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The Gagetown Thread- Merged

BulletMagnet said:
And you are wrong the CF cares about stuff now days, it very well may not have not so long ago and it probably cares less then people think but the welfare of a soldier and that impact on his job performance is very much a concern for the CF.

I agree 100%.
Even 2-3 years ago there was the "suck it up attitude" when it came to postings etc.However the army is starting to realise there are better options for young guys than the army,and when you (insert proper curse word) them around they release.Same goes for the older end of the spectrim,mess them around they get out.

If your sending guys on back to back tours,with multiple exercises in between,away from home for darn near 10 months a year over and over....then mess them around....

Some places don't care about their troop's and it's evident.When a certain unit has over 200 releases in 2 years....there's an issue.
Oh and even though people write the normal "I have enjoyed my time at the regiment...."memo's,it's only to not burn bridges.Usually their sick of getting messed around.
No one said the CF didn't care. They do. That is, after all, why we have IR/Compassionate postings. They do NOT last forever though.

That does not change the fact that he will be expected to do what he needs to do to correct the situation. He will be given "a reasonable amount of time", but he WILL expected to get his personal affairs and his admin in order. Even in The RCR.
George Wallace said:
The CF really doesn't care about these things if the reasons are trivial.  

He did... And what we may think as trivial may or may not be viewed as such by others. I have been in my posting for 8 years And I am not going anywhere anytime soon I think that's plenty of time for anyone to get anything sorted out. And no I am not the exception to the rule I am the standard on posting within the Regiment up until MCpl/Sgt.
BulletMagnet said:
He did... And what we may think as trivial may or may not be viewed as such by others. I have been in my posting for 8 years And I am not going anywhere anytime soon I think that's plenty of time for anyone to get anything sorted out. And no I am not the exception to the rule I am the standard on posting within the Regiment up until MCpl/Sgt.

"If the reasons are trivial". <--- careers decides that. Lots of people out there think "my girlfriend lives there etc" is not trivial. Most career shops would say "tell her to move then."

Girlfriends etc are considered trivial. Reasons such as that will have ZERO bearing on where a career mangler decides to send someone. That being said, that does not preclude a member from asking for a location because a girlfriend is there (and no one here on this site has ever told this kid NOT to ask for Pet). But, trivial reasons such as "girlfriends" won't be the deciding factor in their decision of where to post him. It'll be to wherever he is needed. Hopefully, it'll be where he wants.

Sick kids are not trivial reasons. Nor are dying parents etc. So, if it's a situation such as this that he outlines to careers, it could very well result in his posting to Pet, and I hope that it would in that case. But, there is also a very REAL possibility of a "compassionate" tag being placed upon that posting as well given circumstances of that nature. And if that turns out to be the case, then that "compassionate" status will indeed prevent him from deploying etc. It doesn't matter that he's still untrained. He's talking about when he IS trained. Where he wants his first POSTING to be and that he has "private" reasons for wanting such. It also doesn't matter when he gets his corporals after 4 years --- and I really have no idea what that has to do with anything either, nor why any of that was included in your previous post --- Ptes (even in The RCR) deploy too.

I'm quite sure that George's post is descriptive of the tendancy for a lot of people to believe that "their reasons" are exceptional and not trivial ... when tonnes of other CF members are in the exact same circumstances.

Ultimately, if he requests Pet, and there is a posn for him, he'd probably end up there; but there is no guarantee of him being there his entire career -- and that is what people were attempting to point out to him.

If he requests Pet and there are no posns for him there, but he feels he has valid "private" factors for his requiring to be there instead of Gagetown, then he can bring those up, but he should be very aware (as I pointed out) that those factors may indeed get him to Pet, but because there's no posns --- it would be a "compassionate" MMO posting. And, that would have career implications in that he would then become ineligible for promotion, deployments etc.

Can we please let this thread die a natural death before someone brings out a dead horse icon.  If Tylersnap! isn't in Basic yet, the focus of manning of battalions of The RCR could well be looking toward post-Afghanistan 3RCR and 1RCR (OMLT, etc) by the time he is being posted to a battalion.  If that is the case, then the discussion on likelihood of posting to Pet becomes moot.  As an infantry Private, any real possible career effect as a matter of the (surmised) compassionate nature (if that be the case) of the situation may not have any impact for years.  Alternatively, his situation may be resolved before he ever reaches that point in his new career.  Let's help him understand how to approach the first step.  We have certainly given him plenty of food for thought for the uncertain future based on the little real info we have.

Michael O`Leary said:
Can we please let this thread die a natural death before someone brings out a dead horse icon. 


There is the icon so the thread can die now ;)  ;D
IMHO, I think it is unreasonable for TylerSnap!  to post a question that is vague on details and then expect answers from the members of the site. BM is defending this young soldier and that is all good, but the posts from members here are from experience within the system over the past number of years. Yes, steps are being taken to improve postings, but without more details in the question, how can anyone provide an answer for this specific example?
My wife is due to pop our 2nd child at the end of May, we own a house close to CFB Greenwood, she has an amazing job with the government in the area, all our family is around here, and I don't expect preferential treatment even though I'll be starting Basic any time now.

I really wish teh OP posted his reason for a preferential posting though, it may have cleared up a bit on here.
I don't know about anyone else, but from the very first post on this thread, I was thinking about the movie, "Knocked Up".  ;D
Wow.  Haven't checked this thread in a couple days and was rather floored by the can of worms I opened up.  If some of you were in a beer hall I do believe blood would have been drawn.  :)  In the interest of satisfying curiosity, my child lives with his/her mother in the GTA (east of TO).  (I really had no desire to mention any aspect of my personal life on a public forum which is the reason for the cryptic wording) I wanted to be posted to Petawawa so I could be close to him/her.  My preferences were not demands and I am committed to my decision to join the CF and I will do whatever is asked of me.  Or go wherever I'm told.  I am not so naive as to think the CF would give a stiff fart about my girlfriend but I had hoped they would take a kid into consideration.  And as I doubt any battalion is at 100% strength at any time I really have a hard time seeing them turn this down.  After reading a few posts I will admit a cold sweat appeared on my brow and a nervous queasiness cut through me.  My career could be hurt because I requested preference to a battalion because I wanted to stay in Ontario?  Brutal. 

Anyway, I will revisit this thread many months from now when I find out.  However, in the end, all I want to do is be an Infanteer and a dad, if that means a career as a corporal just to be near my toddler then so be it.... but let's hope not eh? :salute:
As a few have mentioned , the forces are taking a more friendly approach these days, much more so than they have in the past. To the point that during my interview the officer told me that if I am doing well on Basic they *may* give me leave over a weekend to see my baby that is due the end of May (if Im on course that is). I was quite surprised when he told me this, and it was backed up by another NCM who left St Jean not long ago to work at the recruiting office. Told me that it is a morale boost and all that jazz. Not sure if it was a gimmick to get me to sign up or not, but it didnt sound like a pack of lies to me because the way they detailed it sounded pretty solid. If this is so my ass will be working it's hardest x 2.

One of the main drawbacks that keep people from joining in the 1st place is that in the past the military basically said "once your in your OURS, we'll issue you a life". That doesn't fly over well with most of the general population and isn't at all attractive to possible recruits.

But who knows what may happen. If you go in with the belief that you'll be stationed where they need you and it happens you won't be dissapointed, and if you get posted to a preferred base then *SHA-ZAM*, the military thought it prudent to issue you piece of mind ;)
TylerSnap! said:
My career could be hurt because I requested preference to a battalion because I wanted to stay in Ontario?  Brutal. 

No one said that your career would be affected because you just requested to be in Pet, they said it depended upon your "specific situation and "important reason". No "brutal" involved at all. Now that you've actually brought forth your situation that can be seen. Like has already been said here "the answer depends on the specific situation" --- you got many answers that detailed the specifics for many situations based upon your providing no info other than "it was a very important reason you were sure we'd all agree with."

They said: it could be if your reasons were of a critical "compassionate nature".

Your reasons are not critical (that does not mean they aren't "important"), rather they are just "it would be nice reasons."
Just to toss in my .00002 cents.

When I went through DP1 in Meaford at the start of the course we were all told that the training platoon was slated for 1RCR in Pet. I'm from out east so I asked for 2RCR in Gagetown as did five of the other guys in my platoon. Up until we graduated, we were asked about our posting preference. As it was explained to us and has been mentioned several times; you aren't necessarily asking for a specific battalion as so much as you are requesting Pet or Gagetown.

When the time comes during your DP1 and they ask you and your course where you would like to go, and if the course staff are telling you that the platoon is slated for 2nd Bn here in Gagetown; put up your hand. Let the course staff know, do up your memo stating that due to family reasons you are requesting to go to Pet as you will be closer to your family then you would be if you went to Gagetown. That's what we all did, obviously just the opposite, requesting Gagetown vs Petawawa. The 6 of us all are in the 2nd right now.

And I doubt your career would be hurt by requesting a posting while in DP1. That shouldn't matter, what will matter is how you handle yourself in the battalion. Just as a disclaimer that's my opinion with my limited experience.
We usually don't post Ptes, but one the privates in my platoon easily got a posting to Pet from 2 RCR because his family is in Ont.
RTaylor said:
My wife is due to pop our 2nd child at the end of May, we own a house close to CFB Greenwood, she has an amazing job with the government in the area, all our family is around here, and I don't expect preferential treatment even though I'll be starting Basic any time now.

I really wish teh OP posted his reason for a preferential posting though, it may have cleared up a bit on here.

Oh come on folks!  EVERYONE on here has posting preferences!  Who said he is asking for preferential treatment?  He has personal reasons for wanting to be posted to Ontario.  So what?  You're putting words in his mouth, twisting his/her question with words like preferential. 

Yes, the needs of the service come first, great.  Blah blah blah.  The guy did't say "I won't go to NB". 

No but he certainly made it sound as if he has very very important reasons that would cause a career manager to rethink a posting out of Ontario... and I am sorry, his reasons don't rise to that status.

I am not criticizing him.  I think he needs to understand that his reasons, while well placed, are unlikely to be persuasive... unfortunately.

That being said, I believe they will be considered but just not heavily weighted.
TylerSnap! said:
Hello all, I tried searching on here but came up empty.  I've recently been accepted into the CF as an Infantry soldier and will be assigned to The RCR.  Now, I realize the powers that be will send me to the battalion that is in the most need for soldiers and that I could very well end up in Gagetown with 2RCR.  What I would like to know is, how difficult would it be, or how long would I have to wait, to transfer to one of the other battalions in Petawawa?  The reason I would like to stay in Ontario is for private reasons (yes a very important reason that I'm sure you all would agree with me on).

I think everyone is blowing this out of proportion.  Re: the bolded part.  AGAIN he is not saying he won't go to NB.

In my experience it is very easy to get posted to Pet rather then Gagetown coming out of battle school because there is usually a high number of east coasters that join the CF and particularly the RCR.  Most of them usually want to be posted to Gagetown.  Secondly there are two Battalions in Pet and only one in Gagetown - all of which have to be manned as equally as possible.  That doubles your chance of going to Pet.   

As a member of The RCR it is very likely that you could spend your entire career in either Pet or Gagetown.  There are only so many out of trade postings for the infantry. 

Good luck.
QV said:
As a member of The RCR it is very likely that you could spend your entire career in either Pet or Gagetown.  There are only so many out of trade postings for the infantry. 

As a Pte yes.  As you go higher in rank, you could be posted as RSS to any of the PRes Infantry units.  You could also be posted to the Rangers.  Other postings could include one of the Battle Schools, the Infantry School or even the Combat Arms School.  Perhaps a job in Range Control at one of the Bases across Canada is in your cards.  There are numerous "Any Trade" postings that you may apply for at Embassies, Alert, Test Establishments, CFRC's, Ceremonial Guard, etc.  There are hundreds of postings one may get after finishing QL5 Infantry and a PLQ.
As a Pte yes.  As you go higher in rank, you could be posted as RSS to any of the PRes Infantry units.  You could also be posted to the Rangers.  Other postings could include one of the Battle Schools, the Infantry School or even the Combat Arms School.  Perhaps a job in Range Control at one of the Bases across Canada is in your cards.  There are numerous "Any Trade" postings that you may apply for at Embassies, Alert, Test Establishments, CFRC's, Ceremonial Guard, etc.  There are hundreds of postings one may get after finishing QL5 Infantry and a PLQ.

I would even take that a step farther and say that it is highly unlikely that one would spend 20-25 years progressing through the ranks in the same Battalion.  It happens sometimes that one stays where he started, but as far as I can tell most guys - especially once they hit MCPL - end up being sent somewhere.  That said, often guys get posted to new positions within Petawawa - The Leadership School, switch Battalions, Range Control, ect. I wouldn't count on this though.