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The Manly Thread

That's not manly....that's dumba$$..... ;D    We got one of these stove thingys......works great and ah....the warmth...... :nod:
PPCLI Guy said:
It is -28C in Deadmonton tonight....
That's not manly....that's dumba$$.....    ;D
I'm thinking it may be manly.

We need to know:
a)  the type of wine (red - good; Shiraz - better; white - not so much; zinfandel -  :'(  ) and;
b)  if the ribs were BBQ'd ... on the orders of Mrs PPCLI Guy, or because you wanted flame-cooked meat.

Journeyman said:
I'm thinking it may be manly.

We need to know:
a)  the type of wine (red - good; Shiraz - better; white - not so much; zinfandel -  :'(  ) and;

A French Merlot...

b)  if the ribs were BBQ'd ... on the orders of Mrs PPCLI Guy, or because you wanted flame-cooked meat.

Ribs were her idea, but SHE wanted to put them in the slow-cooker - <shudder>
PPCLI Guy said:
The ribs were excellent, the dogs are safely sleeping on their orthopaedic beds, and, no, the wine did not freeze.

I'd suggest a fine single malt to avoid any possibility of the drink freezing part way through the mission...
daftandbarmy said:
I'd suggest a fine single malt to avoid any possibility of the drink freezing part way through the mission...
Whoa, I wasn't judging PPCLI Guy based on his generic choice of beverage, since clearly BBQ'ing 'strongly suggests' beer or Jack Daniels.

Since he chose wine, we have to work with that.

By typing "fine single malt," it's obvious that you mean ~shudder~ peat bog swill Scotch. Does it not speak volumes that you can't even bring yourself to call it by it's name in public?
Journeyman said:
By typing "fine single malt," it's obvious that you mean ~shudder~ peat bog swill Scotch. Does it not speak volumes that you can't even bring yourself to call it by it's name in public?

Words do not describe how bad of a taste has been left in my mouth after reading your opinion on Scotch....
Fortunately, I have a glass of the stuff aged 15 years to wash that taste away.

It's good for the soul.  :nod:

PPCLI Guy said:
Ribs were her idea, but SHE wanted to put them in the slow-cooker - <shudder>

Well......ok,  I mean yeah.....stoves are nice, but the s l o w  c o  o  k  e  r  ........ :(
Speaking of Fine Single Malt and it's obvious connection with manliness, largely because only women and girle men dislike the stuff....  ;D

I had a birthday recently and just about everyone who attended brought me a bottle of the good stuff. Those that didn't brought some even better stuff (port). None of it was under 12 years old, and there were no 'doubles' of any variety. It was like living in high class alkie heaven.

Now I'll just have to man up and drink it all... darn it.... :blotto:
Sitting here downing a couple beers and playing Red Dead Redemption, I have decided to forgo all missions and instead become a mountain man and exclusively hunt beavers and cougars. ;)
HavokFour said:
Sitting here downing a couple beers and playing Red Dead Redemption, I have decided to forgo all missions and instead become a mountain man and exclusively hunt beavers and cougars. ;)

Remember it's a virtual/computer world... so careful not to get a virus.  ;D

I just came in from a snowball fight with my two year old niece (in which I certainly had my *** handed to me), and building a set of "Calvin and Hobbes" inspired snowmen on the front lawn.
HavokFour said:
Sitting here downing a couple beers and playing Red Dead Redemption, I have decided to forgo all missions and instead become a mountain man and exclusively hunt beavers and cougars. ;)

May I join you?  ;D
So, I went over to the Army surplus place over on Agricola St in Halifax today, and got some bits for the BBQ BEER BELT, (the BBB).

(Original BBB post: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/95649.275.html )

They had a web belt, yoke, and buttpack for $35 bucks.....why not?

First off, I cut the belt from the original BBB.

Then, I sewed the beer pouches onto what would be the original "rear"of the web belt.

(I went through 2 upholstery needles, and my fingers hurt like hell!, that web belt is made of some robust material, I tells ya.)

The yoke attached to the front portion of the BBB well enough,(in standard webgear fashion),  but  I had no way of attaching the rear yoke straps.

So, I cut up an old “MILSPEX” belt, and sewed a female FASTEX clip on either end.

This piece is velcroed onto the buttpack, and voila!, The rear yoke straps have somewhere to hold onto.
Plus, the buttpack has enough room for a small accordion...that’s right, a small accordion.

Now, you’re probably saying to yourself....”Hammer Sandwich, you are an as$hole...all you've done is ended up with a really poorly made chest rig!

.....And you would be right on all counts.

But it holds beer.

All I need to do now is shoot & edit a "Chris Costa" style instructional video for the BBB.... ;)

1st edit to add link to original post, and second for spacing, spelling, and extra awesomeness.
Jim Seggie said:
Hammer S....you, sir, are a genius!! ;D

Mr. S, the only thing full of hot air in my house is my shorts.....I said I had plans for that belt!
When I say Im'a do it, I do it.  ;D

As an aside, I've been frigging with the thing all night....this'll make a great fishin' belt (as an option to a fishin' vest).

Nordwind said:
Some good ol' Nova Scotia ingenuity right there let me tell you me!  ;D

Jeesum crowe, I'd love to tell ya that's true, but that baby's all Fine Ukrainian Craftmanship, as I'm from Alberta........but maybe I picked up a thing or ten regarding resourcefulness and improvisation out here in NS... ;)
Hammer Sandwich said:
Jeesum crowe, I'd love to tell ya that's true, but that baby's all Fine Ukrainian Craftmanship, as I'm from Alberta........but maybe I picked up a thing or ten regarding resourcefulness and improvisation out here in NS... ;)
Haha well thats a bummer. Ah well fine work none the less!
Hammer Sandwich said:
Thanks, Nordwind.

Shoot, I don't mind being considered a "dual citizen"........ ;D
There ain't no shame in it. Besides, I'm an Oilers fan... and they just scored lol good stuff.