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The Jody Mitic Thread- Merged

Met MCpl Mitic at a function in Kingston a few months ago and found him an incredibly switched on soldier. The drive and determination he displays is a credit to not only his regiment or the forces, but to all people.  :salute:

Best of luck to him on the run, I have faith he will complete it.
I served with JM back in 1RCR before he lost his legs. He was always a mountain of a man, and someone that young troops could always look up to. I am glad to see he is still just as much of a warrior and mountain as he ever was.
MCpl Jody Mitic former sniper of 1 RCR  who during TF 3-06 lost both his legs below his knees to an IED while on patrol in Panjwai will be apprearing on The Hour (CBC) with host George Stroumboulopoulos this Wensday.

I suggest everyone who can should watch this interview. Jody is a true inspiration who unabashedly promotes Soldier, runs in the Army run with 2 special legs and is currently training to return to theater. He is an amazing guy and someone I am proud to call my friend.
Well done Jody.  I enjoyed the show especially Jody's candor.
I saw this last night.  The show was great and he did a fantastic job.  We have all been talking about it at work today. 
Good on ya Jody!

Video now available online'



Is there another link? CBC isn't working for me and I would really like to see this interview  >:(

And Jody has just been elected as a city councillor in Ottawa: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawavotes/ward-2-innes-1.2803640
Congratulations to Jody on his new roll as a City Councillor.

I heard him on one of the talk shows and he was informed, articulate and had a platform that Orleans residents identify with.  If I was in his Ward, I would definitely have voted for him.  I am positive that he will do a fantastic job as a City Councillor.
dapaterson said:
And Jody has just been elected as a city councillor in Ottawa: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawavotes/ward-2-innes-1.2803640

Well done Jody!
A wonderful article in the National Post about the Mitic family. 

It was the middle of the night when the call came. There had been an explosion. Master Cpl. Alannah Gilmore, a Canadian Army medic, grabbed her pistol, rifle and medical bag, jumped into an armoured vehicle and told herself what she always did in Afghanistan in 2007: assume the worst, but hope for the best.

But this was bad. A Canadian had stepped on a landmine on the outskirts of an Afghan village. One of his feet was blown off, the other shredded by shrapnel. He was covered in mud and debris and in pain, but alive, but Gilmore knew they needed to get him to an extraction point, get him on a helicopter and get him out of there. Fast.

They carried the wounded man by stretcher to an ambulance and, as the ramp at the back of the vehicle came down, a green light illuminated the soldier’s face. That is when Gilmore realized it was Master Cpl. Jody Mitic, her army sniper buddy. In the days before the blast they had sat in a mud hut in the middle of an Afghan nowhere, watching old episodes of the Family Guy, talking about life.

Just picked up his book "Unflinching - The Making of a Canadian Sniper" at Chapters this afternoon. Hope it will be a good read while I am home on vacation this week and next.
Jody will be speaking about "Unflinching" at The RCR Association beer call on Fri, 25 Sep, in the Army Officers' Mess at noon. I'm planning to pick up a copy then.
Some thoughts after I finished reading it. Couple others put in their  :2c: as well.
