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The Great Gun Control Debate

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mev,don't know if you meant BC and made a mistake, so i'm just wondering, where is CB?
I've no problems locking up my firearms and excercising common sense. What does bother me, is these arrogant aholes who's closest encounter to a firearm is on TV... think that well in theory, these things will work. Making 99% of the lawful citizens enter their firearms information into a massively overspent gun registry will in turn allow the police to look up ...legal guns?

And since when are .25 and .32 handguns anymore dangerous than a .44mag? Dangerous enough to prohibit?

Banning handguns? Why? How are taking my revolvers and pistols going to stop Joe Crazy from going out and shooting up a place? Most of Canada's illegal firearms are smuggled across the US border.

So, ok. Taking all of that stuff into consideration I guess... I can understand how idiots think. But, this makes no sense at all!

-Liberals wanting semi auto ban

Liberals want to ban all semi autos as they believe they're dangerous and not necessary for hunting, etc. At the very least, have them stored at your range and you use it when you want.

WHAT!?  Come off it. Semi's are no more dangerous than my pump or a lever action... they're perfectly fine for hunting... since our mag capacities have already been crucified. You can't load anything sensible like for centerfire anyway.

Spending billions in the registry makes no sense either. Restricted firearms? I can understand I guess for wanting to keep a leash on them... but they need not be so anal over needing so many permits... Make one universal and stick with it. Long guns? No way. There's no way that my Stevens single shot .12 should need to be registered... certainly not at the cost in the billions to create/operate/maintain the current registry in place. That money would be better spent beefing up border security and law enforcement to actually APPREHEND the badguys... instead of giving tax paying peaceful people the headache we have now.

It's the same logic that the LIEberals have, that the Seal protestors have. Totally uneducated about the topic, yet what they "THINK" would be great in a perfect world... actually isn't. Badguys will always have guns. You can't base our society on removing what criminals have... if that's the case, all we'd be left with were people proof play pens and baby food.

Go ban civillian aircraft, Ryder trucks, ammonium nitrate, knives, cars, booze, electricity (people can get electrocuted), ban water (oh, people can drown!!), Ban blunt objects, ban rope, ban anything that could be used in strangulation, ban rocks, ban sticks, ban cigarettes, ban cigars, ban fast food joints, ban icecream... you get the picture? You just can't ban one thing based on the fact that it can be dangerous if in the wrong hands. If Joe Slub is going to murder someone and can't get access to a gun, he'll find some other way... if he's determined enough to murder this person. Getting rid of guns will not magically make the world all happy go lucky. Only because they're stereotyped as big bad black magic evil weapons, is the only reason that there's so much hype today about them. When was the last Arnold movie that you seen where he goes on a DUI rampage slaying an entire militant group or something? You don't.

/End Rant
Pray that we reverse what the Lieberals have done... too bad we can't get the billions of dollars back.
Just register your guns like you do your car and ski-doo.  Doesn't the government also charge a fee for those?  ;D
You have to register your vehicles if you want to use them on public property. If you want to use a vehicle only on private land, there is nothing that compels you to register it, even if you have to transport it on public roads.

I would have an issue registering a firearm that I could use in public, ie for ATC use pistol.
And you don't go to jail or acquire a criminal record for not registering any other form of property.

If there was a system of public ranges for use free of charge in exchange for registering like there is a system of public roads I might not mind quite as much...

...actually, yes I would.

There is only one reason for forced registration of personal firearms - it's an enabler for confiscation.
Loachman said:
There is only one reason for forced registration of personal firearms - it's an enabler for confiscation.

I disagree in theory,....unfortunately reality tells me different.
Loachman said:
There is only one reason for forced registration of personal firearms - it's an enabler for confiscation.
I would suggest the major reason for registration is so that the government can tell the unthinking masses that the "gun problem" is gripped -- because we all know that the real gun problem (gangs/criminals) would never ignore an order to register weapons  ::)

....oh, and as a cash grab by the government
A cash grab indeed... and something to try and brainwash the uneducated citizens on firearms, that this magic registry will let them sleep more sound at night. All LE can do is look up legally registered guns! This is a total waste. The Liberals never did anything worthwhile for this country anyway, but scam and swindle money for illegitimate programs such as the registry.
I saw it as not so much a 'cash grab' as an attempt by an individual to try and make themself famous...
Banning guns from the law abiding to stop the criminal from using them, makes as much sense as banning pharmacies to prevent criminal drug use.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
I disagree in theory,....unfortunately reality tells me different.
There is simply nothing else that a firearms registry does.
Imagine if they spent that 2 billion beefing up our border/coastal security and LE agencies? Stats might be a little better then.

Loachman said:
There is simply nothing else that a firearms registry does.

I lost a SA 5.56mm FAMAS due to the 1994 gun laws, a touch over $1500 pissed away.

Question - No it did not get surrendered, it ended up (I do beleive) south of the border, and I traded two home alarm systems for it before the deadline, so it was a legal transaction to another FAC holding citizen, gee I can't even remember his name now, ha!

Registration is the first step to confiscation.

They know what you have, and in a matter of time, will come and get it, with no compensation to you.


But Wesley, don't you see? Taking that gun has cut down on crime! Well maybe not... but it's the votes that count, right?
Crime will not change as long as there is criminals. Taking legal firearms from law abiding citizens and taxpayers does nothing to stop crime. it is nothing but legal theft.
I wholeheartedly agree.

Society in this day and age has a tendency to view an act in the most idiotic way. The actual victim(s) are overlooked, and society then treats the criminal with respect, putting him/her up in a fancy boarding house (jail...?), and then wants to chop us down thinking the guy won't reoffend or others won't do the same. I asked it on other forums and I'll ask it here. How does taking my disabled securely locked up firearms whether it be prohib, restricted or non, do anything to change crime statistics?? (using prohib as an example, not licensed for those sadly.)

Taking our hard earned tax dollars and dumping it on some bogus craptacular system of illogical design is just hogwash. I can't even believe something so stupid as this got approved. All you can do is look up legal firearms. That's it. It's not a crime deterrant but a way to keep tabs on current firearms owners, so when the LIEberals get their day, they can come and take my handguns, take my semi auto rifles... etc. Seems like we're getting further and further away from democracy with the reds.
"Registration is the first step to confiscation."

Yes, i'm STILL waiting for the Government to take away my beater of a second car ............  ::)
josh said:
"Registration is the first step to confiscation."

Yes, i'm STILL waiting for the Government to take away my beater of a second car ............  ::)

You mean like Ontario's McGuinty has already threatened to do if your car (broad statement) looks fast? Brought to you by McGuinty and Bryant (Ont AG). This is the same government that wants to ban objects, instead of addressing the cause, ban pitbulls, instead of bad owners, handguns instead of criminals, high performance cars instead of street racing punks. It's because it's more politically expedient, cheaper and allows them to sleep at night knowing they have gotten their votes from the easily duped, uneducated sheep that continue to vote these idiots to office. These same sheep that allow the erosion of everyone else's rights, and say nothing until it affects them, and they're being led off to be sheared and slaughtered. Too late.

Every loss, of freedom or property, to any citizen, whether directly affected or not, is a loss of freedom to all. Especially when not challenged by the citizens that enabled the government in the first place.

Erosion of rights and freedoms is not the distinct purview of any single group. Whether you like guns or not, seizure of my property will affect yours. They take something from me, and get away with it, they will eventually take something totally unrelated from you.

BTW, there are no rights to property entrenched in our constitution. The government can seize any private property, of any citizen, without compensation, at any time, for reasons they deem fit.
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