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The Gagetown Thread- Merged

Yes they do ask.

However remember that the Career Manager cares about the Regiments need's before yours. And only with very good valid reasons will he "care" about you and your needs.
  I realize the Regiment comes first.  However, I believe my responsibilities will allow me to stay in Ontario.
One of the big deciding factors is which Bn is in reconstitution phase and the rotation of them in Task Force generation. But there is always exceptions.
Grunt_031 said:
But there is always exceptions.

"Exceptions" sometimes come with 'Career ramifications'.  Compassionate Postings sometimes come with "No Promotion", "No Courses" and "No Deployment" clauses.  Be careful of what you wish for.
You know, I kind of hope to be posted in Petawawa, with The RCR, but, I will settle for any posting that they will give me, even if that wouldn't mean being in The RCR.
TylerSnap! said:
  I realize the Regiment comes first.  However, I believe my responsibilities will allow me to stay in Ontario.

I can't think of a single "responsibility" that will ensure you get to Pet and remain there for your career.

1) If it's a "compassionate" family related responsibility that precludes you from posting elsewhere -- it'll also preclude you from deploying anywhere. You should really understand that right now. Sometimes these situations occur and are quite justifiable -- such as going through a divorce etc.

2) I have seen this occur three times in my career, and all three were due to a child who had a a medical condition which required advanced treatment facilities. In one case, the child had to be within one hour of a major children's hospital. Those situations are unavoidable ... and very very rare.

3) Looking after elderly relativs etc. It's done all the time by members -- either financially, physically, or both. In those cases, if the elderly parents live with you etc -- it is expected that they move with you when you are posted.

4) Legal issues. Going through a divorce etc. You will be told to sort your shit out. As soon as those issues are dealt with, and you will have to inform your CoC when that finalisation occurs, --- you are back to being treated just like anyone else.

5) Child whom is not in your custody lives there with the mother. Oh well, there's tonnes of divorced couples in the CF -- some posted on the opposite sides of the country from their kids. Fly Westjet. If YOU have a child and have custody, and that custody order prevents you from leaving Ontario -- it is your responsibility to go back to the court and the judge and explain the circumstances of your "job" to have that restriction lifted so that you can be posted elsewhere. IT also happens ALL the time. That would fall into the category of "Adminstrative" issue that you need to sort out.

The question I have for you is that you state you'd had no problems with deploying etc. That, to me, pretty much shuts down your entire arguement about "Petawawa" being the only possible location that you should be. Answer me this:  If it is impossible for you to be posted anywhere but location "X" because you are needed there so "desperately" in your eyes ... then how could whomever/whatever "possibly do without you while you were somewhere else on a deployment"?? I won't be the only one asking that question. I'm quite sure your CoC would ask it too the first time you walked in and asked why your name was left off the CFTPO "deployment X". My answer would be "because you already told us that you couldn't possibly be anywhere but here -- live with it."
Alright before we all go and scare this kid into something foolish.....

Yes the Regiment and the Army has it's priority's and yes you could end up going to a different Bn or Base then you wanted. But remember asking is not a bad thing, laying it all out in a memo is in fact your best course of action and there could be no ramifications to asking to be in Petawawa what so ever.  All this talk about compassionate this and career stop that is totally premature in fact with a QL3 Pte there is in my experience 0 issues with a young lad wanting to go to say Timbuktu base because of X reason every Bn needs troops at this point so ask and don't be afraid to tell them why. You will get it or you wont and that is that.

Let's stop the scare mongering people......
BulletMagnet said:
Let's stop the scare mongering people......

It's not scare mongering. It's just the facts.

He should not presume that his "responsibility" requiring him to be in Pet will be regarded as a "valid" one for his entire career that precludes any moving elsewhere. If he expects that, he's on the wrong track.

What "he" views as a "responsibility" may indeed be something that he WILL be expected to sort out, correct, and fix in order to avoid career implications. If the "reason" he has is something that falls into that category and he expects that he will not have to "fix" it or sort it out "in a timely manner" --- one very often finds themselves within the realm of "administrative burden". Sound mean? Well, it is the truth.
Look the kid did not say "I can't be anywhere else" he said he has reason he wants to be in Pet. I  can understand that, hell 3 or 4 guys had reasons they wanted to be in Pet and Gagetown during my QL3, and the Course WO said write a memo say why and I'll pass it to the Career Manager, and you know what he did and guess what in a few cases they may not have got the Bn they wanted but they got that base.

The Army is not such a big bad uncaring place stop making it sound like that for Pete's sake. YES it has priorities YES it has positions and tasking that NEED to be filled but it also in most cases listen to reason why a soldier can't at this time....He said he he'll take that the Army gives him and that I respect what I also respect is that he has reasons he wants to be in Ontario so lets let him ask and see what he gets. We have (well I and another) gave him the ways to ask we answered his quesion let's leave the inquisition and fear mongering to ourselves.
For now, it's enough that TylerSnap! knows that he can request a posting to Petawawa when his BIQ course is asked to make posting preferences.  Also, if the course is told they're all going to Gagetown, he knows that he can request consideration for a posting to Pet.  If he feels that his reasons are valid, and presents them effectively, then he may receive the posting he desires.  If the reasons are significant enough, he will be likely be briefed then, or the next time they arise as a consideration, on the potential career implications if they remain unchanged.

He has his immediate course of action.

He is aware of potential ramifications.

We don't know the facts of his situation, so we can only let him work it through.

ArmyVern said:
It's not scare mongering. It's just the facts.

What "he" views as a "responsibility" may indeed be something that he WILL be expected to sort out, correct, and fix in order to avoid career implications. If the "reason" he has is something that falls into that category and he expects that he will not have to "fix" it or sort it out "in a timely manner" --- one very often finds themselves within the realm of "administrative burden". Sound mean? Well, it is the truth.

I call BS on it's not fear Mongering!

It completely is....He asked a simple question the answer was given then some tangent about why he shouldn't ask a preference or explain his reason to HIS CoC came out. You can call it facts sure I wont argue to extent it is but it's all mitigating and crystal ball reading on our part. We have no idea what his Carrer Manager will say, well actualy I know the guy so I have some what of an idea...If his reason are valid he'll likely get what he asks for with no restrictions so long as it's not a reason like "My mother is dying and I can't leave her bedside" then well yeah if it's that there will be something.

The Career Manager will send guys where they are needed but he usualy sends those where they want to go. Thats why they ask where you want to be posted nearer the end of the course then after that those who have more reasons then they just want to go to 3 RCR to jump the Course WO will tell those soldiers to write memos and from there it's all up to the CM.

Question answered next topic
BulletMagnet said:
Look the kid did not say "I can't be anywhere else" he said he has reason he wants to be in Pet. I  can understand that, hell 3 or 4 guys had reasons they wanted to be in Pet and Gagetown during my QL3, and the Course WO said write a memo say why and I'll pass it to the Career Manager, and you know what he did and guess what in a few cases they may not have got the Bn they wanted but they got that base.

The Army is not such a big bad uncaring place stop making it sound like that for Pete's sake. YES it has priorities YES it has positions and tasking that NEED to be filled but it also in most cases listen to reason why a soldier can't at this time....He said he he'll take that the Army gives him and that I respect what I also respect is that he has reasons he wants to be in Ontario so lets let him ask and see what he gets. We have (well I and another) gave him the ways to ask we answered his quesion let's leave the inquisition and fear mongering to ourselves.

And I am saying that he said:

TylerSnap! said:
Hello all, I tried searching on here but came up empty.  I've recently been accepted into the CF as an Infantry soldier and will be assigned to The RCR.  Now, I realize the powers that be will send me to the battalion that is in the most need for soldiers and that I could very well end up in Gagetown with 2RCR.  What I would like to know is, how difficult would it be, or how long would I have to wait, to transfer to one of the other battalions in Petawawa? The reason I would like to stay in Ontario is for private reasons (yes a very important reason that I'm sure you all would agree with me on).

So the kid wants to be in Pet, his entire career. He says that he has a "very important reason that he's sure we'd all agree with him on."

I'm saying:

That he should not expect any reason to be considered to be valid to keep him there his entire career. There may indeed be a valid compassionate circumstance for him to go there now ... but he WILL be expected to deal with that and get it sorted out "in a timely manner".

That's a fact. Compassionates come with expiry dates, and CF members are expected to have their business in order by the end of them so that they are able to be posted, promoted, and deployed again.

He can certainly ask for Pet, and hopefully he gets it, but that doesn't stop him from being posted down the road -- so whatever his "responsibility is there now" --- he needs to fix it to allow for that. As I said before, the only time I have ever seen a sit that could not be fixed, was in the case of the medical issues with children, and the one where the child needed to be within the hour from CHEO where treatment for his disease was available. Obviously, in that case, the member (an RCR) could never have been posted to Gagetown as we are more than an hour from CHEO. In that case, the member could do nothing to fix the issue, nor was it caused by him. Totally different from something administrative that can be, and is expected to be "fixed".
BulletMagnet said:
I call BS on it's not fear Mongering!

It completely is....He asked a simple question the answer was given then some tangent about why he shouldn't ask a preference or explain his reason to HIS CoC came out. You can call it facts sure I wont argue to extent it is but it's all mitigating and crystal ball reading on our part. We have no idea what his Carrer Manager will say, well actualy I know the guy so I have some what of an idea...If his reason are valid he'll likely get what he asks for with no restrictions so long as it's not a reason like "My mother is dying and I can't leave her bedside" then well yeah if it's that there will be something.

The Career Manager will send guys where they are needed but he usualy sends those where they want to go. Thats why they ask where you want to be posted nearer the end of the course then after that those who have more reasons then they just want to go to 3 RCR to jump the Course WO will tell those soldiers to write memos and from there it's all up to the CM.

Question answered next topic


I never told him not to ask. I didn't even say he'd only get there on "compassionate grounds". And, I sure as fuck did NOT tell him (quote from you above): he shouldn't ask a preference or explain his reason to HIS CoC. I never told him a single thing about asking, OR what to say to his CoC. Not a single thing.

I just explained that whatever the reasons he's got are -- WILL have to be sorted out by him. That's a fact. Get over it.

I don't see "stay in Ontario my entire Career"  anywhere in his posts.

I see "I would like to be in Ontario" he put no time limit on it. And you and I both know that save Opertions he'll likely be in whatever Bn he gets posted into for many years to come until reaching MCpl or Sgt before they ever post him somewhere else.

PM inbound Ref something else though.....
He did not mention anything about being posted to Edmonton.  Now, you are just trying to stir the pot Kat Stevens!!!  LOL

What I see is a question about getting posted to Ontario, for personal reasons.  That doesn't cut it with any Career Manager.  Fear Mongering?  I call BS on you for that.  Not only that, but as you have come out and stated that you know this person and the reasons; then the two of you could have dealt with this over beers and not on this site.  

He has come across as someone who wants to be posted close to home for personal reasons.  The CF really doesn't care about these things if the reasons are trivial.  In this topic, with no indication that they are or are not Trivial, we have laid out some facts for the poster.  If you call that Fear Mongering, what would you call some other method by which he got all the facts, out of the CFAOs, DAODs, QR&Os, LFCODs, or whatever?........Is it fear mongering if someone were to look up the facts in a book?  

As you say you know him, and with your own experience, although limited, take him out and explain to him all the options.

If the reason is purely "Puppy Love" then the answer will probably be "NO".  See earlier posts for other options or points of views.
TylerSnap! said:
Hello all, I tried searching on here but came up empty.  I've recently been accepted into the CF as an Infantry soldier and will be assigned to The RCR.  Now, I realize the powers that be will send me to the battalion that is in the most need for soldiers and that I could very well end up in Gagetown with 2RCR.  What I would like to know is, how difficult would it be, or how long would I have to wait, to transfer to one of the other battalions in Petawawa?  The reason I would like to stay in Ontario is for private reasons (yes a very important reason that I'm sure you all would agree with me on).
Here are your questions as I understand them
If posted to Gagetown, how difficult would it be to transfer to Pet.
As others have stated, sometimes the career manager makes "horse trades". For example, If Pte Bloggins, 1 RCR wants to go to Gagetown, and you, Pte TylerSnap, wants to go to Pet, then they "may" post you both.  How difficult that is, I don't know.
How long would you have to wait to transfer to Pet.
Again, this depends.  If there is no operational reason to post you to Pet, you may wait a very long time.
I hope I got your questions correctly.
Now, information is power. When at the LFCATC going though your DP1 training, you should be asked which battalion you will prefer.  Let them know.  If going through soon, ask for 1 RCR, then 3 RCR, then 2 RCR.  (You have to list three preferences)
I wish you luck!
I know or have at least had more then one conversation with the CM not the poster.

And you are wrong the CF cares about stuff now days, it very well may not have not so long ago and it probably cares less then people think but the welfare of a soldier and that impact on his job performance is very much a concern for the CF.

And saying it could mean he wont go on tour or wont get promoted is in my mind total fear mongering. Not only is it worst case scenario it's not even really that likely at this stage in the persons career, he is a non qualified Pte heck from reading into his post he isn't even in Basic yet so he'll get his Cpl's period full stop after 4 years. After that well that's something else.

You can say QR&O this CFAO that ( CFAO's are being phased out btw) but we both know that using those against someone is again worse case They exist but a rarely used in a negative unless they HAVE to be. Many things can and do happen without things being done IAW QR&O blah blah blah.  

Tyler go with options given when the time time comes and do what you have to do you will be told if it is likely and what may or may not happen as a result but for the love of all things holy do not let some of things here in anyway influence the asking "IF" it's possible. Mr Oleary is the Regimental Adjutant for that Regiment  and MRP is in an RCR Bn they also agree with me on the asking and we are both Royals the rest well they aren't and though that have years of CF experience they are not in this Regiment nor do they know 100% what may or may not happen.