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The Election

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As some of you likely know Mr Martin called an election for June 28th and it looks like this year the Liberals might be done..

For those of you at voting age, who do you intend to vote for?
Harper seems to have his **** together. He has some good reform ideas (To the Senate, Health Care etc) and good ideas in regards to the military. I however unfortunantly can‘t vote (Sure I know enough to but since I‘m under 18 I‘m apparently to dumb). Anyway what do you fine folks think?
Not sure yet. In the past I always voted Liberal. But there‘s a lot that‘s transpired since the last election thats left a bad taste in my mouth wrt the Liberal party. And frankly, my opinion of politics and the whole left and right has changed alot in the past 6 months or so too.

I would probably vote for the Conservatives if it wasn‘t for Stephen Harper. Just something about that guy that I don‘t like.

But hey, you know the saying: vote for the party not the man, so I guess I got some thinking to do.
If it was Tony Clement or even Belinda Stronarch (sp?) maybe. But Stephen Harper? I just don‘t know.

The only thing I do know is it won‘t be the NDP. There already too many ******* Svends in the world.
Originally posted by absent_element:
I would probably vote for the Conservatives if it wasn‘t for Stephen Harper. Just something about that guy that I don‘t like.

Yeah I get that feeling too. He doesn‘t seem inspiring and he doesn‘t look like a leader. The Liberals are fiscally irresponsible but one only has to look to Ontario to see how the Conservatives act when in charge of the books. I‘ll be paying a 300-400$ health care premium because of our 2 billion+ deficit. I‘m not terribly bothered by it (those in the higher tax brackets might have a different opinion however) but it makes ya wonder how truly different their platforms are. It might look good on paper but I‘m having a hard time distinguishing between the two. Maybe that‘s why Marty called the election now. Seat rich Ontario has a sour taste in her mouth thanks to Ernie and Harris.
Am I the only one that thought Joe Clark would have made the greatest PM (I have respect for that guy) and Kim Campbell was hot?
Kim Campell was not hot compared to Belinda Stronarch who almost got the conservative leadership. Of course by the time of the election I‘ll only be 16 so I wont get to vote but even if I could I don‘t know if I would vote. I don‘t like the idea of the conservatives they seem too right wing and they have too many of the same dick heads from the reform party. I don‘t like the liberals on the other hand because of the things like group action and our danish ambasador. If I could vote and I chose to vote it would be for the conservativies just because a party shouldn‘t be in power as long as the Liberals, it‘s lieka dictatorship. I guess I would choose to shake things up a bit and hope they don‘t start something worse.
Everything on TV is saying that Ontario is going to be the make or break province. Which is good for the Conservatives because of the broken promise in the budget by Dalton Miguinty(sp??).
Originally posted by corporal-cam:
[qb]but even if I could I don‘t know if I would vote. [/qb]
I‘m of the opinion that if someone doesn‘t vote, they lose their right to whine about governmental affairs. I‘m not trying to lump you into this group, because you can‘t vote, and because you did make mention of probably choosing somebody (if you could). But I don‘t have much respect for many people (friends of mine in particular) who ***** and moan about the current state of politics in the country but refuse to get off their *** and vote. In my opinion, no politician is a great choice, but I‘m still going to participate whether or not I strongly feel for one candidiate or one party.
I don‘t know how any one could ever vote Lieberal.

$1 BILLION wasted on registering law abiding gun owners
Maher Arar betrayal to the Syrians, then ignored his pleas for help
Khadr terrorists not arrested
Democratic Deficit - appointing candidates
Secret Lieberal Slush Fund
Canada Steamship Funding Lie ($135 thousand vs $161 MILLION)
Abolish NAFTA Lie
Abolish GST Lie
Pearson Airport Payoff
Destruction of the Cod Fishery
The tainted blood scandal, coverup, and the paltry deal
Devalued Canadian Dollar ($1.05 to $0.64 American)
Ripping off veteran‘s and widow‘s pensions
The botched Airbus scandal investigation
The cancelled Somalia "inquiry"
The cancelled APEC "inquiry"
The cancelled AdScam "inquiry"
The "Shawinigan Strangle"
The HRDC billion dollar boondoggle
No New Helicopters for the Army, but New Challenger Jets for Chretien
Wheat farmers arrested for selling their own wheat
Gutting $25 billion dollars out of health care
Big Brother Files (aka the HRDC "Longitudinal Files")
Election gag order restricting freedom of speach
EI regulation vote buying flip-flop (x2)
$40 billion dollars ripped off from the EI fund
Highest tax rate in the G7
Native Treatment Center Scandal
The Fake Flag Fiasco
Leaky Used British Submarines
Thousands of missing refugee claimants
Thousands of "extra" Social Insurance Cards

This latest budget for Ontario is just a killer. Health care will not pay for physio now. Do you know how expensive it is and how many people will not be able to get proper care now?

I don‘t mind paying an extra $5 for a case of beer but to pay health care premiums ect. is just BS.

**** right I will be voting, same as every year!
I‘ll vote for anyone who wants to improve the Military and cut Useless social programs. Don‘t even get me started about Healthcare. I don‘t know how anyone can‘t vote Conservative if you are a member of the Forces
Well the chubby REMF sorts (Not saying anyone here is, don‘t worry) prolly don‘t want to lose their cushy desk jobs and actually have to PT once in a while so that might be a factor, Jutes.
I‘ll be voteing for Conservative, 150% hands down, liberals need to get out, and its looking good for the Conservative party right now.
If I were of age to vote I would vote Conservative.

The Liberals have been in power too long and I would dread the day the NDP governed our nation.
Conservatives, LIEberals need to be turfed. I should metion that I am a Conservative party member
Originally posted by Nick:
Originally posted by absent_element:
I would probably vote for the Conservatives if it wasn‘t for Stephen Harper. Just something about that guy that I don‘t like.

Yeah I get that feeling too. He doesn‘t seem inspiring and he doesn‘t look like a leader. The Liberals are fiscally irresponsible but one only has to look to Ontario to see how the Conservatives act when in charge of the books. I‘ll be paying a 300-400$ health care premium because of our 2 billion+ deficit. I‘m not terribly bothered by it (those in the higher tax brackets might have a different opinion however) but it makes ya wonder how truly different their platforms are. It might look good on paper but I‘m having a hard time distinguishing between the two. Maybe that‘s why Marty called the election now. Seat rich Ontario has a sour taste in her mouth thanks to Ernie and Harris. [/qb]
The 2 billion+ deficit is non-existant. Even the liberal party members I‘ve heard interviewed on can‘t keep the numbers the same. The statement by McGuinty was merely a projection of what the deficit would be IF the Liberals continued on their spending course without raising taxes/implementing the health care changes.

I doubt we‘ll ever truly know what the deficit was when the conservatives left office, liberals will say it was more conservatives will say it was less. Somewhere in the middle ground is the truth.

My personal slogan about the liberals - "Better dead then red" :rage:
Farmboy! Awesome list! Did you come up with that off the top of your head or What?

To the rest of you, Nothing is wrong with Steven Harper...lots of fresh ideas, while Martin is all over the place, he‘s promised increased attention and funding for every single issue.
Hoser rd I agree with you 100%. Everybody whines about government and politicans,it‘s a citizen‘s right. But as far as I‘m concerned if you refuse to vote because of laziness, stupidity, or apathy; then you forfiet that right. As far as I‘m concerend if you don‘t vote you have no right to complain.


I‘m shamed to admit that there are a few things in your list that I never heard of. With that said I will DEFINITLEY be reconsidering my politcal stance this coming election.