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Tag Stories

Well honestly, I love tagging, I love standing out there proud as **** to be representing the Queen‘s York Rangers (2799). Of course you ahve people who‘ll give a huge donation and hten there‘s those people who give you dirty looks...but you can‘t change anyone‘s mind so jsut stand there, proud and tall and represent your corps. Mind you if someone came up to me nad started screaming and yelling I‘d freak...i have a low tolerance level for people like that, and I have a pretty nasty temper. But I would try to stay calm, as I would be representing Army Cadets as a whole.
Tagging is the lifeline of most Army Cadet Units across Canada.Our unit and CDT PIPPER can say its true,we dont have to Tag we have a great legion support.You have to take pride in the fact you have to represent your unit in the public eye asking for their support.with the proper planing your unit can make a lot of tax free $$$$$$ to be used as you CO and or parents comm see fit. Look proud and stand tall when your out.

PS: Say Thankyou Sir/Maam :salute:
Oh, i just remembered!!!

Once when i was tagging with a couple of other cadets in front of a supermarket, a nice lady gave all three of us some money. Then she came back with a big loaf of whole wheat bread and handed it to me, lol.

I don‘t remember what we did with it, but that was the weirdest donation i ever got. :D
Originally posted by Daniel:
[qb] I had a Indian guy (not Native, but Pakistani) come up to me telling me ...... He had the Turban and robe on) .. [/qb]
I was wondering, from what hard facts did u come to the conclusion that this man was Pakistani? I hope it was not the turban and "robe" because any sane person would know he was most likely from Punjab, NOT Pakistan. In the future if you wish to comment on somones nationality, could you please reffer to them as Indian or "This person was from India" or something along those lines? because I really take offence when somone just assumes because one is brown or has a turban they are automatically Pakistani.
Once when I was tagging a woman kept walking back and forth adn then disappeared for a while and came back with water adn a popsicle for both my friend and I, it was pretty cool, we thanked her so many times because it was a really hot day!

You have misinterpreted my message.
Judging by the tone of the message you have come to the conclusion I was using Bigotry in my message. I was not. I can understand the possibility on how it could offend someone.

I made the description of the individual the way
I did, so readers could visualize and understand the feeling of the moment. I do not prefer dull writing and descriptions when I am making a post.

Also, I kept the majority of the audience in mind. Assuming the majority would be of Anglo-Saxen decent and being born and raised in Canada. They could misinterpreted "Indian" to "Native indians" or "Indians" from India. I doubt the majority would think of that description and say "Oh that must be a pakistani"

In this particular message, I took inpart that a large portion of the audience does not live and work in a highly diverse population. So they may not have the benefit of knowing the diffrence between (in my case) a Native Indian and a Pakistani.

I just wanted to be clear.

Sorry if it offended you in anyway.

Oh, by the way. I should have added it in my original post. He also stated he was from Pakistan.
Thank you for the quick reply. I just Don‘t like it when people catagorize us all in the same catagory. LOL I also kind of forgot that most parts of Canada are, let‘s say brighter, than Scarborough.
Tag day can be good old fun when you do it right. We just did one and raised a record $7500 which was nice (maybe this is because this was the first time they put me incharge of a location? :D ) We‘ve had lots of strange people, the best one being when a guy didn‘t want to donate so he said "je ne parle pas anglais" so we assumed he really didn‘t speak english and got a cadet who spoke french and when he showed up the guy just walked away :D
Dano.. to differentiate you could also try putting "East Indian" instead of Pakistani.. just a thought...
How much do you guys make when you go out? I remember doing a similar thing back when I was swimming. We would stand out side of beer stores asking for donations. I remember when I was out there I was able to make well over $100 an hour.
Ive found people are getting cheaper and cheaper over the years. Its sad really, but than again some of the cadets that do it dont really care and dont take the time to explain what there doing.

Lol, people always give alot in front of beer stores. It must be the guilt of buying beer. They try to justify themselves by donating. Too bad we don‘t set up in front of beer stores anymore.

Or better yet, think of how much money we can get if we stood in front of a strip club. :D
I thought Cadets are not allowed to Tag outside Beer stores?
yeah, we don‘t do it in front of the beer stores anymore, just liqour stores (LCBO). we make them nervous for some reason though...lol but tagging‘s fun...someitmes, it‘s always cool to have a veteran come up and tell you stories and you get so many mroe donations while he standing there tellign stories
i remember back in the day i was standing out side the liquer store just doin my taggin thang an this drunk hobo came up to me an my friend a started singing to us with a little guitar about beer in a garden
I remember being in cadets and tagging (Navy League and Sea Cadets).

Seems that back when I was tagging people understood what it was all about. Now the public is uninformed and doesn‘t seem to care all that much.

The only vivid memory that stands out is meeting a teacher of mine at the grocery store. I said Hello and asked if she wanted to buy a tag.

Now this was a time when all the schoolteachers were hippies (as opposed to know when they‘re so much nicer and well informed-Sarcasm!) This teacher says to me; "Oh I would buy one just for you, but all the guns and war...I donno!?" This to a 9 year old Navy League cadet!

Shameful...I will never forget or forgive her actions.
Ive got a few similar stories. one year at my corps, we had some hippie come up and pull aside about six or so cadets and explain why he didnt want to give us any money while about 40 or so people who would have donated walked by as he said how he "didnt like guns" even though it is our military who protects his right to say so. And besides we are cadets, we're lucky to shoot an air rifle once a week.
Once I  had someone from Italy tell me and my partner how Italy's army is sooo much better than canada because it doesnt have to ask for charity. My one and only thought was Italy's army better?... Sicily...WWII" needless my patriotic anger towards his criticism of our Govt. I thought, if u think we suck and Italys better, then why did u leave?