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The Latest (disgusting) "News" Article by Eric Margolis- 10 Feb/ 2008

Attacking the messenger is doing nothing for advancing our further understanding of the mission challenges and strategy going ahead.

Yes, I'll agree he uses valid points but he is not really the "messenger" in the normal sense.
His consistent position regardless of any given days' talking points is that the
Americans must fail because they are bad - and we're wrong for helping.
If he weren't so articulate he wouldn't be so irritating.  ;)

He pronounced Afghanistan a failure before we had anyone there!
No, I'm sorry but in my opinion he's a propagandist with his own agenda.
This is not journalism or even very good information.

As for General MacKenzie - The ONLY reason he's not in parliment is that he has never run.
If he were running in my city I'd volunteer for his campaign!

I believe General McKenzie did run as a Conservative, but lost. It was ariding in Ontario.
I will listen to General McKenzie before Scott Taylor any day. Scott has a chip on his shoulder regarding senior CF Officers.
Flip said:
As for General MacKenzie - The ONLY reason he's not in parliment is that he has never run.
If he were running in my city I'd volunteer for his campaign!

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Lewis MacKenzie did run in the Owen Sound area and was defeated.
Flip said:
As for General MacKenzie - The ONLY reason he's not in parliment is that he has never run.
If he were running in my city I'd volunteer for his campaign!

In the 1993 federal election, MacKenzie was Progressive Conservative candidate in the Ontario riding of Parry Sound—Muskoka.  


Eric Margolis mentions the idea of 400 000 NATO troops against 40 million Pashtuns.  Hmm....estimated population of Afghanistan is 32 million, of which only 42% are Pashtuns.  32 000 000 x 0.42 = 40 000 000??  Someone obviously failed junior high math, or just can't be bothered to check his facts.
Its the new era of the press. The headline sells, content is optional. ;)
He may have factored in "Immigration".  Chechen's.  Saudis.  Pakistanis.  Iranians.  Iraqis.  All those "Freedom Fighters" who may be coming to earn their 40 to 80 virgins.    ;D
I've never been to Agfhanistan, but I know several who were, from Cpls to Colonels.
Pretty near every one stated that it isn't the Afghan people who are the problem, its the "foreign fighters"....the ones from Pakistan.
Any thoughts or opinions? :cdn:
CanadianTire said:
Eric Margolis mentions the idea of 400 000 NATO troops against 40 million Pashtuns.  Hmm....estimated population of Afghanistan is 32 million, of which only 42% are Pashtuns.  32 000 000 x 0.42 = 40 000 000??  Someone obviously failed junior high math, or just can't be bothered to check his facts.

I beleive in the interview  he says of the 40 million, 15 are in Afghanistan and 25 are in Pakistan.
George, OldSolduer, I thought at first he was including other groups, but he actually says Pashtuns.  I think Baden got it...but really, are ALL 15 million Pashtuns going to fight NATO?  ???

Maybe these Saudis, Chechens, etc., etc., even the odd American; maybe they all think once they start fighting NATO they become "honourary" Pashtuns?  ;D