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The "Did Minister Sajjan 'Order' Sikh's To Be Airlifted?" Merged Thread

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I didn't want to be a racist and dig too deep into it but on Reddit people are posting about some Sajjan-Liberal Party-donations back and forth between Sikh organizations tomfoolery.
Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest save these Sikhs?
I think Uncle Leonid said "meddlesome priest".

But you are right - when he asked that it was taken as an order to the KGB to assassinate the Pope.
I think Uncle Leonid said "meddlesome priest".

But you are right - when he asked that it was taken as an order to the KGB to assassinate the Pope.
I meant it in reference to Henry II and the Arch Bishop of Canterbury. The actual words of the quote are probable apocryphal but the result was careless words by someone in charge lead to tragic consequences.
The article contains this comment from the CDS which seems to contradict Mr Sajjan:

However on Friday, General Wayne Eyre, Chief of the Defence Staff, told The Canadian Press that the military was following “legal orders” from Mr. Sajjan when it made an effort to specifically help the group of Afghan Sikhs.
The Globe and Mail adds its editorial voice:

"Harjit Sajjan, Canada’s minister of defence during the fall of Kabul in August, 2021, had a lot on his hands as the deadline for airlifting people out of Afghanistan at the end of that month rapidly approached.

His primary “duty and obligation,” as he said in a statement on Thursday, was to Canadians “and those with strong ties to Canada” – in other words, Afghans who had worked for the Canadian embassy, the armed forces or for journalists, often as translators and fixers.
In the chaos, Canada left behind 1,250 Canadian citizens and permanent residents, and their family members. Hundreds more Afghans who assisted the Canadian Army were left stranded.

And yet in the final days of the airlift, Mr. Sajjan instructed the Canadian Forces to mount a rescue operation for about 225 Afghan Sikhs hoping to get on one of Canada’s planes.

Mr. Sajjan insists he didn’t order the military to shift its priority from rescuing Canadians, Afghan interpreters and others who aided Canada during the 12 long years of the war in Afghanistan to rescuing a specific group of vulnerable Afghan nationals with no connection to Canada. But his explanation is beyond flimsy.

The principle of civilian control means that the government sets policy and priorities for Canada’s armed forces. It is absurd to think that an instruction from the minister to the military would be taken for anything other than an order. Lest there be any doubt, Chief of Defence Staff Wayne Eyre told The Canadian Press on Friday that the Forces were following “legal orders.”
Mr. Sajjan, who is Sikh, says he “did not direct the Canadian Armed Forces to prioritize Sikhs above others.” That is a convenient misinterpretation.

Equally convenient is his accusation that racism underpins criticism of his actions. To be clear, Mr. Sajjan is not the victim here. The victims are those left behind in Afghanistan, in the hands of the murderous Taliban regime.
Mr. Sajjan’s actions hampered efforts to evacuate Canadians and people who risked their lives to help Canada, and who should have come before anyone else. It was his mission to get those people to safety. He compromised that mission."
One has to wonder how long Mr Sajjan can carry on/
... on Reddit people are posting about some Sajjan-Liberal Party-donations back and forth between Sikh organizations tomfoolery.
Sikhs supporting him in general shouldn't be a surprise. The timing of THAT one, though, suuuuuuuuuuuuuure draws the eye, don't it, even if it was <cough>coincidental</cough>.
I meant it in reference to Henry II and the Arch Bishop of Canterbury. The actual words of the quote are probable apocryphal but the result was careless words by someone in charge lead to tragic consequences.
Sometimes referred to in this day and age as a Beckett sanction.
I have been known to quote King Henry from time-to-time in reference to one or another of my special people.
You have to ask that question around this government? A government that has never heard of the phrase “Ministerial Responsibility” and thinks that “ethics” are for little people…
Roger that especially the little people part. Try to fudge a claim and see where that ends up,

While I'm at it - $200K for catered meals on a flight? What, box lunches not good enough for you eh?
Roger that especially the little people part. Try to fudge a claim and see where that ends up,

While I'm at it - $200K for catered meals on a flight? What, box lunches not good enough for you eh?
412 Sqn doesn’t do box lunches. I don’t think 437 Sqn does either.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a training flight, bringing home a rotation of troops, or the PM. I flew back on the Airbus once and the food was airline food or better.

Plus, box lunches have a 4 hour expiry time from the packing time - it’s a food safety thing. If the flight is longer than 4 hours (which many flights are), then they have to use hot meals. You don’t want the pilots getting the runs while the aircraft is airborne.