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Tag Stories

ONce when i was tagging, this REALLY old man came up  to us and started asking us if we were reserves and all these questions, even though were were like just standing there with boxes that said ARMY CADETS in big bold red letters. and so we asked him if  he wanted to donate to the RCACC. And then buddy started freaking out at us saying we were lazy good for nothing beggars that wanted to take an inncocent mans hard earned money. Whilst he was yelling at us our officers pulled up to come and take us to lunch, but This guy didnt even notice. And then the manager of the store came out and the Guy kept on Yelling at us, even though i was like 12 at the time. So finally when the Police car that had been circling the mall pulled up buddy said "No I dont want to Donate"..

It scared the crap outta me. I almost quit cadets because of that..

Yup...Never fails.

A uniform, no matter what the type or organization, always seems to bring out the idiots.

Keep your chins up though as you're doing something you believe in!

Slim :salute:
I's still astonished at how many times I've been asked, "Have you shot anybody?!"  ::)
"Why...Yes I do shoot people....on a regular basis...infact when I and the rest of my 12-17 yearold corps was deplyoed in afghanistan there were terrorists flooding into the camp as we mowed them down."  ::)
Hippy (asks questions in a derisive tone and spits on soldier when finished)-"What's it feel like to shoot someone?!"

Soldier answeres (remains calm and polite, even while wiping away hippy-spit)- " A slight recoil and the satisfaction of a job well done."
Its the same when people try to test you by asking "What did you get that badge for?" my personal favourite answer is "For killing twenty people...with my bare hands"
I find it interesting when people ask if my medals are for bravery or if one of them is the Victoria Cross, or things like that.

We had a tag day a few years back and we brought out field radios into this mall and had cadets using them in combats ... well one of our radios set off the alarm at the A&P grocery store each time a transmission was sent ... apparantly one of the Sgts played with that for about 30 min before they figured it out.
hm...what can i say about tag day?...usually it's really fun because i am the most talkative person ever so ...yea self explanitory!! but thats prolly not safe but oh well...the only bad part is our corps seems to think it funny that we always do it in the WINTER!! so we stand outside and freeze our butts off!! or stand inside...and STILL freeze so it's a non - win / non - win situation! lol ... but yea my interesting story is that i was selling tags this year @ Rossland Square and some guy walked up and i guess he's a member of the Regiment thingy so we ended up talking for a half an hour about a swear-in ceremony that was happening that night for some reserve guy, and how this guy i was talking to was going to carry the flag?...it was pretty fun actually i learned alot of stuff and i ended up going to watch the ceremony that night!!  SWEAR-IN CEREMONIES ARE SOOOO COOL!!!!!!!!!...lol...well i gotta finish this now because unfortunatly i have to go to school *gag* ..well xox latah everyone xox
Oh my friend had the best tagging story.

It's diffrent when written, but I'll try.

Okay so he was tagging at Canadian Tire this September when this old man was walking his dog. It was a new puppy full of pep. When he reached to the front of Canadian Tire, it pulled it leash out of the old man's hand and ran straight into the parking lot. Halfway through the puppy looked back at the old man, then turned right about and started running in the opposite direction again. The look on the mans face was so sad and heartbreaking, like he lost his best friend. He then sighed and walked into the store. My friend, the Sgt, went after the puppy and caught it. He brought it back where the old man had brought out a manager. He was sooo happy to see his dog back. He then reached into his wallet to give some change to the Sgt. The then stopped, and pulled out a 20 dollar bill and said "I love Air Cadets" and handed it to the Sgt.

I thought this story was awesome, lol like out of a T.V. show or something.
Well this takes me back...
I think I was maybe a cpl (maybe sgt) anyways, was standing outside a Canadian Tire in Winnipeg, well this area is just outside of downtown,
Anyways, we're doing our thing and this guy quickly approaches. Well, I didn't think anything of it and then next thing I know he had hit me with an extention cord (or some type of cord - overcoats nice thick - didn't even feel anything) but within a split second someone who had seen this happen - tackled this guy and started drop kicking him in the ribs and everything- Literally 3-5 seconds later a cop car comes a blazing with lights and all into the parking lot. This guy (who was now much held down by the tackler and another person) was then picked up by the police - he was blitzed out of his mind. He was trying to pick a fight with the cops and then once they had thrown him into the cop car (took both officers to do so) he was trying to kick outthe window and just raise hell.
This guy had apparently (the cops told us) been walking in the middle of the road, yelling at people, attacking cars etc - stoned out his mind on who knows what.

Another tag day, it was cold and blistery and my group had lucked out in the outdoor posting. Well this lady donated, thanked her and she was on her merry way. Only to come back with hot chocolate for the lot of us.
Another time I talked with a vet for over 1/2 hour (can't remember whose air force he was a part of - thick accent and all)
another time, I was talking with a guy who was a WO1 back in the 70's - and thus ensued a good 45 min talk about then and now.
I met a few vets, and even people who had been in my sqn eons before I was even born - really neat.
LOL its always the Canadian Tire  ::)

Another one:

Okay I was out side of a grocery store called Fortinos, and there was this suspicious looking female teenager who walked out with a backpack on. Then like 5 seconds later, two managers run out and chase her down. One of them grabbed her and shes like " I didn't take nothing man " and then her bag rips open an ALL THIS MECHANDISE started pouring out. It was hilarious, but I was so scared (I don't know why). It had stuff like Oxy Pads and Christmas cards and toothbrushes. The funny thing is that there was a police station right to the left.

Remember, Crime Doesn't Pay
I saw some cops pus a cross-dresser into a cop car outside a Winner's once.
i am going tagging this weekend. well today saturday, and sunday. maybe i will have some funny stories to put on.
23, 24, and 25 here. We'll have this thread laden with stories  :P
I'm going on the 14, 15 and the 16. I haven't been tagging since I was a Corporal so I'm bound to have at least one story...
well it was a pretty boring tag weekend. i went from 6:00- 9:00 Friday night and nothing happend, 8:30 am- 4:00pm on Saturday and 9:30am -3:30 pm on sunday. the most interesting thing that happend was mall security being jerks and kicking us out of there mall.

but it never fails.when our Corp  does tagging we always have bad weather. and look at it today 1 day aftertagging and the sun is out. god all that snow in April.
I remember on my first tag day (you figure out the year), someone came up and asked if I'd enjoyed shooting at the Mohawk Indians in Oka, Quebec that summer.
joe_2701 said:
Its the same when people try to test you by asking "What did you get that badge for?" my personal favourite answer is "For killing twenty people...with my bare hands"

LMAO I'm gonna use that! ;D :D ;D ;)
Ah yes, good ol' tagging.
The first scary-ish experience I had while tagging was back when I was a Navy League Cadet. Another lad and myself were parked in front of a bi-way and the weather was nice. This fellow, who I'd estimate to be in his early twenties, and a fair bit larger than I was at age 12, comes up to me and stands about 6 inches away from me staring at my face. I could tell he was under the influence of something or other. I glance at my buddy and he looks quite terrified. I look back at the guy in front of me and calmly ask "Hi, would you like to help support the Navy Lea...". "NO!!!" he replies sharply "I don't...i think you should quit whatever the eff you're in and start smoking big fat doobies!!!!"
Calmly, and insincerely I tell him that I'll consider doing as he advised. "Remember...roll'em fat, man, roll'em fat!" he reminds me as he walks away.

Fast-forward a few years. I was now in sea cadets. I'm tagging at a mall. I ask some woman walking out of Zellers for her support. Her daughter of perhaps five is there with her. As the lady puts money in my tag box, the daughter asks "mommy, who's that?" and her mother replies "that's a soldier, he shoots people." First of all I was so shocked that she said that I found myself unable to correct her, but it was only later that I realized the irony. That was a fairly hippy response to her daughter's question, so I found it odd that she was actually giving me money.

I'm sure I've got more, I'll post again