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The Great Gun Control Debate

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geo said:
Considering that the CPC are a minority government, don't think the registry and all it's regs will dissapear anytime soon. Harper won't have the support of the NDP or the Liberals.... surefire route to a vote of non confidence.

Good point Geo...though I am keeping my fingers crossed that someday just maybe it will go away. I don't have anything too exotic in terms of firearms myself, for me it's watching the money being p!ssed away on this thing that really bothers me.
Ahhh.... on that point the CPC can do something...
The registry can be modified, it can be given a definite mission and a fixed budget. It can be made more pertinent and answerable... but I figure we'll have to live with this, as is, for a couple of more years. Bigger issues to tackle beforehand.
OLD F of S said:
   I am still curious what law enforcement thinks of this move. I don't know how much they use the info in realation to answering a call and will it affect their saftey by not being able to know if there are weapons available.

                   Regards OLD F of S

From what I hear, the chiefs are totally in favour of it, the rank and file see it as a complete waste.

Considering that the CPC are a minority government, don't think the registry and all it's regs will dissapear anytime soon. Harper won't have the support of the NDP or the Liberals.... surefire route to a vote of non confidence.

I understand that it could be killed by Order in Council (Cabinet).

Even if it did go to Parliament, I can't see the Opposition bringing down the gov't over this.  The electorate would not be happy.
Any police officer that relied on this error-ridden firearms information from CPIC to tell them whether or not that there were firearms in a residence that they were visiting would be making a mistake.  In fact, a return that indicated that there were no firearms in a home could promote a false sense of security that would be misleading.  A case in point might the Mayerthorpe shootings, as that individual did not have any firearms registered to him.  There were certainly none showing on CPIC.  A prudent police officer would always assume that there was a possible weapon present and take appropriate precautions.  The firearms registry does not protect police officers, and in fact it may have the effect of causing more problems for citizens who are shown to be firearms owners when there may not be a real problem.

The whole registry should go for all firearms, not just rifles and shotguns.  It serves no useful purpose.  Its only use is as a tool for mass confiscation.  Mr. Martin's so-called "handgun ban" made that clear.
Redleaf & Rangerray...
while I am no real fan of the registry (I own a garden too) have distinct impression that the majority of folks will favor replacing the registry with something else..... but not scrapping it altogether. Still the perceived value of it (at any cost) that Joe Public looks at.
Fortunately, the large minority of those folks who want this thing scrapped voted "Conservative" and have enough influence that they finally have some say in the laws that affect their way of life.
Kat Stevens said:
I was referring to a mason jar full of silver sixpence coins we brought from the motherland,  what were you thinking?

Import tax evasion.
" I am still curious what law enforcement thinks of this move. I don't know how much they use the info in realation to answering a call and will it affect their saftey by not being able to know if there are weapons available."

- There are 18,000,000 guns in this country - 7,000,000 are registered. Police always assume firearms possibly present until proven otherwise.  The registry does not specify the location of non-restricted/prohibited FAs.

Quote from Whiskey 601,
Import tax evasion.

Bet ya had a grin from ear to ear typing that one didn't you? :cheers:
  Thanks to everyone for helping me to understand a few points, if I had thought about it I have 6 weapons registered and at no time did I really list the location of the weapons during the application process.  Again thanks.

                                    Regards OLD F of S
Aside from the wasted money, another stupid aspect of the registry seemed to be its registration of long guns when stats show handguns (usually illegal, i would assume) are what compose the majority of firearms-related crime, IIRC.
Even if long guns are the firearm of choice, registering the gun instead of the criminal is NOT holding at the defile.  The choke point is the criminal - not the weapon. 

So let's turn the firearm's registry into a criminal registry.  If you want to sell your Cooey .22 cal, you go online and access the record of the human being who want's to buy it - not the gun.

If the human has no record, prohib order, and is qual to use that type of firearm - he gets it.

If not: he doesn't.

Far easier to track humans than inanimate objects.

From what I understand.

The Canadian Police Association is not in favour of the presently Firearms Act. They do not beleive in the Registry. Real cops assume a weapon is present until the area is secured and searched (legally, of course). This represent the majority of the rank of file of Canada's police.

The Canadian Association of Cheifs of Police support the Gun Registry saying it is a valuable tool in ensure the scene is safe for officers. Reference my latter paragraph. Looks like the brass is out of touch with the lads again. Happens outside the Army too! If you do some research (sent to me by a family member), This Association was heavily funded by the Liberal Government. Just like Wendy Cukier!!!!

Pretty neat trick of the liberals to get tax payers to pay for the lobby to support laws the will burden the tax payer.

Sorry, I'm a little bitter
Any one else notice within days of the former Toronto Police Chief(J. Fantino) telling the world that the gun registry is a wast of money he was fired or should I say his contract was not renewed.
My fav political blogger has an interesting take on this story in Liberating The RCMP. Evidently the cost of the program was very high.

My fav political blogger has an interesting take on this story in Liberating The RCMP. Evidently the cost of the program was very high.
I read his "report" and it sounds like he made 2+2= 47,362.4452. 

$90 million savings going back to the RCMP operating budget isnt chicken feed.
Sheerin said:
I read his "report" and it sounds like he made 2+2= 47,362.4452. 

So young Jedi, do you now understand the power of Paul Martin accounting? The forensic accountants who unravelled Enron said they could not trace where the money went in ADSCAM, the gun registry ran for a longer period of time with more layers of "cloaking", so if anything, your estimate is probably too low. :o
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