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Tanker War 2.0

They removed the mine in daylight. I don't see any articles that state the exact time of the explosion, I would also be surprised if crew would be able to see projectiles flying at them. Most of these ships run with two people on the bridge, a deck officer and lookout, concentrating on larger marine traffic. 
All the particular focus on whether limpet mines were placed by Iranians detracts from the two important questions:

1) What blew the hole?
2) Who is responsible?
We know who shot down the Global Hawk so now what level will the tit tat happen ? I think the Iranian SAM sites will be targeted and maybe throw in an IRG naval base or two.
tomahawk6 said:
We know who shot down the Global Hawk so now what level will the tit tat happen ? I think the Iranian SAM sites will be targeted and maybe throw in an IRG naval base or two.

Yea the Global Hawks are NOT cheap ($125 million ish), so I can't see the US NOT retaliating in some fashion. The key questions will Iran retaliate for THAT? Then will the US retaliate for THAT? and so on...
Victor Davis Hansen has some insightful commentary on the US and Iran (and other nations) here: 


Lumber said:
Yea the Global Hawks are NOT cheap ($125 million ish), so I can't see the US NOT retaliating in some fashion. The key questions will Iran retaliate for THAT? Then will the US retaliate for THAT? and so on...

The US only reacts one way. Why would Iran provoke the US knowing exactly how they're going to react. What would Iran have to gain besides dead soldiers, smashed SAM sites and ruined military equipment?
>Why would Iran provoke the US

Suppose (optimistically) the US is trying to change Iran's behaviour by applying diplomatic and economic pressure (eg. sanctions), while avoiding escalation to military pressure, leaving exactly one golden bridge open: retreat to being a "normal" country in the community of nations.  If Iran doesn't want to take that path, it still needs to remove the pressure.  One option is to force an escalation to military engagement in the hopes the resulting pinch to gulf oil exports will induce other nations to pressure the US to lay off.
What was Trudeau doing at the White House today? Timing was suspect. I doubt it was to offer targeting suggestions.  ;D
tomahawk6 said:
What was Trudeau doing at the White House today? Timing was suspect. I doubt it was to offer targeting suggestions.  ;D
Trying to negotiate with your president. A trying situation at the best of times one imagines.

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The timing of the RCN sail past the Taiwan Strait was very interesting.  That could not have hurt Trudeau with Trump. 
According to the New York Times Trump approved strikes on Iranian military targets but then changed his mind.

tomahawk6 said:
According to the New York Times Trump approved strikes on Iranian military targets but then changed his mind.

Confirmed by #POTUS45 (while managing to throw in a dig at past management) ...


  • TrumpIranAttackPulled21jun2019.JPG
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I like the cut of his jib.  And I love that he tweeted his rationale for his decision.  Many MSM outlets wouldn't have reported accurately on this.
QV said:
I like the cut of his jib.  And I love that he tweeted his rationale for his decision.  Many MSM outlets wouldn't have reported accurately on this.

Me too. I'm really surprised. As I said the US only responds one way and in shooting down a US drone Iran knew how the US would respond so one can only surmise its exactly what they wanted.
The US didn't give them what they wanted and ended up sparing the lives of 150 some odd people who are bystanders.

Jarnhamar said:
Me too. I'm really surprised. As I said the US only responds one way and in shooting down a US drone Iran knew how the US would respond so one can only surmise its exactly what they wanted.
The US didn't give them what they wanted and ended up sparing the lives of 150 some odd people who are bystanders.

It would seem that Trump has read Macbeth ;)

"This life, which had been the tomb of his virtue and of his honour, is but a walking shadow; a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
Jarnhamar said:
Me too. I'm really surprised. As I said the US only responds one way and in shooting down a US drone Iran knew how the US would respond so one can only surmise its exactly what they wanted.
The US didn't give them what they wanted and ended up sparing the lives of 150 some odd people who are bystanders.

He campaigned as an alternative to the usual, and is acting like it.  So far, I've been pretty pleased with Trump's handling of events in both Syria and now with Iran. 
