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'The Canadians try to kill everybody'

Wow, after reading that article I decided to explore the globe and mail's website. Often I hear Canadians poking fun at Americans because they know nothing of our history, well, thats actually not so bad considering how many Canadians on the G+M site know nothing of our history or current world afairs lol. Actually, I shouldnt laugh, its rather sad and depressing.
Exibit A: We should withdraw from Iraq.
Exibit B: Harper(sometimes Martin but never Chrethien<sp?>) is a war ciminal who sent our troops into Afghanistan looking for WMD's.
There are more but I think most of us have come across this garbage before.

One question, arnt these people who want us out of Afghanistan the same who want us in Darfur? And isnt Darfur kinda guncrazy these days? I would be willing to bet money that these same people would want us out of Darfur after the first gunshot.

Grrrr sorry bout the rant, one poster asked God to forgive the troops over there for thier crimes and I may not serve but damnit that pissed me off.  :threat:
Yeah alot of there post pissed me off too, there's a bunch of dumb people out there. I guess the best thing we can do is post a reply and tell them how they are wrong and tell them everything that it is right
George Wallace said:
29 1525ET Nov 2006

That'll be a buck, George.  ;D

The sad part is thet I fear you're right.  JL will be all over this like stink on a monkey.
After what happened to two good soldiers today, I can't beleive their is still rags printing tripe and people going for sound bites  >:(  >:(  :rage:  :threat:

These clowns should respect the sacrifices of the soldiers over there and knock it off with the crud their printing/publishing
I've had a great day.... it's not worth it for me to get upset over these useless wastes of valuable oxygen and their propaganda
I'll just take a few deep breaths..... relax and..... oh why not...... :brickwall: .... "ignore" it....

'The Muslims try to kill everybody'

Old Sweat said:
The reporter was interviewed on CFRA this morning about his story. He said that the statement about Canadians trying to kill everybody was probably aimed at Canadian public opinion, and should not be taken as the truth.

Nice of him to include that in the newspaper piece - heaven forbid we should have some context!

milnewstbay said:
Nice of him to include that in the newspaper piece - heaven forbid we should have some context!

It would have been nice for him to place that caveat in his article -before "quoting" those chapped up charges that we are the bloodthirsty heathens in this war of conquest and occupation.
Even if he did put it at the very end, he'd still fulfill his mandate (like some other journalists) of leading with the sizzle, and burying (or even ignoring) the steak.
warspite said:
I've had a great day.... it's not worth it for me to get upset over these useless wastes of valuable oxygen and their propaganda
I'll just take a few deep breaths..... relax and..... oh why not...... :brickwall: .... "ignore" it....

Every day I try, my skin has just not grown thick enough.
"The Canadians try to kill everybody" What and the Taliban don't? We've got ourselves a pot calling the kettle black situation here
If we attack the Canadians, they call for aircraft and bomb everything in the area....The Canadians try to kill everybody.


If we attack the Canadians, they call for aircraft and bomb everything everyone of us in the area....The Canadians try to kill everybody. every one of us! Can you believe the nerve??? Its not supposed to work like that! Please, make them stop!

*edit* heh, reminds me of a quote I ran across the other day. It was a Chinese general complaining about the "meatgrinder" that the UN forces used in Korea to even the odds. Basically the Chinese would assemble for an attack, and then go off sneaking/charging towards the objective in a relatively large formation, and thus be subjected to massed and sustained artillery, mortar, air strikes, machine guns, and occasionally direct fire from tanks depending on who exactly they were trying to overrun that day.

This General is on record complaining about it, "Oh the American's! They use way too much firepower!" Amusing to me, as the thought that ran through my head was along the lines of "And? You perhaps think they should use less firepower? Well yes, I suppose that would be great....for you... "
And now, the REST of the story (highlights mine)- usual disclaimer.....

Our soldiers aren't trying to 'kill everybody'
Christie Blatchford, Globe & Mail, 28 Nov 06
Article Link - Permalink

The identification came so late that as I write this, I know almost nothing about the two Canadian soldiers killed in a suicide bombing in Kandahar yesterday, except that they were with the 1st Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment from Petawawa, Ont.

I don't know the names of their parents, I don't know whether they were good students or graduated with honours or dropped out or whether they played hockey at the local rink. I don't know whether they joined the army out of a sense of adventure, or idealism, or because they wanted the money that comes with deployment to a dangerous place or because the military ran in the family.

But I know one thing.

I know that whatever else these two Canadians were doing in Afghanistan, or what their fellows are still doing, they weren't and aren't out trying to “kill everybody.”
That was in a story that started on the front page of The Globe and Mail yesterday.

Before “the turn” as we call it in newspaper lingo — before the front-page portion was continued inside — a Taliban commander identified only by alias was quoted saying, “If we attack the Canadians, they call for aircraft and bomb everything in the area. The U.S. only tried to kill the Taliban. The Canadians try to kill everybody.”

That is so outrageously untrue, and demonstrably untrue, that it should require no answer. Yet there is so much conflicting information in the public domain about the Canadian mission to Afghanistan that the dialogue is confused, as a perusal of comments on globeandmail.com yesterday confirmed. Left unchallenged, even such transparent nonsense acquires a sheen of truth.

The story by The Globe's Graeme Smith was compelling. He was the first reporter for a Canadian media outlet to visit Baluchistan, a notoriously lawless Pakistani province, since Canada sent troops to nearby Kandahar. There he interviewed two men who purported to be “foot soldiers” of the Taliban, described them by the admittedly fake names they gave him (Mullah Azizullah and Mullah Manan), judged them remarkably frank, and quoted them at length in his story. I have one trustworthy source, a friend reasonably well placed in the Canadian Forces to know about such things, and he said yesterday that some of what the story said rang true for him, though he doubted the two mullahs were foot soldiers (as Mr. Smith noted, they had soft, manicured hands, and my friend said that only fairly senior Taliban commanders would have hands like that) and found the “killing everybody” line as jarring as I did.

I affect no expertise about the Taliban, its hierarchy or Baluchistan, and readily defer to Mr. Smith, and my friend, and others. I'm not interested in the Taliban particularly.

When I go to Kandahar — my third trip there since March starts next month — I go because I am interested in writing about Canadians who for the usual amalgam of reasons are risking their lives there. I spend my time as an embedded journalist, travelling with the troops when I can and staying at coalition bases when I can't go out with soldiers.

So it's Canadian soldiers I know. Over the course of my time in Afghanistan and in dozens more interviews with the returned members of the 1st Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry and others back at home, I know the young men and women (and let's put aside the gender correctness for the moment, the majority of our troops are men) who wear the Maple Leaf well, and the one bloody thing I am sure of is that they are not indiscriminate killers.

In truth, they are precisely the opposite. They are highly discriminating killers. There is a sizable segment of the Canadian public that apparently reels at the notion that our soldiers should ever kill, or that any soldiers ever do, but they do. Canadians are among the best soldiers on the planet at the moment, and that means that they have fired their weapons with predictable results.

But they have done so with in the main what amounts to exquisite care. Indeed, the combination of their careful training, the decisions of their commanders and the detailed rules of engagement that govern them has sometimes seen Canadians, and our allies in combat there, choose a course of action that sees them suffer casualties rather than the easier one, which might cause civilian deaths.

Instead of first bombing a Taliban stronghold, for instance, Canadians go in on foot, or in light armoured vehicles and the like, and physically fight insurgents, calling in allied air support only if their troops find themselves in dire trouble; instead of shooting at vehicles that come too close to their convoys, Canadians and their NATO allies have spent big dollars and time on information campaigns to tell Afghans to stay away from convoys (and as recently as July, when I was last there, Canadians were still throwing water bottles at the cars, to keep them back).

It isn't Canadian soldiers who have killed scores of ordinary Afghan civilians, women and children, in suicide bombs and improvised explosive devices on the gutted roads of that country, who bomb schools and threaten teachers with death. It isn't Canadian generals who sit in briefing rooms and plan devastating attacks in busy markets; it is the men like those my colleague interviewed, with their soft hands and hennaed nails, who do, and who send in as cannon fodder any sufficiently poor, illiterate, desperate young Afghan men they can find.

Canadian soldiers try to kill everybody? Yes, and as my friend said yesterday, “My mother met Elvis during her abduction by aliens.”

More people should listen to Christie, She knows what she's talking about. Too bad there aren't more reporters like her
how can the citizens of this nation honestly believe that the children raised amongst them, who they grew up with, played hockey beside, went to school with, dated as adolescents, etc...can then go and murder indiscriminately because they put on stupid-looking clothes and wear an unfavourable haircut?

We swear an oath to protect these cowardly weaklings, to die for them, and they assume that we would automatically turn our backs on the very ideals for which we are fighting?

And people wonder why I despise civilians more and more every day.

For this, we fight. Right...
Excellent article, one thing though, Terence McKenna --a CBC Corespondent-- was already in Balochistan, sometime in March of this year.

Edit: I'm referring to the Blatchford article of course when I say "excellent article"
Again, the Taliban is craftily fighting the information war. Look how well they know us! What could make Canadians reel more than saying we are worse than the Americans? Oooohhhhh....  ::)

They are playing the Canadian public like fiddles....
muskrat89 said:
Again, the Taliban is craftily fighting the information war.

Too true!

I suspect that most Canadian journalists, people like Graeme Smith, are simply too ignorant – that’s the right word - to understand:

• What they see and hear in the region; and

• The nature of information warfare and their, unwitting, role in it.

Almost certainly through ignorance, Graeme Smith and his editors allowed themselves to be played by the Taliban.  They became part of the story.  They forsook journalism and became Taliban agents in Canada.  It is the logical outcome of ignorance and idleness – the two main defining characteristics of Canadian journalists.
If Christe keeps writing like that she will find herself banned from the Press club, can't have reporters writing the plain truth, it make the rest look bad.