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The air cadet thread

condor888000 said:
They're not Air cadets don't own many............the leagues own the towplanes and the gliders, but thats about it........

Well doesn't that mean it makes them even more valuable eh?  :o And if the league own's them, we can technically say air cadets own it.
air cadet - a person of not less than twelve years of age but less than nineteen years of age who belongs to a royal Canadian air cadet squadron.

how many people of this description do you know that own an aircraft?
A WO2 at my sqn owns a third of a plane..........her dad and brother each own a third too.....
WO2_mandal said:
air cadet - a person of not less than twelve years of age but less than nineteen years of age who belongs to a royal Canadian air cadet squadron.

how many people of this description do you know that own an aircraft?

I meant air cadets as an organisation related to the military and the air cadet league. So therefore our organisation owns several gliders and tow planes as stated by condor.
Alright I got my boots, 60$ used from the surplus store on the market. JT's was closed by the time I could go,so for the pants and tunic I'm going there tomorrow cause they didn't have my size at the other place. I think 60$ is pretty expensive for a used pair of boots, just my opinion.
NO MARKET!!!!!! I warned you........only thing I'd get there would be a shirt.....$25 for a brand new one..........but other than that stay away. FAR AWAY!
Ya ok condor, from now on Ill listen to you. This is like the 3rd thing that your correct with. Band new tunics there a 35$ by the way.
Third thing? What were the first two? ???

$35 eh? So they went up $10 in a year, according to your posts the boots did the same thing...........and I'm not perfect, no matter how much I wish I was!!!! :crybaby:

Actually the boots started at 50$ but mine were in good condition so they were 60$. 10$ in a year sounds a lot, must be on short supply.
Hears a little story:

Last Sunday while I was at the Smith Falls airport gliding for the day, me and my officer are to the right of the runway watching planes land and rating them. So this float-plane (plane that lands on water for you army types  ;) ) is on final coming in for a landing. Me and the officer are saying hes perfectly lined up and at a good speed. So he touches down and stop very quickly. Were saying, short runway landing excellent. When I noticed that he landed on his floats! He forgot to extend his landing gear!  By that time there were smoke coming up from the bottom of the plane, he had also shut off his engine and jumped out of the plane. So they had to shut down the airport for about an hour, so that they could raise the plane so that he could extend his landing gear.

So this guy prevented us from launching any glider for about an hour, so the officers at the gliding HQ went and helped them. You should of saw the amount of people trying to land  after they clearly announced that the airport was closed until further notice. One guy came so close he didn't stop coming in for landing until he did a fly by over us at about 30 feet in the air.

Note: This plane was not a cadet plane.

Yeah......hard to be a cadet a/c.........the Birdogs and Scouts don't have floats........
condor888000 said:
Yeah......hard to be a cadet a/c.........the Birdogs and Scouts don't have floats........

Not everybody knows that hear  ???
Of courrse they did..........*looks around, sees distinct lack of air cadet wings....* Uhhhhhh........quiet you!

Dude do you think everybody on these forums knows everything about air cadets or what planes our organisation owns? Ya so I have a lack of 'air cadet wings"... Oh and congrats you are know a senior member.
Wow......senior member......and my last 9 or 10 posts haven't been serious.......

Yeah.......even the wings but wasn't serious, hence the ";)"
condor888000 said:
Wow......senior member......and my last 9 or 10 posts haven't been serious.......

Yeah.......even the wings but wasn't serious, hence the ";)"

Oops my bad didnt't see the " ;)"
Spelled now not know and here not hear.  What are schools teaching you guys?
I go to a french school so my English spelling isn't as good but thats no excuse.