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The air cadet thread

I don't like it or dislike it.

Dislike it: Doesn't the proficiency badges give you some idea of how senior the cadets are. And there would be way to many people who would have it, at least at 632.

Like it: I like medals  ;D Seriously, army and I believe sea cadets have it so why not air?
Sea cadets don't have one. Army cadets do which is for a 5 year term. Seems to me thats a more reasonable amount of time, espically since there is no mention of a bar/clasp for each year after the fourth for us pigeons. I think the idea is one with the best intentions, but I disagree with the medal itself, espically since its for 4 years. Make it 5 and I'll respect it. Make it 6 and I will certainly respect it, espically since I'm 6 years in come Feb and there sure aren't many who can say that. 4 years? No.
Sea cadets have year pips I believe.
That they do, as air cadets have a profincency badge, a prop for each training level, and you have to be farily out of it to not pass your level every year. And we're still getting this medal.....  :-[ Not good in my mind....
Last night one of our officers said that were introducing the long service medal as you already know. Then she went on saying that they wern`t sure if they wanted the medal matte or shiny. So they asked us to vote on the style we preferred.

What do you think, shiny or matte?
I think that the long service medal for the air cadet program is a good idea to recognize the achievement.  Retention rates beyond the fourth year in my experience with the program is low so I would expect that is why they set the bar at that point.  The purpose is to recognize service, where as the proficiency badge recognizes more academic achievement, and the perfect attendance pin recognizes attendance.  Each has its own place, and its own value.  Ultimately it is coming one way or another, so embrace the intent and feel proud to wear it when it is presented, because not everyone will stick the program out to ever see that medal let alone wear it.  As for shiny or matte, I always thought matte looked better.
I agree on the matte bit. Perhaps a finish similar to the cap brass would be a good idea? Not too shiny, but not too matte either.

Bean, I understand where you're coming from. My biggest complaint isn't the idea of this medal itself. I've slowly come around to the point where I understand why it is being pushed for. My complaint, is that 4 years is too short. when 20% of my Sqn is wearing the same medal, kinda starts to lose its purpose. If they made it for 5 years, I would be more forgiving. Or if they made it for 4 years with a bar/clasp for each additional year. Then I could at least live with it, even though I dislike it. But since that isn't in the cards, since it's a one time award with no recognition for any more time in, I don't feel that it will do anything other than give more cadets a piece of fabric with a medallion on the end of it attached to their chests.

I agree on the matte bit. Perhaps a finish similar to the cap brass would be a good idea? Not too shiny, but not too matte either.

Not a bad idea, too bad they didn't have that as a choice.Would of made picking more interesting. But since there wasn't that choice I preffer matte.
4 years seems like a short time no?  The army's 5 year seems a little more reasonable, it thins out the numbers a bit.  A year is a long time, it could mean the difference between 5 people getting it and 2.  Thats what would have happend in my corps.  We had 3 seniors leave due to variouse reasons in LESS than one year.  :-\
I can conceed the point about 4 years being too short, I agree that 5 years would be a better target, but I'll go out on a limb and expect they did some research (although I can't say for sure they did) into when the greatest level of departure from the program was.  In my experience we lost the greatest number of long-term cadets after completion of level 4 because by that point people were hitting bottlenecks in promotions and courses, so alot of people either don't return after their 4th year or choose to not complete it.  However I worked at the two extremes of SQN size 200 cadets and 30 cadets, and the results seem to be similar.  If you've seen 20% of your squadron stay past 4 years I'd have to applaud your staff for keeping the program interesting, and applaud you cadets for sticking with it, and I wouldn't mind seeing that many ribbons on parade at the same time its a testiment to dedication.  I think things would have been different when the minimum entry age was 13 and a fourth year cadet would have been 17/18 rather than 16 or possibly 15 if a cadet was allowed to start training a couple months early in the current system.  Ultimately, the decisions on the cut-off are made well beyond most of those of us on this site, so as always we will suck it up an move forward.
Bean said:
I think that the long service medal for the air cadet program is a good idea to recognize the achievement.  Retention rates beyond the fourth year in my experience with the program is low so I would expect that is why they set the bar at that point.  The purpose is to recognize service, where as the proficiency badge recognizes more academic achievement, and the perfect attendance pin recognizes attendance.  Each has its own place, and its own value.  Ultimately it is coming one way or another, so embrace the intent and feel proud to wear it when it is presented, because not everyone will stick the program out to ever see that medal let alone wear it.  As for shiny or matte, I always thought matte looked better.

I expect that the low retention rate at that time period is because of outside factors - seeing as how most people join at 12 or 13, their 4+ year mark corresponds to the time when they start thinking of graduation, post secondary, side jobs, dating, driving, etc. at the same time when they are expected to take a more involved role at cadets, planning, teaching, leading, organizing, etc.

At the time it seemed a lot of people left between first and second year, a smaller group left between second and third, and from third onwards, a few more would trickle off after every year
In my day we walked 5 miles to school ..up hill ..both ways! 

The only medal I was aware of was the Legion Cadet Medal of Excellence (which I still treasure).  Medals for sticking with the programme and pins for attendance seem a bit much for me.. I stayed as long as I could and worked as hard as I could because I loved it.

My $0.02..

(SLC '90)
HI my name is CPL. Curtis Trakalo from 848 Royal Roads RCACS (Victoria), i Just wanted to say hi to everyone, and i am wondering if there are any past or present members of my squadron around?, and also did everyone here about the "Aircadet long service medal" being implemented soon? :cdn: :army:
Service medal? What service medal? You mean the one I posted about saying that they were trying to have it our be December? :P

Air Cadet League said:
AIR CADET LEAGUE OF CANADA ANNOUNCES "LONG SERVICE MEDAL"OTTAWA- The Air Cadet League of Canada is announcing the implementation of the "Air Cadet Long Service Medal" awarded to cadets who have completed four (4) continuous years of service with the Royal Canadian Air Cadets. The service medal is expected to be available to the squadrons in both official languages as early as the winter of 2006.

The Long Service Medal will be gold in colour and bear the RCAC crest in either French or English. The ribbon for the medal will be an attractive combination of blue and yellow and will feature an inscription box on the flip side. Included with the medal will be a short undress ribbon for the cadet's shirt as well as the presentation box.

Former cadets will also have the opportunity to purchase a Long Service Medal should they desire. Executive Director Jean Mignault stated that "We recognize that this is going to be popular with the cadets and will hopefully help with retention, which is one of our goals in introducing the medal. I want to assure everyone that I am doing everything I can to get the medals out as soon as possible."

That one?? ??? ;)
ya that's the one!,
      i was just wondering if it would be longer for us to get it in the pacific region?

:salute: :cdn:
Whoops, forgot to post this one too.

51 Newsletter said:
The medal design and ribbon (a combination of light or sky blue and yellow) are finalized and approved by the special committee struck specifically for this medal.

The front will have the RCAC crest in either French or English. The flip side will be blank with a small area highlighted in the middle of the design for engraving - i.e. as the individual recipient sees fit and at his/her own cost.

The medal will be for cadets who have completed four (4) continuous years of service. (If you were an Army or Sea cadet for two years and then joined Air Cadets; your two previous years of service will count for your 4 year total).

An undress ribbon will be available.

There will not be a bar or a maple leaf to be affixed to the medal or ribbon for the 5th, 6th and 7th year of service.

Roll-out is expected in Dec 05 with the smaller provinces receiving them first and then QC, ON and BC. An initial batch of 12 will be sent to the Sqn.

The cost will be around $5.50 plus taxes and shipping. There will be an additional fee of $0.50 for the presentation box.

Former cadets will be able to buy one.

So, Prarie and Atlantic will get them first, then Pacific, Eastern and Central. Help you out?
Peace said:
Are there any 778 Cadets around these days?

IS that still the Richmond Hill Air Cadets?

I used to know a bunch of them years ago. I was a Sea Cadet at the same time and we occasionally did things together.
