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The Infantry Recruit Superthread- Lots of Q&A's

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Im about to hand in my application package for joing the Reg force (Infantry) and Im wondering how long it will take after I complete all the testing (interview, medical, etc.) that I will start basic training?

Im just looking for some time-lines....if anyone has recently applied and was accepted to Infantry, please fill me in on what sort of wait Im looking at.

Askign that question will never give you an accurate picture.

From what I have heard, many of the BMQs/BRTs whatever you call em now have been cancelled or pushed back due to workups and lack of instructors for Afghanistan.

Plus they are fairly full at the moment, so it could be a month, could be up to a year. You never really know with the military. :-)
i want to join the infantry but is it the way to go? :fifty:
Well it depends right?

I personally would go for a trade. Why? well once you get out of the army you acually got a career behind you that could support you.

Also, Tradesmen get paid more then normal NCMs.
Infantry Soldiers have specialised skills, which can help you with a civy job, but arent directly applicable at all, there simply is no civvy equivalent. and obviously, if you dont like bein outdoors, or phys. ed. then i‘d say no. it all depends on the person. is rugby the way to go? :D
well, not for everyone...cept i‘d say yes, but then, im biased :cool:
if you dont like bein outdoors, or phys. ed. then i‘d say no. it all depends on the person.
yep, depends on the person, and what one likes to do.
I was thinking of joining but Im not sure if it would be a good idea. For example would there be any jobs out there that you can use the skills of a solider. I know it sounds stupid but I just don‘t know what too do.

I waas thinking as going in as a aircraft structures mech in the airforce but I have always loved the army.

What do you think? :soldier:
If you mean hard skills easily transferrable (eg heavy equipment, computers, driver, etc.) then no not really. I think the CF official web site lists only a couple of post military careers that are applicable to Infanteers such as security.

You‘re better off maybe looking at a trade to start.

However it‘s the soft skills that are also important to a potential employer. Such aspects as discipline, including self discipline, abilty to work under severe pressure, react to rapidly changing situations, problem solving skills, and just plain maturity are something all employers value.

Not many places really teach this stuff when you think about it. That is outside of a tour in the combat arms.

If it came down to two equally qualified job candidates as regards their technical skill sets, then the one with a three year tour in the Army as an Infanteer might be more attractive to the employer.

Of course that presumes that the employer is aware of such attributes either because he is ex military or more likely because you‘ve managed to convey it properly in your resume and more importantly during the interview.

"I can fire a machine gun" is probably not a good thing to say in an interview. "I‘m capable of performing my job under very adverse conditions and can quickly adapt to changing circumstances"
works a little better.

In addition providing one stays in and advances, then there‘s the possible leadership training which again is something of value in the "real world job market."
Whatever your choice is try to ask someone that is in the trade and don‘t only ask the one that like it!!!! Listen to both side of the trade> good and bad
So anyone that is an infantry soilder or was one How did you like it was it rewarding and were you able to get good jobs after your 3 years.

I was maybe thinking as joining the infantry then after my three years are up maybe get dnd to pay for my schooling and go into a different trade or something.

What do you think/?

In the infantry are you obligated to go to war or peacekeeping.Not that its really a big deal but would you have to?
You have to do one of what at least?
Were you talking about one tour out of canada?
Well to answer one question NO your not obliged to go on tour unless one comes up while your in Battalion, even then if your weak,scared or have a legitimate reason for not going(family trouble or some such)then you can get out of going, though it would probably be the great experiences of your life, not many people ever get to travle and see the things we Infanteers get to see. As for it being a career choice I‘ll tell you right now that after 3 years it‘s a labour of love I stayed in because I really like my job others don‘t and leave after 3, You want a trade that has good maketablity out of the service the Infantry isn‘t that job, you want hard life conditions being wet, cold and hungry and testing your personal limits mentaly and physicaly and coming out stronger on the other end then jion the Infantry and see what your made of.
Well that sounds good too me.
thats what I will do.
Thanks for Help. Its not that I worried about going anywhere I just want to now what it intales before I get myself into something. :p
Derek,also after 3yrs or more in the Infantry you can remuster to one of the Engineering trade‘s like carpenter,plumber,electrician,E.G.S. etc.Or any other trade in the Force‘s

In the Engineer‘s you are taught the full trade and still travel building camp‘s from scratch on special team‘s or end being attached to a Combat Engineer Regiment and going on tour with the Regiment.

Buddy of mine who was in the R.C.R.,remustered to E.G.S.(Electrical Generating System‘s)ended up in Trenton and has been all over the world checking out the emergency generator‘s and electrical system‘s in our Embasies and our Camp‘s over sea‘s
Jammy Bugger!!

There‘s a lot to offer in the Force‘s if your willing.

Good Luck in what ever you chose. :salute:
I‘m pretty sure If I got Infantry, I‘d be in for the long haul. None of this 3 years crap. Once I get past CFRC, the Army is stuck with me. God I wish I could get in right now and do my part. "do I have to do a tour" You have to be kidding right. I‘d give my left arm to go on a tour... except that I‘d probably need it overseas. I‘m going through the application process right now and it should not be too long before I‘m in the ranks and serving my country.
qy,some do remuster after 3 because it‘s not for them and other‘s like your self will stay in Combat Arm‘s for 20.

As for a Tour don‘t worry I‘m sure we‘ll be sending people over sea‘s for year‘s to come.

The last 13yrs has been the buisiest for the Army.
There are even some Reservist‘s with 3 Tour‘s under thier belt‘s so like I said don‘t worry there will alway‘s be some trouble in this world where we will go and try to return to normal.

Good Luck.
Derek, Go ahead join the Infantry it‘ll be the best years of your life.I‘ve been doing it for 24 years now....don‘t worry about tours or going to war...you‘ll go because your buddies/section comrades are going and you need to be with them....regardless of how dangerous the operation is. Or who try‘s to talk you out of it....It‘s what being in the Combat Arms is all about. "your section/platoon buddies".

Besides being in the Combat arms will prepare you for a trade within the forces. With field skills, leadership skills.
Derek, to answer your question I was Infantry and yes I have a good job (actually career) now. As per my original post it‘s what you make of it.

As others have also noted you can remuster down the line, or just stay in for a career, grab the pension and then who cares about a job. With a bit of planning you get to lie on a beach with little umbrella drinks.
Good on you buddy, I joined the Infantry when I was sixteen and I‘m a better person for it. The Army teaches you things you‘ll never learn on Civvi street that will stay with you for life. I‘ve recently transferred to PPCLI from the Reserves and am about to do the reg force Infantry course, its going to be awesome. I‘m hoping for 3rd battalion, looking forward to my first tour with them. Light Infantry is the way to go.