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The Manly Thread

Scarfed down a Philly cheese steak sandwich with a huge plate of fries - and not even a hint of chest pain  ;D.

Hammer Sandwich: I've been a sewer for more years than I care to tell you, and I looked at your project with a critical eye. You did a great job - straight seams, everything reinforced. Well done, and what a brilliant idea!!!!
Hawk said:
Hammer Sandwich: I've been a sewer for more years than I care to tell you, and I looked at your project with a critical eye. You did a great job - straight seams, everything reinforced. Well done, and what a brilliant idea!!!!

I can't take credit for the belt itself, as it came as shown in the 1st picture as-is (Christmas gift).
All I did was throw on the add-ons.

But if I could sew like that, I'd be cranking those babies out for a living!
I see - its still a brilliant idea! My husband was annoying me when I was sewing, and I told him if he didn't stop, I'd make him learn how to use my sewing machine. He kept it up, I made him sit at the machine and gave him a sewing lesson. Before he passed away, he was making plaid shirts for himself, and using the serger to make his own t-shirts. I wore a Christmas apron he made me when I did the baking this year, so a man sewing isn't out of the ordinary to me!

Spent all day yesterday trying to fix my sons laptop. This morning before putting it in a box to return to Dell I noticed the instructions manual spoke abut a wireless off/on switch/button.
Tried switch, laptop worked wireless beautifully.
Realized I was the one who days earlier had probably turned the switch off.

Told family members it was my fault.

Hand a few drinks tonigth but still nmanaged to espertly write my namne in the nsow.  :cheers:
HavokFour said:
Hand a few drinks tonigth but still nmanaged to espertly write my namne in the nsow.  :cheers:

Did you spell it correctly?  ;D
Just finished watching Star Trek II, and I managed to keep my composure during Spock’s death scene and Kirk’s eulogy even when the bagpipes started playing.  :piper:
Drove friends and strangers alike to the party places and back home again between 1800-0300. Went to bed and woke up to a call at 0430 to pick up a couple more...Promptly returned them to their respective homes. Tracked down a good friend missing in action (found him after a number of unanswered phone calls, in the fetal position in the bathroom with the lights off; head soaked where it fell into the toilet. Cleaned himm up and put him to bed) Now sitting down in front of the wood stove with a wolf and wolverine on the wall staring at me with a glass of straight scotch and thinking about all the good Karma coming my way in 2011 ;D.

Happy New Year!
TV 867-5309(Jenny)  :-[
How can an old Rock-n-roll
guy like me forget a song like that.
Must do the manly thing and kick my-
self in the butt.. Have finger poised
over phone just in case I miss.
Scoty B  :salute:
wildman0101 said:
TV 867-5309(Jenny)  :-[
How can an old Rock-n-roll
guy like me forget a song like that.
Must do the manly thing and kick my-
self in the butt.. Have finger poised
over phone just in case I miss.
Scoty B  :salute:

Just stop driving the phone company nuts, will you?  ;D

HavokFour said:
Oh man, I saw that coming a mile away.

That's OK.

Your post, taken whichever way, indicates that you are "OLD" and know your face/legs by memory and don't require mirror/light to shave.    >:D
It is -28C in Deadmonton tonight, with a -38C wind-chill........and so I BBQ'd ribs.  Not 4 1/2 minute each side steaks, but stand outside for 40 minute ribs.  My two German Shepherds (all 180 lbs of them) needed routine breaks - I on the other hand gutted it out and only came in when my wine glass was empty.  It was a race to the finish - would my BBQ sauce freeze before my wine, or before my propane tank?

The ribs were excellent, the dogs are safely sleeping on their orthopaedic beds, and, no, the wine did not freeze.