you Imagine how that first day Hour would go?
I dunno reading the recruiting section this appears to be the new kinder gentler Legion. Nothing in there about NCOs motivating recruits to learn French with a pick axe handle anymore. I bet they even banned the pelote.  8)
Can you imagine the remake of the last remake of Beau Geste staring the BEEBS as Dagobert 'Digby' Geste?  :facepalm:
I'm sure glad none of us said anything really, really stupid when we were young and bulletproof....
Bruce Monkhouse said:
I'm sure glad none of us said anything really, really stupid when we were young and bulletproof....

Fortunately Al Gore hadn't invented the Internet yet, nor were we married so the wife would remind us of it constantly. 8)
Bruce Monkhouse said:
I'm sure glad none of us said anything really, really stupid when we were young and bulletproof....

Young people and young celebrities don't have an exclusive domain on saying dumb things.  Plenty of older folks suffer from foot in mouth disease.  Being "young" in not an excuse to make dumbass, self serving, and vain comments. 
...of course if someone was monitoring you 24/7 they wouldn't pick up the occasional cuss, stupid saying, or ball scratch, would they??
Honestly we are spending wayyyyy to much time on this.  He likely didn't mean anything bad by it, expressed himself the wrong way.  The fact that he went and spent an hour (as attention deficient as teens are these days that's a long time) there to visit, the fact that I'm willing to bet that most 19 year olds don't even know who Anne Frank is  and the fact that the Museum itself felt no slight by it and were happy he took the time to come by means that maybe we can give it a rest.

No one died, no drugs were used, no drunken mishap, no beating a girlfriend, no drunk driving, etc etc etc.  As far as celebrity mishaps goes this is nothing.  Really just a young kid who could have expressed himself a bit better.
I don't really see what the issue is here, the fact he took an hour out of his time to goto the Anne Frank museum is a really nice gesture if you ask me.  How many young people goto Amsterdam and would think of going to spend time at the Anne Frank museum?  Not many, in fact, I would gather most would be more concerned with smoking some Dutch grass or going out and indulging in the red light window shopping.

I am not a fan of Justin Bieber's music and don't really care about his celebrity status but I see him as a role-model for kids to live up to.  He basically came from nothing and was raised by his mother who lived a very troubled life but really believed in her son's abilities and dedicated most of her time to helping him achieve success.  Thank god she did because he is superstar now.  This is a kid who literally had nothing growing up and came from a low class household who was discovered by videos his Mom put up on youtube of him.

Granted he is in the spotlight and should conduct himself accordingly but this to me is so miniscule and really I don't see the harm in it!  :2c:

On top of that I am mildly envious of this young man, he is far more successful with the ladies then I will ever be!  ;D
Bruce Monkhouse said:
I'm sure glad none of us said anything really, really stupid when we were young and bulletproof....

I know for one that I have probably done far crazier and far stupider things in my life then Justin Bieber has!  Thank goodness I don't have thousands of stenographer's following me around typing down my every move!  >:D
Bruce Monkhouse said:
...of course if someone was monitoring you 24/7 they wouldn't pick up the occasional cuss, stupid saying, or ball scratch, would they??

This is the path he chose.  There are celebrities who actually do manage to stay out of the 24/7-TMZ/Access Hollywood media machine.  Beiber is not one of them, everything he does is done to guarantee he is in the spotlight somehow, ergo he gets to wear what ever stupid act/comment he makes.  Trying to compare me or anyone else on this site to him is apples and oranges.  He wanted fame and fortune and everyone knowing who he is, whereas I (and probably most others here) have no special "talent" or burning desire to become famous (rich maybe, but fame and wealth need not be bed fellows), so he can take everything that goes with it.  No sympathy.
RoyalDrew said:
I know for one that I have probably done far crazier and far stupider things in my life then Justin Bieber has!  Thank goodness I don't have thousands of stenographer's following me around typing down my every move!  >:D

or so you think 8)

Actually I will agree that at least he did visit it, either his call or one of his handlers, and that was a good gesture.
Hatchet Man said:
This is the path he chose.  There are celebrities who actually do manage to stay out of the 24/7-TMZ/Access Hollywood media machine.  Beiber is not one of them, everything he does is done to guarantee he is in the spotlight somehow, ergo he gets to wear what ever stupid act/comment he makes.  Trying to compare me or anyone else on this site to him is apples and oranges.  He wanted fame and fortune and everyone knowing who he is, whereas I (and probably most others here) have no special "talent" or burning desire to become famous (rich maybe, but fame and wealth need not be bed fellows), so he can take everything that goes with it.  No sympathy.

He is only human dude and I don't really think he wanted fame and fortune, that just comes with the territory of being an incredibly talented individual.

He is a sex icon for many women (Lucky Bugger), that alone guarantees that he will be followed and photographed wherever he goes.  I don't really care what he does, he is an entertainer after all and he does a hell of a job, for better or for worse, entertaining us.  he still needs to make time to entertain himself and if that involves dressing like a goof and having a little bit of a piss up, so be it!  I fully support his shenanigans!

Bruce Monkhouse said:
I'm sure glad none of us said anything really, really stupid when we were young and bulletproof....


Bruce sounds just like a.....a......a....

and then I saw her face , I'm a BELIEBER ! , not a trace , of doubt in my mind , OOOOOOO I'm in love !
For me it's not JUST what he wrote in the guest book.  It's this as well as every other stupid thing he's been caught doing in the past few months.  From being accused to spitting on a neighbour to being clocked driving 100+ mph to walking through an airport shirtless, etc.  The list is long and that's why this kid grates on me.  You can only forgive a person's foibles so many times before getting annoyed.  All of these stupid things give the impression that he's a conceited brat and not the kind of person I would like to see as a role model.
Strike said:
For me it's not JUST what he wrote in the guest book.  It's this as well as every other stupid thing he's been caught doing in the past few months.  From being accused to spitting on a neighbour to being clocked driving 100+ mph to walking through an airport shirtless, etc.  The list is long and that's why this kid grates on me.  You can only forgive a person's foibles so many times before getting annoyed.  All of these stupid things give the impression that he's a conceited brat and not the kind of person I would like to see as a role model.

I surprise myself by being on RoyalDrew's side in this argument, in the grand scheme of things his antics don't even come close to the level of stupidity and boorishness that I found myself at when I was his age, I was only lucky that I did not have the level of success and ergo media interest that he has. *

Is what he wrote cringeworthy? Absolutely. Is he the first 19 to say something utterly utterly vapid and senseless? No.

Would I care if my daughters looked up to him? Not at all, he will be a distant memory in 5 years and another doe-eyed, noodle-arm'd boy-toy will have taken his place.

*(I would argue however that as a Royal Engineer at 21 I surpassed his level of success in fact but that is just my opinion! >:D )
Strike said:
For me it's not JUST what he wrote in the guest book.  It's this as well as every other stupid thing he's been caught doing in the past few months.  From being accused to spitting on a neighbour to being clocked driving 100+ mph to walking through an airport shirtless, etc.  The list is long and that's why this kid grates on me.  You can only forgive a person's foibles so many times before getting annoyed.  All of these stupid things give the impression that he's a conceited brat and not the kind of person I would like to see as a role model.

Ding! We have a winner.