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The Gagetown Thread- Merged

ShawnSmith said:
I'm not familiar with security/lockup protocols- just how does that happen?

I've only been in one armoury, but didn't see any C7's just laying around.

Its called an inside job.
Point to note for CFL
My reasoning behind my statement "had it been a TQ 3 course the student would have been charged and re-coursed"is that I had an individual join me on my TQ 3 course who had temporaily lost a C-9 bolt in an Artic tent during his final ex who was charged and recoursed to my course to complete the last five weeks of the course again. The bolt had been found. Not lost for months with an RCMP investigation going on or left in a trench. Still action was taken and the ind. punished.
Losing any piece of serialized kit especially a weapon whether during training or from a veh.on a public  road is pure negligence and swift disciplinarian action must be taken.
Rant on

Firstly, it really shytes me off when a jr member has a go at a snr one!

It really shytes me off when a snr member jacks a thread to call a jr member a poser or just about calls a junior member a poser cause he doesn't believe a statement that isn't even pivotal to the point the jr member is trying to make, if you want I will attempt to find another member, who is deployed in the area with me who was on the same course to verify.  :)

A duffel? I thought we called 'em kit bags in the CF? A duffel is very civvy sounding to me and used on too many US made war movies, and I too smell a rat/poser not only by these words, but the entire post just aint right. Ya, and I believe that quote from the CSM too  . That entire post 39 smells of bullshyte.

yeah, cause terminology doesn't change from place to place or person to person, I've been calling a duffle a duffle for about 26 years now, cause thats what my family always called a duffle, and guess what, everyone knows what I'm talking about, but if I'm a poser for calling a duffle a duffle, I'll start calling a kit bag a kit bag, and a horsecck a flexable hose adapter etc etc etc... there are many names for everything, sorry you don't like the one I use for kit bag.

So you think I'm BSing, whatever. I wasn't trying to impress you, I was trying to make a point. I just took a dump, would you like me to send it home so you can pick peanuts out of it?  ;D

Luke, in post 63 of this thread you mention "the city you are in" (St John NB), then why do say this when your profile says you are currently deployed with the CF in the Middle East? Your msn profile says you are a civilian, a computer wrangler, and you want to be a pilot in the CF.

I am PRes, that means I have a civy job as well as work for DND, however, I guess I should update my profile as I quit working for Genesys as Jack of all trades computer guy when they wouldn't let me go on PLQ. I live in Saint John, NB. I continue to parade with 722 Comm Sqn in the basement or the Barrack Green armouries... this is my home, I'm currently deployed to the ME, but I'm going home in a few months... would you like me to update my profile? I'm assuming so... there done.  :salute:

btw it's Saint John, St Johns is in NFLD

Yeah I want to fly rotary wing... got aspirations to do more in life than just sit behind a radio and say "0 roger out" the rest of my career... I'm going back to University to finish off my computer Science degree because tech school certificates don't count as secondary education with the CF, after that I'm going to apply for flight trg.... I'm also thinking of going to civy ground school for a bit of an extra edge. I've also been weighing in taking the CETOP or the ROTP programs. The recruiter is pushing me towards CETOP.

I suggest you pull your head in a bit, George is a long time member who has contributed very well, and has been around. I am sure has spent more time standing against the Mess urinal than you got in the army (that is if you even are). If you are ( and I say if) a MCPL (either RegF or PRes), you should show much more professionalism and leadership than your very piss weak words used in this thread.

ahh, I see so it's ok for a Snr member to accuse someone of being a poser because he doesn't believe something he writes, and thats just fine, but it's unprofessional and unleaderlike for a Jr member to try to clear the air... I see, do I smell the old boys network here? btw why are you jumping on me, and not letting George respond? ;) Are you implying that because George has "spent more time standing against the Mess urinal than you got in the army " (talk about unprofessional language) that I have nothing worth saying?

Is this a private forum on the Canadian military that is for fun and supposed to have a little light hearted ribbing, or are we on the parade square? I am enjoying this btw, I hope you aren't taking this too seriously, I'm putting in a lot of smilies so you can see that I'm not angry or trying to insult, I'm replying with the nature of two people in the mess rippin on eachother good naturedly. As this is an all ranks board, I like to think of it like an all ranks mess.

With info you have given us on two sites (very wishy-washy), and the quality of your posts, I too smell a poser. Either sort yourself out on here, or move on.

sorted myself out... Anything else I can do to make you happy?  :D

Seriously though, I don't want to have to defend my self every week cause a senior member doesn't like my profile or my terminology.

Sorry to everyone else who doesn't care who can  pee the farthest, please resume the discussion on topic  :salute:

“We take matters of public safety very seriously and it is for this reason that we utilized the expertise of Crime Stoppers in trying to recover the pistol,”

LOL  just an elaborate way to avoid saying "we haven't the foggiest where it is."
CFL said:
Having trouble bring up the text
any chance you can cut and paste
As requested:

January 24, 2006

CFB GAGETOWN – The Browning 9mm pistol reported missing in the Gagetown Training Area in August 2005 was returned to the base on January 13, 2006.

After viewing the Crime Stoppers “Feature of the Week” television segment in early January, a concerned citizen turned the pistol over to the Fredericton Police.  The weapon was later turned over to the 3 Garrison Military Police Company at CFB Gagetown.

“We take matters of public safety very seriously and it is for this reason that we utilized the expertise of Crime Stoppers in trying to recover the pistol,” said Colonel Ryan Jestin, Base Commander of CFB Gagetown. “Having the weapon found so shortly after the airing of the segment proves that Crime Stoppers works.”

No further information is available at this time as the investigation into the disappearance of the pistol is still ongoing.  To date, no charges have been laid in the incident.

The 3 Garrison Military Police Company would like to thank both Crime Stoppers and the Fredericton Police Force for their support in this investigation and the recovery of the weapon.

CFB Gagetown
Public Affairs Officer
(506) 422-2000 ext 2466

Just imagine in the states.

They have some missing atomic bombs.  That would make for one hell of a crime stoppers segment.

Hey, this is Angel, Forest-Gumps wife...
we have been posted to Gagetown and are heading there in a few weeks, I was wondering if anyone out there can tell me a little about it. I tried checking on the search engine but came up with nothing!!! I was also wondering about the housing...we have 2 daughters (3 1/2 and 15-months) and have heard horror stories about the houses, eg. getting so cold in the winter that the food in your cubbards freeze, mold everywhere, etc. I was also wondering if the houses have basements, yards and are allowed pets. I know I'm asking alot but if anyone can help me out I'd appreciate it... I gotta know what I'm getting myself into...LOL!!! I know I'm pushing it with this one  but if anyone has any pictures of the housing could you please send some...if you don't mind...

Veterans son said:
Thank you so much to all those who replied to my request regarding my father's name on Sappers Wall!
It will be great to have the photo and having his name engraved on the wall
is a fitting tribute to Dad.


Anyone get that pic to you yet? I work at CFSME and my office is about 27 meters from the wall. Let me know if you still need it and I will take some pics for you.

forest-gump said:
Hey, this is Angel, Forest-Gumps wife...
we have been posted to Gagetown and are heading there in a few weeks, I was wondering if anyone out there can tell me a little about it. I tried checking on the search engine but came up with nothing!!! I was also wondering about the housing...we have 2 daughters (3 1/2 and 15-months) and have heard horror stories about the houses, eg. getting so cold in the winter that the food in your cubbards freeze, mold everywhere, etc. I was also wondering if the houses have basements, yards and are allowed pets. I know I'm asking alot but if anyone can help me out I'd appreciate it... I gotta know what I'm getting myself into...LOL!!! I know I'm pushing it with this one  but if anyone has any pictures of the housing could you please send some...if you don't mind...


I just got posted out of there so I can fill ya in... they do let pets in there.. but they are you in your control..the dogs have to have their tags...cats don't. You have a little slot of land... or a huge hunk if you live near a corner like myself... and the PMQ's for winter... you have to put that wrap on the windows..and doors!!! and make sure you get locked in a good price for oil...I got mine with CANEX.. as the front counter and they will help you out there... the only picutre I have of my house is the outside...and well ...design is quite simple.... bricks...and more bricks... just make sure when you get your house..r.ecord everything to housing cause when it comes time to clear out...they can be a bit of a nazi at time... now here is one major point for you.... Halloween..... buy a lot of canny...lots... I come for the sticks... and wow...I was screwed over hardcore...

As for things to do...I just pissed of the RCMP with my car... but that was me.... I was pretty well bored out of my mind there... oh I am rambling on here....lol... and yeah they do have basements... so joy joy... have fun getting that washer and dyer in there... getting out is even funny.... hahahahaha... I nearly die!!! meh.....

*Done rant*

forest-gump said:
Hey, this is Angel, Forest-Gumps wife...
we have been posted to Gagetown and are heading there in a few weeks, I was wondering if anyone out there can tell me a little about it. I tried checking on the search engine but came up with nothing!!! I was also wondering about the housing...we have 2 daughters (3 1/2 and 15-months) and have heard horror stories about the houses, eg. getting so cold in the winter that the food in your cubbards freeze, mold everywhere, etc. I was also wondering if the houses have basements, yards and are allowed pets. I know I'm asking alot but if anyone can help me out I'd appreciate it... I gotta know what I'm getting myself into...LOL!!! I know I'm pushing it with this one  but if anyone has any pictures of the housing could you please send some...if you don't mind...


Hey Angel,

I am currently living in G-town, have been for going on 4 years and I have a 4 y/o and a 2 1/2 y/o. I have a great pmq, and have friends who live in all the different styles..so, I am familiar with all of them. I have a good idea whoTN2IC is if he says he pissed off the RCMP with his car for kicks LOL. Anyway, the Q's are nice...nicer if you get a detatched or semi detatched (duplex) rather than a row house. It is advantageous to seal your windows with plastic in the winter as the draughts are nasty...but there are some units that have been completely retrofitted...(ie gutted out and rebuilt from the inside out) and they are fabulous...one of my best friends just moved into a retrofitted 4 bedroom, wow is it warm...and you never hear the furnice cut in. We are in a duplex with a decent chunk of grass to mow. There is a bilaw in Oromocto that states that your cat has to be tied up if outside...not everyone complies with this...if you are lucky your neighbors won't bitch too bad.

For more information about the area, base, and PMQs I suggest you contact the Welcome, Information and Referral Coordinator at the MFRC. Her name is Paulette Vance and she knows her stuff... you can contact her via email at MFRCGage@rogers.com or you can call her 422-2000 ext. 3252  The MFRC website is: www.mfrcgagetown.nb.ca

Good luck with the move...see ya when you get here!
Thanks for the info guys...
I REALLY appreciate it, I was kind of worried after hearing how crappy the housing is...dealing with the cold isn't too bad...I was more worried about the mold and stuff like that, especially with small kids. It's good to know you were screwed come Halloween though ...that means lots of friends for my kids...LOL!!!

  Hey, i'll be in Gagetown this summer (En Force on some sec commanders course).  It's a seven week contract, and i will want to come home ( Mtl ) on a few of my weekends off.  I did a seach to see if anyone had asked this question or something similar before.  I want to know what is the cheapest method to get from Geagetown to Montreal, is it train, plane or bus?  Any info would be a big help.    Thanks a lot :cdn:
The cheapest way is on your Travel Claim.  Once you are there, you can probably rent a car for the weekend or Lve period that you want to go home on.  When you take into account the Taxi/bus fare to and from the Train Station/Airport/Bus Terminal and then to your quarters in Gagetown, it may be the cheapest and offer you the most flexibility.  You'll have wheels when you get home.
You would have to go to Moncton to catch the train.  It takes about 1:45 -2:00 to get from Gagetown to the train station in Moncton.  The train takes overnight to get to Montreal.  It only goes every second day and comes back the other way on alternating days.  I think you will find that it is impossible to go from Gagetown to Montreal by train for a weekend.

If I recall back to my university days in Fredericton, the bus leaves every day for Montreal in the mid-afternoon or early evening and takes about 12 hours to get to Montreal because you change buses in Riviere du Loup and the bus stops to drop off parcels and pick up passengers at every little back woods Irving station along the way.

Flying out of Fredericton is costly.  It is much cheaper to fly out of Halifax or Moncton. 

To be honest, it is not really practical to travel back and forth for weekends because of the logistics of getting the hell out of Fredericton to a main transit point.  Just my (well travelled)  .02. 
If I remember correctly (and they do it again).  I believe SQFT lays on a bus every summer for staff tasked to Gagetown to take staff back and forth from Quebec every weekend.  Contact the School that you are working for to find out if that is happenning again this summer.