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The Best Steak


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Who do you guys think has the best steak? Zorro's Steakhouse in Mississauga has my vote for their ribsteak, they always cook it perfectly and it's probably 25-30 oz (not sure though) http://www.zorrossteakhouse.com/
I'm vegetarian but hubby swears by the steaks at this greasy spoon called Zet's.
Zet's is amazing. I eat there too much and am slowly killing my heart because of it.

Some of the biggest and juiciest burgers in the area. Meant only for real men (those with opposable thumbs).
My own steaks (venison, killed by me), grilled on my own BBQ, marinated in Caribbean jerk marinade....cooked and served with brew in hand and friends close by. :cheers:
Larry Strong said:
I have to concure with the last 2 post's. My Barbie's the best. :salute:

I can't wait until we have a place to BBQ again - danged condo anti BBQ rules! When we get the house first meal I cook is on the barbie - rain, snow or shine!

Joe Simpson said:
Zet's is amazing. I eat there too much and am slowly killing my heart because of it.

Some of the biggest and juiciest burgers in the area. Meant only for real men (those with opposable thumbs).

Infantry won't like being excluded :D

I work just down the road from Zet's and go there at most twice a month. Right after my mat leave hubby and I worked insane hours and ate there 3-4 times a week, sometimes twice a day.  Much as I love seeing George and all the guys, that was too much! Zet's was the first restaurant we took the baby to; kid still loves it. The feta & tomato omelette with rice rocks!
Other than @ home on the BBQ, if any of you ever get to Kitchener, I would have to say Golf's Steak House.
IF you have deep pockets, Harbour Sixty by the lakeshore, it's located in an old Toronto Port Authority building.  Only been once, obviously my pockets aren't that deep! :-\
Ruth's Chris Steakhouse served the best steak I have ever had. However, I've only been there once as it requires very deep pockets.
Very true misfit! I realised that when we sat down and looked at the menu. But by that time it was too late and I had to bite the bullet.  I wasn't even with that girl for more than three weeks!  :-[
FourNinerZero said:
My own steaks (venison, killed by me), grilled on my own BBQ, marinated in Caribbean jerk marinade....cooked and served with brew in hand and friends close by. :cheers:

Caribbean Jerk Marinade?  I never would've even thought to try that.  Sounds good!  I usually use a teriyaki or traditional marinade but I think I'll have to experiment with your method.

Matthew.   [we need an "I'm hungry" smiley]  ;D
Jake said:
Who do you guys think has the best steak? Zorro's Steakhouse in Mississauga has my vote for their ribsteak, they always cook it perfectly and it's probably 25-30 oz (not sure though) http://www.zorrossteakhouse.com/

I sure hope it's not 25-30 oz...that's about 3 normal sized steaks.  Anyway, best steak in Ottawa is at the Empire Grill if you feel like emptying the chequing account and The Keg for a less expensive and almost as good.
I was in Kingston on the wekkend and had a great steak and frites at Chez Piggy, not your traditional steak house.  You could cut it with a fork.  It came with a side of blue cheese butter...drool...
The airport restaurant in Zagreb... I had the BEST streak of my life there on my way back from the the funny country... Absolutely fantastic. My mouth waters just thinking about it...
I sure hope it's not 25-30 oz...that's about 3 normal sized steaks.  Anyway, best steak in Ottawa is at the Empire Grill if you feel like emptying the chequing account and The Keg for a less expensive and almost as good.

It's pretty big, probably close to twice the size of a Keg size steak.  :D
Bruce Monkhouse said:

I'm an amateur on the BBQ so everytime I try to cook one it's either like chewing on a brick or an eraser.  :-X
Jake, BBQ is all about patience. Take a slab o' dead animal, marinate it for a long time(overnight). Let the BBQ heat up, cook the meat slowly and don't flip it  - just let it hang out and flip once.
Toss up for best steaks I've had - El Torro's in Makarska, Croatia had these huge TBones that would take up a platter and then some or a 20oz Cajun marinated rib eye I had at the Lone Star in North Little Rock Arkansas.

Nummy in my tummy.

medicineman said:
Nummy in my tummy.

:rofl: Oh man, I haven't heard that in years. Now I miss my little siblings. Is there a "nummy in my tummy" song, or was my mom just nuts and made it up?