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I write my CFAT tommarow, I am very excited. I am applying for infantry. I am in quite good shape, but am alos very tall and quite skinny. I am 6'7, and around 195lbs. will my size crete any problems once I am in the infantry? any replies, or direction to a previous post will be appreciated. Thank you.

I'm 6'4 and 209lbs... 3 months ago I was 190lbs... work out, eat healthy, do pushups throughout the day, run.... you'll bulk up eventually, and when you do, you'll scare the hell out of people.  ;D
I do work out, but unfortunatley I dotn eat as much as Id like, poor student, boo hoo. any good tips, on cheap healthy eating?Right now it consists of instant oatmeal, egss,steak,pasta and rice,chicken, and yogurt every once in a while.what good exercises could I do? Running bulks you up?!!!!Shit.Reply would be sweet.Much appreciated.Take er easy.

Hope the link works, has alot of good tips for getting into shape, like all things putting on muscle takes time, dont give up, goodluck.
Been there, done that - it sucked.

I feel your pain. Rice, potatoes, oatmeal (not the instant stuff), scrape together some cash, if you can, to buy yourself some cheap protein supplements (they'll taste like crap, but ounce for ounce, they're much cheaper than meat) also tuna (not too often though, too much tuna= too much ocean pollution).

You want to be able to succeed on course, so train for that, don't train to be a soldier, the instructors are going to assist you in that. Note - I start basic next Monday, so I'm not an authority, I'm just a guy who's managed to defeat a lousy physique. I'm no superman.

Use your body-weight, push-ups, situps, running, pull-ups, chin-ups.... these things will help, when you build a solid base, THEN you have to tools you need to pack on some serious muscle. It's really basic... there are a few threads here that deal with specific workouts. Start slow if you have to, work up to it.

Running in itself isn't going to bulk you up, but it helps develop core muscles, and will help your cardio.

Look up paracowboy's post: "Shin splints, Blisters and PT" there's some good stuff in there.
Its like a taller younger me. Iam 6'4 and was 185. And through a good diet and hard work Iam at 210,(was at 230 at peak weight).  But Iam actually tryin to lose some mass before basic. I want to be at a shredded 190 for BMQ. I figure as long as I dont lose strength, the lighter the better.
Here are a couple o tips :
  Beans!! Lots o beans.  They have about 50 grams of complex carbs, and about 15 grams of protein per 1 cooked cup. They are really cheap, when bought uncooked and in bulk. You just soak em over night, and then boil the piss out them for a couple hours.
  Oats- Another cheapy, and a grain weight gainner. Complex carbs. I just soak them for a hour and just eat them straight like that, no cooken or nuthen. This method allows you to eat more per sitting, then compared to oatmeal.
  TUNA- This is the cheapest source of meat protein, I get mine at walmart. And as far as eating to much not being health. I have probably averaged a can a day over the last 2 years. No helth problems at all.

Whey powder- great alternative if affordable. A good site for name brand whey is  www.sndcanada.com, and If you don't mind bulk whey-www.trueproteincanada.com. In fact I worked out that price per gram of protein was cheaper then tuna. But you have to buy alot. 
hope this helps