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The air cadet thread

its hurts to watch doesn't it.  I've tried to do the arm thing-its really hard!  Apparently I'm not good at looking ridiculous though.  I have a theory on how its gotten so bad.  Some Air cadet somehow learned to "interpret the 201" to find individuality for their element.  Then they started a trend, as the CF slowly lost their ability to provide instructors,  they also lost their grip on drill.  As the senior cadets left, they became CIC and now there is no one around to stop the madness.  I work at the camp in Whitehorse, where we have both army and air- I've tried everything to curb the enthusiasm for being wrong and looking ridiculous any suggestions?  They also have this crazy dance the SLC people do-anyone want to explain that?  I don't get it.

Joke for ya'll

How can you tell if there is a piilot in the room?

They'll tell you.
no, not all air cadets have bad drill.  I have seen air cadets with excellent drill.  Whitehorse had an air cadet CSM a couple of years ago.  Have you seen the crazy cadetisms?  I know its a struggle trying to change it, do you find it difficult when they come home from camp?  I think that may be a big part.  What do you think?
I'm one of the sticklers for perfect drill.......well perfect everything, but I don't think that'll happen for little while longer......and for me, we did everything by the book at camp (Bagot).....
Ltmel said:
They also have this crazy dance the SLC people do-anyone want to explain that?   I don't get it.
Ah the Shuffle, something created to give the course one more tradtion, and quickly copied by many other courses, IE SI(bushman's bop), power/glider(airman's line), even basic out here in eastern has a dance.........

Ltmel said:
Joke for ya'll

How can you tell if there is a piilot in the room?

They'll tell you.

Corney old pilot jokes eh?

What's the difference between god and a pilot?

God doesn't think he's a pilot.    8)
double post, mod please delete.

On second thought, I noticed this post was at exactly 22:00:00, can you leave it? Please? Pretty Pretty Please?
So, the crazy dances...do people actually like this tradition?  Just don't get it!
condor888000 said:
double post, mod please delete.

On second thought, I noticed this post was at exactly 22:00:00, can you leave it? Please? Pretty Pretty Please?

Fine...but just because Im nice.
Thanks Burrows.....

Ltmel said:
So, the crazy dances...do people actually like this tradition?   Just don't get it!
Yeah, they're pretty popular with the course grads, I don't really care, but a lot of people are crazy about them.....
I have a crazy question.  Kind of like Badger's.  Since when is "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor a military style march?  I've heard a certain Air Cadet Corps play it on parade and I find it kind of ridiculous.  Bad 80's Hairbands have no place in the Military or anything affiliated.  That means no Whitesnake either!
I went gliding today ;D at Borden. It was awesome but some other Sqn. crashed our party and was gonna do some parade  :(  Oh well.
Any 517 F/Lt Graham Air Cadet current members/"veterans" here?
I came back to visit while dropping my little brother off for a regular training night and was surprised at how long it has been when I saw the WO1 - he used to be an AC in my flight back when I was Flight Commander.  Must have been around five or six years now I guess.
ha! i know someone from there......Robin Gavlas........do you?

and cpl, i think that was 180. they were dedicating a glider to someone who died recently or somethign like that.......
Ya it was 180 I think. It was cool they were wearing all their medals an stuff. I knew it was a dedication but nobody really told us what is was for. It's really not a big deal because everybody got to go up, but we were suppose to go for another round. *There will be other times*
Yes I know her - I used to work at Zellers with her mother actually.  Her twin sisters were also in one of my biology classes in high school.
I believe Robin was a Sgt. or F/Sgt. before I left.

I do not believe I am familiar with your squadron - where is it located?

I am not interrogating...

I was simply asking a question about the dichotomy between what was in the Air Cadet Drill Manual and what I see on the square on a regular basis.......

No foxtwo, sorry about the confusion - My question is directed to WO2_mandal.  I was wondering what squadron he is in because I'd like to think I had seen most of the atlantic region Cadet squadrons during my time in the program, and he knows someone from my old squadron.