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Over 40 to old?

One last tip is to try to not avoid any common tasks/duties, there's a 18-year-old in my platoon never did his common duty (cleaning common area for inspection), and no one likes him.

These things used to get sorted out quickly in-house. I can't even imagine how this could occur but I guess it's different now.
Half a course becoming injured during an exercise on basic training seems excessive.
I would hope that this was investigated.
These things used to get sorted out quickly in-house. I can't even imagine how this could occur but I guess it's different now.
Its a different CAF now - its inclusive even for the lazy and incompetent.
Wondering how things turned out for you. I'm 42, female, looking to join as an NCM, application in process.
Applied as an HRA / FSA, physically ok but working to be in better shape. I'm curious to know if you made it and how hard you found it. Thks
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True, but I was also thinking along the lines of having 18 year and 20-year-old peers 😖
I'm 30 and have 19-21 year old peers at my current work place. While some things can be annoying (their doe-eyed belief that they can fix anything and everything when things are FUBAR, especially people), I find the eagerness of youth a little endearing. You just have to accept that sometimes they will make mistakes and that their mistakes are just that, their mistakes.
So, here I am. Graduated from BMQ two months ago.
I joined at 42, but I wasn’t the oldest in the pack. I wasn’t the worst in the pack either. no one was worst actually.
The first few days was a hell, really made me second guess my decision, but it was the young guys who help me push through, and sometimes I had to help the older then me to push through.
As as kept going, it was becoming harder to even think about quitting, I couldn’t let the whole team down.
The moral behind the BMQ is that is more than mental then physical, your body will follow your mind, and your team will be there for you. And you must be there for your team.
I really regret not having joined sooner, the experience, the bond, the friendship is like no other place. One of the instructor said on the very first day “you will be surprised on what your body can do if you push to the limits “ , I know now what is means, and I meant it, not just saying it.
Wondering how things turned out for you. I'm 42, female, looking to join as an NCM, application in process.
Applied as an HRA / FSA, physically ok but working to be in better shape. I'm curious to know if you made it and how hard you found it. Thks
I hope you join. There are amazing things waiting for you. How I made it? I made it, so will you. You only have to keep two thing in mind. 1-show up and show up in time. 2- do your very best.
As for the 2nd. You will know if you did your best, if you didn’t do your best, you will also know. And that is key : do your very best, because what you get out of the military depends on what you in.
So, here I am. Graduated from BMQ two months ago.
I joined at 42, but I wasn’t the oldest in the pack. I wasn’t the worst in the pack either. no one was worst actually.
The first few days was a hell, really made me second guess my decision, but it was the young guys who help me push through, and sometimes I had to help the older then me to push through.
As as kept going, it was becoming harder to even think about quitting, I couldn’t let the whole team down.
The moral behind the BMQ is that is more than mental then physical, your body will follow your mind, and your team will be there for you. And you must be there for your team.
I really regret not having joined sooner, the experience, the bond, the friendship is like no other place. One of the instructor said on the very first day “you will be surprised on what your body can do if you push to the limits “ , I know now what is means, and I meant it, not just saying it.
Congratulations! I'm in the application process myself right now and early 40's. To be honest, I'm not worried about the age aspect at all, really. Glad you made it.
So, here I am. Graduated from BMQ two months ago.
I joined at 42, but I wasn’t the oldest in the pack. I wasn’t the worst in the pack either. no one was worst actually.
The first few days was a hell, really made me second guess my decision, but it was the young guys who help me push through, and sometimes I had to help the older then me to push through.
As as kept going, it was becoming harder to even think about quitting, I couldn’t let the whole team down.
The moral behind the BMQ is that is more than mental then physical, your body will follow your mind, and your team will be there for you. And you must be there for your team.
I really regret not having joined sooner, the experience, the bond, the friendship is like no other place. One of the instructor said on the very first day “you will be surprised on what your body can do if you push to the limits “ , I know now what is means, and I meant it, not just saying it.
I'm 42 (43 next month) and I'm on week 6 of 12 (BMOQ). Taking it one week at a time; sometimes one day at a time! Graduation day is in sight so just pushing through now.
Enjoy your career.
Any advice for a 52 yr old female that is going through the application process ? I know it’s slow, however I hope to be enrolled later this year or early next year.
Any advice for a 52 yr old female that is going through the application process ? I know it’s slow, however I hope to be enrolled later this year or early next year.
keep a positive mindset and you will be fine and make great friends. you will learn a lot, but you will also be able to teach a bit. open your mind and remember you have some kids (17 years old) along side you, so don't try to understand their behaviour. Do your thing, but don't think about just doing your thing and that's it; for things that you are good at, do it and help others. for those that you may not be so good at, speak up and ask for help.
Thank you so much for your advice.
I am a bit nervous how I will be received by the young ones, but at the same time looking forward to forming lasting friendships. I am looking forward to learning a lot as well as teaching some. I am looking forward to the whole experience!