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The air cadet thread

condor888000 said:
Is that even a word?

Nope. Just something Kyle made to up to try and make us cool. At least I think  ??? And wouldn't it be cadetyness not cadety ness?
We already are cool my friends...we already are cool.
Thats why we all spend many a waking moment on this site......Oh yeah, we're cool  8)
Oh yeah? Well...Army.ca says I'm cool!
I'm photoshop bingeing on CW.
hey guys whats up.im new here so im wondering wat sqn you are all from? i am from 856 pickering and i am proud of it.so ya.peace
English class.  It is your friend.
doka_man said:
hey guys whats up.im new here so im wondering wat sqn you are all from? i am from 856 pickering and i am proud of it.so ya.peace

I'm from 632 Phoenix Telesat Wing , winner of the Taylor Trophy (best Air cadet squadron in the Ottawa area). You will find that there are many ways to find out where we are from, such as looking in our profiles or reading other threads.

And good job on that too. Can't say I'm too too surprised, we at 51 had had it long enough, just don't get too attachted to it, cause its gonna be coming back home to 51 next year!!!!  8) Oh yeah, I'm cool........

condor888000 said:
And good job on that too. Can't say I'm too too surprised, we at 51 had had it long enough, just don't get too attachted to it, cause its gonna be coming back home to 51 next year!!!!  8) Oh yeah, I'm cool........


Isn't it more like. "You at 51 had had it long enough, just don't get too lonely without  it, cause it ain't gonna be coming back to 51 ever!!!!  8) Oh yeah, I'm cool........"


Seriously I would like to see a competition between 51 and 632 with no other squadrons.

Something like:
1. Drill competition
2. Sports Competition
3. Range competition
4. Other things
Drill would be close with both drill teams being in the top 3 in the province llast year(51 was still 1st thought).

Sports.....depends on which sport. If its an olympiad style comp....that would be interesting, and could go either way.

Range.....not sure, but we did have 1 shot go to the Nationals last year. And others that weren't too far off. Not sure about you guys. Also would be interesting.

Other things....obviously depends on the other things!!!!!!! ;D

yoman said:
Isn't it more like. "You at 51 had had it long enough, just don't get too lonely without   it, cause it ain't gonna be coming back to 51 ever!!!!     8) Oh yeah, I'm cool........"

You wish, you know that I'm right!!! Go me........
condor888000 said:
Drill would be close with both drill teams being in the top 3 in the province llast year(51 was still 1st thought).

Sports.....depends on which sport. If its an Olympiad style comp....that would be interesting, and could go either way.

Range.....not sure, but we did have 1 shot go to the Nationals last year. And others that weren't too far off. Not sure about you guys. Also would be interesting.

Other things....obviously depends on the other things!!!!!!! ;D

You wish, you know that I'm right!!! Go me........

Our range team didn't go to far last year.

Sports, Olympiad style would be interesting. I would add sports like hockey to it though.

Drill would be very intereting. I have never seen your team's routine but judging by the results it would be close.

Other things: I don't know, maybe something somebody else would think of!!!

Maybe a FTX together would be fun too.
Things about big sports like hockey........$$$$ for pad rental. $$$$ for refs (I doubt you guys would accept me....;)), kit, everyone would need full equipment, teams would have to be organized, what rules would we play under, etc. Now, something like a vollyball, soccer, ultimate frisbee tourney would be a bit more feasible. 

FTX would be interesting, but hugley complex and expensive.
condor888000 said:
Things about big sports like hockey........$$$$ for pad rental. $$$$ for refs (I doubt you guys would accept me....;)), kit, everyone would need full equipment, teams would have to be organized, what rules would we play under, etc. Now, something like a vollyball, soccer, ultimate frisbee tourney would be a bit more feasible. 

FTX would be interesting, but hugley complex and expensive.

I said sports like hockey, and I never said on ice. If hockey the rules would be Hockey Canada of course. We already have a volleyball tournament in Ottawa. We don't have a soccer or ultimate frisbee tournament tough.

For the FTX, I don't know of anything that's not complicated in cadets. Expensive yes(I really don't know how much it costs, all I have are guesse's witch are good at nothing) but I think we can manage that.

On a side note, do you know how big of a budget cadet units have (our size squadrons)?
If its not on ice its no good, hence the major difficulty, but I meant more along things such as body contact, overtime, lots of stuff in there trust me on that, and we might not have anybody who really knows most of the ins and outs.

As to the budget, not sure. A decent size, but not huge and depends on how much you can fundraise I'd guess.
condor888000 said:
If its not on ice its no good, hence the major difficulty, but I meant more along things such as body contact, overtime, lots of stuff in there trust me on that, and we might not have anybody who really knows most of the ins and outs.

As to the budget, not sure. A decent size, but not huge and depends on how much you can fundraise I'd guess.

Would they even allow body contact in cadets? Everything can be figured out over time. Me and my crazy ideas that go no where.

Last year we managed to fundraise about 20 000$ over 2 tag day weekends.
Thanks for the advice everyone, don't worry, Ive taken ground school 4 times, ive gone to a scholership course before (go tech, YAH), i'm no stranger to review boards, and I think I'll remember to change my underwear once and a while  :) No problem getting into the course either, I'm the only one in my sqn that is eligable (age, lvl, interest ect...) So I'm clear for take off (so to speak)
LOL!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!! ROTFL!!!!!!!! *wipes tears from eyes*

There will be a problem getting into the course if thats the way you think. No where near as easy as you make it sound. Trust me on that. There are 250 spots for power NATIONALLY. That averages out to 50-60 cadets per region. 50. Close to 100 applied in Eastern last year. Yup, 100. 57 were selected. Thats a bit better than a 50-50 chance. Still so confindent? Even if you are, theres more stuff too. As well, unless you have a darn good reason for not getting glider (so you're too big is pretty much the only one that'll work), are the top cadet in your unit with a near perfect record, or score in the VERY high 90's on the exam, odds are against you. Then comes the interview. If you bomb that, you're gone, its worth as much as the test. Finally, once you're done all that, you have to be in the top 90% of you region to guarantee acceptance. Know why? Cause 10% of the slots go to sqn's who haven't had a power scholarship in the last 4 or 5 years.

As to the exam, I will elaborate a bit more. Aim for 100%. If you score under 85%, odds go down big time. Only person I was with who scored under 85% was a WO1 who had done SL the year before and did extremely well on that course. The other ones without glider scored 98% on the exam, or was accepted but RTU'd due to his weight. And the guy with 98%, who go the highest mark on the MOT, was put on standby. Thats how competitive it is. You must keep studying, like I said, don't be satisfied unless you get 100%. Prep for the interview. Ask any and everyone what they were asked on theirs. Do you're best to be a perfect cadet and that your file shows it. IF you do all those things, you should be good. BUT ITS NOT GUARNTIEED. Its only guaranteed when you get the call saying you're in. Until then, never assume you're going. I know a few people who were arrogant like that and didn't make it. Don't be like them. It is not impossible. Hard, yes. Impossible no.

Good luck. It'll help.