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The Manly Thread

Today. I booked people on their 9mm courses so that our Squadrons pilots and Loadmasters retain their Operational currency so that we may better support the Canadian war-fighter in Afghanistan. Then I cam home ate some steak and went to home depot now I am sitting on the couch. With my kids watching Hanna Montana and explaining to them that all boys lie.
Journeyman said:
Not Manly at all. You sold out the team for the sake of your daughters.    ;)

He does realize, doesn't he, that for that little tidbit, some poor male virgin will never get past 1st base...... :nod:
Woke up beside a beautiful woman, and had no idea how she got there, or who she was.

Kept my cool, and while she was still passed out, I went to cook breakfast and check her ID.

PPCLI Guy said:
I survived a cold.
A man cold.
Now that's hardcore.
Sure, women go on and on about a bit of cramping or something......but staring down a man cold....

Women just have no appreciation for the strength of character it takes to sneeze, whine, sneeze, whine, sip the hot toddy, sneeze, whine, lay back on couch, adjust pillow just right, sneeze, whine, then to sit up just to take another sip of the hot toddy....oh, wait, it's empty.....honey could you get me another one....

well, as you can clearly see, it's rough.....
Journeyman said:
Not Manly at all. You sold out the team for the sake of your daughters.    ;)

Being single means there are no men on my team. You are all competition.  :threat:

And we have a rule in this house.

GAP - you forgot to add that when you finally quit whining and doze off, you spouse comes to see if you still live and breath and pull the quilt over your shoulder, only to have you sit bolt upright fix her with an icy glare and yell "Quit babying me!!!" You're all babies when you have a "man cold"

Cheers -
Decided to finally fabricate and install the belt guard on the air compressor I built. All finished, but can't waste all the goodness eminating from my wood stove (currently 81 F in here). Out here in the man cave, listening to good tunes, looking at a fridge with approx 40 beers in it (wife asked today why there is no water in the fridge. "Because I have a sink with running water and limited beer space!) Besides why would I keep something to wash my hands, in the fridge ::) Using my old laptop, I keep on the bench, to relax and admire my handywork while the wife is inside cooking me dinner.

Life is good.
Hawk said:
GAP - you forgot to add that when you finally quit whining and doze off, you spouse comes to see if you still live and breath and pull the quilt over your shoulder, only to have you sit bolt upright fix her with an icy glare and yell "Quit babying me!!!" You're all babies when you have a "man cold" ooops!!

Cheers -
Stood in the freezing cold for 3 hours waiting for the Orleans Santa Claus Parade. Well worth the wait, OC Transpo's float was awesome.
HavokFour said:
Stood in the freezing cold for 3 hours waiting for the Orleans Santa Claus Parade. Well worth the wait, OC Transpo's float was awesome.
  ???  I'm sorry, but I think the "I'm ovulating" thread is somewhere else.
Journeyman said:
  ???  I'm sorry, but I think the "I'm ovulating" thread is somewhere else.

Did I mention that I did this while saving a bus full of school children from a rabid moose with nothing but a few chest hairs an a paper clip?
HavokFour said:
Stood in the freezing cold for 3 hours waiting for the Orleans Santa Claus Parade. Well worth the wait, OC Transpo's float was awesome.

Yep, watched a lot of you parade spectators trudge past my house on your way home...while I was inside decorating my front windows with Christmas lights with one arm, while holding a rum and coke with the other.

No, I am not Randy Quaid.  ;D

edit:  Or Ricky from TPB.
I've made friends with a six foot tall blonde woman. What can be more manly than that?  ;D

Oh, I know.....making a snow pile for your grandson to make a fort out of at some point. :nod:

Still....six foot tall, blonde women,,,, ;D
Sewed some dude's face back together and then relocated an old lady's shoulder using bare hands (and some dope)...also wrecked a stoner's high (got brought in by the cops for crashing his truck after a high speed chase...he tried being manly by running, but caved when the dog cornered him).
