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The Khadr Thread

Abdullah Khadr arrested; faces extradition

CTV.ca News Staff

The eldest son of the notorious Khadr family has been arrested in Toronto.

Members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) took Abdullah Khadr, 23, into custody at approximately 7 p.m. Saturday. He was brought to Toronto's Metro West Detention facility.

His mother was also taken into custody after she became upset at the arrest. However, she isn't facing any charges.

"The RCMP was simply acting on the basis of a provisional warrant issued by the Department of Justice," spokesperson Cpl. Michele Paradis told CTV.ca.

A provisional warrant is issued based on accusations from another government. In Khadr's case, those accusations come from the U.S. government.

The RCMP declined to provide details of the arrest, except to say that it happened at a Toronto residence.

"I can't get into specifics," Paradis said. "We'd never give out that information."

According to a Saturday globeandmail.com report, Khadr faces extradition to the United States for allegedly planning to kill U.S. soldiers abroad.

The website of The Globe and Mail quoted Khadr's lawyer, Dennis Edney.

"The cops said they were acting on a provisional warrant from the United States," Edney said. "I can't say he sounded worried. I think he is in a state of shock."

Khadr returned to Canada from Pakistan in early December. He had been held, and he claims interrogated, in a Pakistani prison for 14 months.

When Abdullah returned to Canada, he denied having any ties to the al Qaeda Islamist terror organization. However, Khadr also said he feared the possibility that the United States would continue to seek custody of him.

According to Edney, the U.S. wants to charge Khadr with "possession and use of a destructive device in furtherance of a crime of violence that is conspiracy to murder a U.S. national outside of the U.S."

The Khadr family

Khadr is the eldest son of Ahmed Said Khadr. The Egyptian-born Canadian was killed during a gun battle with Pakistani forces in 2003. He was accused of being a fundraiser for al Qaeda.

Each of the four Khadr siblings have separately been jailed and accused of having links to international terrorism.

Abdul Khadr, 15, lives in Scarborough after being paralyzed in the gun battle with Pakistani security forces that left his father dead.

Omar Khadr, 19, is being held in the American detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. He has been charged with murder for the death of a U.S. medic in Afghanistan during a 2002 gun battle.

Abdurahman Khadr, 22, was captured in Afghanistan by the Northern Alliance and says he briefly worked for the CIA as an informant in Guantanamo Bay. He returned to Canada in December 2003 and is currently fighting a court case with the government to obtain a passport.

1 down 2 to go... or is it 3 ???   I can't believe they let them back in to the country after what the mother and daughter said on the CBC. And then to get off the plane in Canada and say "I have no ties to Al-Quaida" grrrrrrrrrr :evil:
Well it turns out some members of the board were right, we allowed them to return so we (law enforcement and Intelligence communities) could keep a better eye on them.  I hope who ever authorized the warrant doesn't get any flack, and that they get a promotion or someting.  AS for the rest of the family,  they (LE) better scoop them up right quick, before they disappear, before the US and Canadian Governments get a chance to disappear them.
The eldest son of the notorious Khadr family has been arrested in Toronto.

I can't believe that!  Someone from the Khadr family?

What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? 

I'm going to start a fund for this poor poor soul of this misunderstood family.  Anyone interested in donating money PM me.
speaking of money, where does this "poor immigrant"(my words) family get the money to travel back and forth overseas?
Armymedic said:
speaking of money, where does this "poor immigrant"(my words) family get the money to travel back and forth overseas?

Well they live in area of Scarborough that has a very high Muslim population (Midland Ave and Eglinton Ave E. area), and my best guess woud be that they get a large amount of money from other local muslims who may sympathize with them and/or thier cause.
U.S. judge finds Khadr estate liable for attack
Last Updated Sun, 19 Feb 2006 13:47:12 EST
CBC News
A U.S. court has made a huge judgment against the estate of Ahmed Khadr, the patriarch of a Canadian family connected to al-Qaeda.

INDEPTH: Khadr: al-Qaeda Family

Khadr is believed to be dead, killed in a 2003 fight with Pakistani soldiers on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

Omar Khadr, one son of Ahmed, was involved in a fight in 2002 in Afghanistan that killed one U.S. soldier and wounded another.

The wounded soldier, Sgt. Layne Morris, and the widow of medic Christopher Speer, sued Ahmed under the U.S. Patriot Act. They said the father encouraged his sons, including the underage Omar, to kill Americans.

The judge hearing the case said it may be the first of its kind because it makes attackers liable for their actions, even outside the U.S.

He awarded $102.6 million US to Morris and Speer's widow on Friday in an uncontested case, although it's not clear how or even if they can collect any part of the money.

It is believed the U.S. and Canadian governments have seized Ahmed Khadr's assets.

The U.S. has accused at least two of Khadr's sons of attacks or planning attacks on American solders.

Omar, 15 at the time of the battle and now 19, is being tried in Guantanamo Bay. He was captured in the attack that wounded Morris and killed Speer. His next court appearance is set for March 27.

FROM JAN. 13, 2006: Khadr likely to get new legal team

His brother, Abdullah, spent a year in a Pakistani jail before being released in 2005. He came to Toronto. The U.S. government is trying to extradite him.

FROM FEB. 15, 2006: U.S. requests Khadr extradition

U.S. officials allege he bought weapons for militants and accuse him of plotting to kill American soldiers.

Here is the latest and greatest on this saga;

Could it be that we are actualy going to send him south? I hope so.


Abdullah Khadr to face extradition hearing
CTV.ca News Staff

Canadian Abdullah Khadr will face an extradition hearing that could force him to return to the U.S. to face terrorism charges.

A ruling today in Ontario's Superior Court gave the U.S. leave to seek extradition.

The process is set to start on March 30, when prosecutors meet to discuss a date for the extradition hearing.

Khadr, 24, has been in jail since December, when he was arrested on a U.S. warrant.

In February, the U.S. formally requested extradition of Khadr, who was indicted in Boston on charges he supplied al Qaeda with weapons and plotted to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan.

The indictment said Khadr bought the weapons at the request of his father, Egyptian-born Canadian Ahmed Said Khadr, an accused al Qaeda financier killed by Pakistani forces in 2003.

Khadr admits attending an al Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan when he was 13, but denies being a terrorist.

Each of the five Khadr siblings, all of whom are Canadian citizens, has at one time or another been separately accused or investigated for alleged links to terrorism.

Omar Khadr, 19, is the only Canadian held at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. He has been there since he was 16.

He is charged with aiding al Qaeda and murdering a U.S. medic in Afghanistan in July 2002.

He faces a special military tribunal system for alleged terrorists that has been widely attacked as unfair.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, an international human rights group, has taken up his case with the aim of getting his military trial suspended.

With files from The Canadian Press

Stop, please your breakin' my heart..... :rofl: 

Terror suspect Khadr at 'urgent risk'
WASHINGTON (CP) - An international human rights watchdog is demanding that U.S. officials intervene to protect Canadian teenager Omar Khadr from torture at Guantanamo Bay.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, affiliated with the Organization of American States, said Wednesday that Khadr faces an "urgent risk of irreparable harm."
The commission's finding, after a one-day hearing last week, said American authorities must ensure Khadr, 19, isn't subjected to abuse, prolonged isolation or interrogation tactics that fail to comply with international standards of humane treatment.

The group demanded an impartial investigation into Khadr's torture allegations and prosecution of anyone found guilty. Officials must also ensure that no statements obtained through cruel or degrading treatment be accepted in legal proceedings against the teen, the commission said.
The watchdog gave the U.S. government 15 days to respond to its requests. So far, officials have refused to comply with five other urgent directives related to Guantanamo issued by the commission since March 2002.

U.S. officials have always denied detainees are tortured. Yet a Pentagon spokesman said Wednesday the department is considering whether to issue new instructions to military commissions that specifically prohibit evidence extracted by those means.
"This has been one area where there has been some concern raised and so the department is taking a look at it and may issue a special instruction on it," said Bryan Whitman.

Sheku Sheikholeslami, part of an American University legal clinic that made the case to protect Khadr, said supporters are pleased with the commission's findings.
"It sends a very important message that the conditions of his detention will irreparably harm Omar," she said.
"This should be a wakeup call for the U.S. and especially for Canada," which has not taken a position on global calls to close Guantanamo.

Khadr is charged with murdering a U.S. army medic in Afghanistan in 2002 when he was 15 years old and faces a second military tribunal hearing next month at the U.S. naval base in southeastern Cuba.
Sheikholeslami argued at a closed-door March 13 hearing that Khadr's trial should be suspended. But the commission wants a full briefing on the tribunal process before ruling.
The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing arguments this month on whether the system for so-called enemy combatants captured in the war on terrorism is constitutional since they've been denied the right to challenge their detention.

Khadr's lawyers told the OAS commission that U.S. authorities aren't following global standards for juvenile justice, saying his trial sets a dangerous precedent as the first for war crimes allegedly committed by a juvenile.
The teen, they said, has been threatened with rape, placed in a room with barking dogs while wearing a plastic bag over his head and forced to sit while shackled in stress positions for extended periods.

U.S. government lawyers argued the commission has no jurisdiction over Guantanamo.
They also failed to provide any specifics about Khadr's case, citing privacy concerns, the commission said.
Only 10 of some 500 Guantanamo prisoners, including Khadr, have actually been charged and have made appearances at tribunals.

The Khadr family has provoked intense debate in Canada. Each of the five Khadr siblings, all of whom are Canadian citizens, has at one time or another been separately accused or investigated for alleged links to terrorism.

Khadr faces an "urgent risk of irreparable harm."

The USMC medic faced urgent risk of irreparable harm. Those 2 pakistany soldiers faced urgent risk of irreparable harm. 3000 odd people in the planes, WTC, and pentagon faced urgent risk of irreparable harm.
A pillow with a .22 would be the only irreparable harm this piece of fecal matter has to face.
Hatchet Man said:
Well they live in area of Scarborough that has a very high Muslim population (Midland Ave and Eglinton Ave E. area), and my best guess woud be that they get a large amount of money from other local muslims who may sympathize with them and/or thier cause.

And I would bet you guess wrong skippy.  8)

Shadowhawk is right these lovely people get the money to travel back and forth to the homeland for "visits" from the Canadian Taxpayer usually in misappropriated welfare payments and other aspects of the social safety net (GST rebates, NCBS etc) that they despise. Of course any attempt to point out this serious violation of Canadian Law (Section 380(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada, Section 19 of The Family Benefits Act, Section 79 of the Ontario Works Act, Section 59 of the Ontario Disabilities Support Program Act) would brand the person or persons who did so as inhumane, politically incorrect and perhaps racist, and maybe in violation of the Khadrs rights as enshrined in the Charter. ::)

I always thought that human rights did not apply to animals? ;D Where do many of these groups receive their funding anyways?
Danjanou said:
[quote author=Hatchet Man] Well they live in area of Scarborough that has a very high Muslim population (Midland Ave and Eglinton Ave E. area), and my best guess woud be that they get a large amount of money from other local muslims who may sympathize with them and/or thier cause.

And I would bet you guess wrong skippy.  8)

Shadowhawk is right these lovely people get the money to travel back and forth to the homeland for "visits" from the Canadian Taxpayer usually in misappropriated welfare payments and other aspects of the social safety net (GST rebates, NCBS etc) that they despise. Of course any attempt to point out this serious violation of Canadian Law (Section 380(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada, Section 19 of The Family Benefits Act, Section 79 of the Ontario Works Act, Section 59 of the Ontario Disabilities Support Program Act) would brand the person or persons who did so as inhumane, politically incorrect and perhaps racist, and maybe in violation of the Khadrs rights as enshrined in the Charter. ::)


I wasn't saying they don't screw over taxpayers and abuse the system, but lets not fool ourselves into believing that they are not receiving funds from the local muslim community (at least the ones who support Al-Queada-Taliban and/or think this family is some how being persecuted).  The tamil tigers have been soliciting/harrassing members of that particular community(Which is mainly centred in Scarborough) for funds, for years.  Considering how closed and tight knit both groups are (tamils, muslims within Scarborough/Toronto), it is highly that this kind of activity is going on right now  in the local muslim community.

Court backs Khadr's right to passport
Jun. 9, 2006. 01:13 PM

The Federal Court says Ottawa can’t deny the son of an Egyptian-born terrorist a Canadian passport because of national security concerns.

The court has ruled that the federal government was wrong to deny Abdurahman Khadr’s application two years ago.

That’s because new anti-terror provisions didn’t legally exist when the self-proclaimed black sheep of the family made his application in 2004.

Lawyers argued the case in December.

Khadr returned to Canada two years after being arrested as a presumed member of Al Qaeda in November 2001.

He was later transferred to Guantanamo Bay and deported to Afghanistan.

His brothers Abdullah and Omar have been charged with terrorist activities.

I think we should give them all passports, invite them to vacation anywhere they like, then under the 2004 rule changes revoke those passports.

In short, "Get lost.  Don't let the door hit you in the ass!"

Matthew.  >:(
I just came across this gem...


The federal government will review its options now that the Federal Court has ruled that the son of a suspected Egyptian extremist has the right to a Canadian passport.

The Conservatives don't want a passport issued to Abdurahman Khadr, despite the ruling, a government spokesman said Friday.

Stephen Harper's government wants to review the decision, said Jason Kenney, the parliamentary secretary to the prime minister.

The Tories support the previous Liberal government's decision to deny Khadr a passport, Kenney said.

The court ruled Friday that Ottawa can't refuse Khadr's application based on national security concerns.

New anti-terrorism provisions didn't legally exist when Khadr made his application in 2004.

Khadr returned to Canada two years after being arrested as a presumed member of al-Qaeda in November 2001.

He was later transferred to Guantanamo Bay and deported to Afghanistan, but later freed after agreeing to co-operate with U.S. authorities and returned to Canada.

In January 2005, Bill Graham, the foreign affairs minister, used his "royal prerogative" to keep former Guantanamo Bay detainee Abdurahman Khadr from leaving the country.

The minister used the rare power of intervention to deny Khadr a passport.

Al-Qaeda family

In an interview with CBC Television, Khadr described how his father fought alongside Osama bin Laden in the Afghan war against the Soviets in the 1980s.

However, the 23-year-old Abdurahman Khadr has said he does not share his father's sympathies.

Khadr appealed the decision to deny him a passport. At the time, his lawyer, Clayton Ruby, called the federal action a fundamental breach of his rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

National security is not currently a specified reason for refusing to issue a passport.

The custom of royal or Crown prerogative is invoked mostly in ceremonial affairs, such as when the Governor General uses it to dissolve Parliament at the request of the prime minister.