Willy said:
Thucydides is spot on the money on this one: we can't afford our own military R&D.
Amen. Add to that the convoluted procurement process, and we're hooped.
From my time at ADM(Mat) (lower lever Land System support) this is how we tended to see the process (as far as comms equipment).
-Army sees a requirement for a specific piece of equipment.
- This piece must be able to perform A, B, C, D and E.
-Tender is put out for equipment
-Companies return with proposals
- Company 1 has a piece of equipment that can do A,B,C,D and E and costs $ X.00
- Company 2 has a piece of equipment that can do A,B and C (Not D & E), but can do F & G (not required actions) and costs $ X.00 - 20%
-Company 2 gets the contract
-There is now a requirement for a piece of equipment that can perform D&E and can be integrated into piece of equipment purchased above
Process repeats.
I know that this is very simplified, and I didn't see the entire process. We were just the guys that pushed up what we saw was required, had to integrate what we got, and let them know what we needed to fill the gaps. And this was how we saw the process.