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Tanker War 2.0

Jarnhamar said:
Me too. I'm really surprised. As I said the US only responds one way and in shooting down a US drone Iran knew how the US would respond so one can only surmise its exactly what they wanted.
The US didn't give them what they wanted and ended up sparing the lives of 150 some odd people who are bystanders.

i suspect the people would not be bystanders, but active duty members of the Iranian military or IRGC
You forgot the night janitor.....everyone forgets the night janitor.

I bet he's happy Trump called it off :)
Colin P said:
i suspect the people would not be bystanders, but active duty members of the Iranian military or IRGC

Sorry you're absolutely right. When I say bystanders I mean the people who would likely be killed in these strikes likely wouldn't be the ones making the decision to shoot down a $220 million American aircraft.
There's a good possibility that a strike or strikes can still happen for whatever reason.

However, I think it's just prudent at this point, to wait until they have an iron clad incident where Iran has no wiggle room to deny it. From my understanding, Iran says it was over their territory the US claims it wasn't. Too much he said, she said. Trump knows the trouble that can happen when your intelligence people want to go to war (WMD in Iraq).

I'm pretty sure Iran will provide whatever excuse is required to get their asses kicked, sooner or later.

In the meantime, being POTUS means you can change your mind and tell people no. If it saves lives, even the enemies, it was a good decision.

Only people that want to drop bombs indiscriminately should be upset. Everyone else should be pleased it didn't happen.

Just my  :2c:
Meanwhile, in other realms/battlespaces ...
On Thursday evening, U.S. Cyber Command launched a retaliatory digital strike against an Iranian spy group that supported last week’s limpet mine attacks on commercial ships, according to two former intelligence officials.

The group, which has ties to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, has over the past several years digitally tracked and targeted military and civilian ships passing through the economically important Strait of Hormuz, through which pass 17.4 million barrels of oil per day. Those capabilities, which have advanced over time, enabled attacks on vessels in the region for several years.

Though sources declined to provide any further details of the retaliatory cyber operation, the response highlights how the Persian Gulf has become a staging ground for escalating digital — as well as conventional — conflict, with both the United States and Iran trying to get the upper hand with cyber capabilities ...
More @ link
Leaks abound where none should exist.

tomahawk6 said:
Leaks abound where none should exist.

In politics, though, no matter what team jersey the winners wear, there's "WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!? I want that person in jail fed bread & water!  I want their @#$%^&'ing head!" leaks, and there's "oh ... my ... shaaaaaaaaame that got out there ..." leaks.  As of this post, all POTUS 45's complained about via his Twitter feed is how the strike turnaound/cancellation is being portrayed - and we know he's not shy about complaining via those means  ;D


  • TrumpStrikeTweet22jun2019.JPG
    44.8 KB · Views: 128
Fishbone Jones said:
Trump knows the trouble that can happen when your intelligence people want to go to war (WMD in Iraq).

Not sure if it was the intelligence people who wanted war versus politicians who cherry picked intelligence to suit there agendas, one of whom I believe was John Bolton.

I like the part where the TV channel helicopter fires a missile.  Embedded" journalism 2.0
In what world would they get close enough to a US carrier to board it?  Plus there are 2000 sailor on board.
Spencer100 said:
In what world would they get close enough to a US carrier to board it?  Plus there are 2000 sailor on board.

2000?  More like 6000 on a Nimitz-class including air wing.
Plus Marines. Not to mention the carriers escorts. Any attempt at taking a US warship would be an act of war.
I like the part about “... HMS Montrose ... aimed its fierce weapons...” 
Someone guessed right that the Iranians would try for a British tanker and had a warship close by. Kudos to the Royal Navy.

HMS Montrose
