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The Great Gun Control Debate

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Altair, is there any particular reason you seek to repeat those names of sick individuals that have done something to gain fame and attention?

It would help immensely if media types would stop perpetuating their evil.
I don't see how you are going to identify firearm applicants with mental issues unless you are relying on their past behaviour something the present process already does. Is everyone going to have to undergo a psych evaluation?
Jed said:
Altair, is there any particular reason you seek to repeat those names of sick individuals that have done something to gain fame and attention?

It would help immensely if media types would stop perpetuating their evil.
ignoring their names will do nothing to erase the evil they have done.
Altair said:
So the solution would be taking the lead in finding a better solution.

The anti gun people are trying to use a hacksaw to solve a problem that can be better solved with a scalpel...The best bet for gun owners in both countries is for the pro gun types get on board with finding ways to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and those who want to do harm to others.  It is those individuals who give gun owners a bad name,  and fuel the crusade to get ride of all guns.  Get those people out of your ranks and see the sea of change in public attitude towards gun owners.

Well said. This is pretty much how I see it. We need to get reasonable people (ie: those closer to the centre part of the political spectrum) to come together for a reasonable solution. As in most things, we need to tune out the pot-banging bumper-sticker thinkers who lie farther out on the wings of the political spectrum. I believe that for many of those people, guns are just an icon or a banner for more extreme views on life in general, "left" or "right".
suffolkowner said:
I don't see how you are going to identify firearm applicants with mental issues unless you are relying on their past behaviour something the present process already does. Is everyone going to have to undergo a psych evaluation?
the RCMP are able to tell if someone has had mental health issues when they are applying for their PAL.

That system seems to work.
Altair said:
the RCMP are able to tell if someone has had mental health issues when they are applying for their PAL.

That system seems to work.

No they can't. They can only tell if someone has acted on those issues in specific ways.
Altair said:
ignoring their names will do nothing to erase the evil they have done.

But in a society that thrives on norioty, YouTube vlogs, 1500 Instagram pictures of yourself and having your 15 minutes in the spotlight and social media it certainly can be attractive to nobodies who want their name spread across social media.
suffolkowner said:
No they can't. They can only tell if someone has acted on those issues in specific ways.

Therefore, “[a]n applicant for a firearm licence in Canada must pass background checks which consider criminal, mental, addiction and domestic violence records.”[39]  Besides criminal checks, in order to determine eligibility under the Act, authorities must consider whether within the previous five years the applicant

has been treated for a mental illness, whether in a hospital, mental institute, psychiatric clinic or otherwise 
and whether or not the person was confined to such a hospital, institute or clinic, that was associated with 
violence or threatened or attempted violence on the part of the person against any person; or

has a history of behavior that includes violence or threatened or attempted violence on the part of the 
person against any person.[40]
Seems reasonable to me.
Jarnhamar said:
But in a society that thrives on norioty, YouTube vlogs, 1500 Instagram pictures of yourself and having your 15 minutes in the spotlight and social media it certainly can be attractive to nobodies who want their name spread across social media.

So how would you recommend I talk about preventing the crimes of these individuals without mentioning their names?
Altair said:
Seems reasonable to me.

I still don't see how the RCMP is going to know that you have mental issues unless you act on them or tell them. Although I am old I fairly recently had to reapply for my firearms license has something changed in the last few years
OK, I'm also at fault for doing it this time also. We've tried to keep this a strictly Canadian thread, for the exact reason we're having now. There's too much confusion when speaking Canadian and American laws in the same thread. It muddies the waters too much and results in missed signals and wrong info. This whole thing has become a jumble.

If your really interested in US Firearms laws. Start it's own thread. I'd like to see us get back to strictly Canadian laws here. Especially, with Goodale getting ready to roll out more millions in useless programs. Ther ewon't be any room here for US stuff when our own starts boiling over. I think we have a pretty good system here, that doesn't require any tweaking. Canada certainly doesn't have a problem with 'bumper sticker' gun extremists although we have some crazies. Just like Wendy Cukier and ilk on the left. Advertising an opinion on a bumper sticker doesn't make one a moron. No more than having a firearm makes you a crazed killer.

Canadian content only, please. Let's try clean this up a bit. Start an new thread if you want to discuss US or other nations gun laws. Tanks!
suffolkowner said:
I still don't see how the RCMP is going to know that you have mental issues unless you act on them or tell them. Although I am old I fairly recently had to reapply for my firearms license has something changed in the last few years

Nothing has changed of consequence. Much the same as it was five years ago when you renewed.

Mental determination belongs with medical professionals. The RCMP cannot determine a medical condition on their own. Doctors can though. Just like when you go in and can't see or remember stuff. They have your driver's license suspended or removed in the interest of safety. The same could be done with firearms. I think the RCMP would have to resort to a court order to see your med file.
recceguy said:
Nothing has changed of consequence. Much the same as it was five years ago when you renewed.

Mental determination belongs with medical professionals. The RCMP cannot determine a medical condition on their own. Doctors can though. Just like when you go in and can't see or remember stuff. They have your driver's license suspended or removed in the interest of safety. The same could be done with firearms. I think the RCMP would have to resort to a court order to see your med file.

Yeah I just looked at the renewal form and the application form and it seems the same to me. It relies a lot on self reporting to me. Nothing especially wrong with that as it appears to work for the most part. I'm just not sure how you are going to pre-identify at risk individuals. The type of people involved in these mass shootings aren't necessarily your average depressed person.
suffolkowner said:
Yeah I just looked at the renewal form and the application form and it seems the same to me. It relies a lot on self reporting to me. Nothing especially wrong with that as it appears to work for the most part. I'm just not sure how you are going to pre-identify at risk individuals. The type of people involved in these mass shootings aren't necessarily your average depressed person.

We don't have those mass shootings in Canada. Our system is working.

Besides, in today's society, with our stresses and such, you could be Mother Teresa today and be the Exorsist monster the next day.

On that note though, Canadian firearms owners are checked, EVERY DAY, through the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC).

There is not a criminal or other citizen in Canada that goes through a daily police check like gun owners do.
Here is what I was hoping to see: a chance for people to express what they are afraid of without being stereotyped as "racists" or "gun freaks".


I don't agree with using deadly force to protect property alone (a very slippery slope), but I understand that people living in isolated places, where the police are too far away to be useful, may find themselves in situations in which they reasonably believe that their lives, or the lives of their families are in imminent danger. I also understand that the CCC does envision the use of reasonable and necessary force in the protection of a "dwelling place".

What is good, IMHO, is that First Nations people were present at that meeting. There are two parts to this discussion: neither parties are saints, but neither are they automatically devils, either. IMHO both parties are involved in a solution.

Maybe the answer is to establish a system of rural "special constables" or " police reserve" who are deputized to act as peace officers, and authorized to be armed in their duties. Still subject to CCC, but with more latitude in the use of firearms. I am NOT urging "vigilantes" here.
[quote author=pbi]

What is good, IMHO, is that First Nations people were present at that meeting. There are two parts to this discussion: neither parties are saints, but neither are they automatically devils, either. IMHO both parties are involved in a solution.

Why are FN singled out? We're talking about two parties, are the majority of the people doing the theiving and assaults FN members?
Deputize all the farmers :whistle:

I don't care who's doing the stealing. A person has the right to protect their property and families.

In situations like this, it takes seconds for it to go south from either side, in the middle of nowhere, no neighbours and the cops an hour away if they hurry.

Homeowners in those situations don't have the luxury of knowing whether the theives are violent or not and second guessing could well end in death for the family or the thieves. Shit happens. In that sort of situation I would never attempt an interaction without protection, either myself or from the vantage of the house. Go away quietly, I go back in the house and simply report it. Force however, should be met with only the force needed in order to stop the attack and if that means gunfire, so be it.
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