Welcome to the new Army.ca forums!
You're going to notice a lot of changes, hopefully most are for the better. Please poke around a bit and if you have a minute, leave some feedback about what you like and what you don't like. If you encounter any problems, can't figure something out, or things just plain look broken, please let me know. I'll do my best to address it.
A significant benefit of this software over the old is performance. You may or may not notice a speed improvement, but as we grow, we'll be more able to handle the increased load. (It will reduce the resource requirements on our hardware as well... always a good thing.)
All posts and user information has been converted from the old forums, however it's important to note that the following items were not converted:
- Sticky topics are no longer sticky (mods, feel free to redo this if you can remeber the threads )
- PM's
- Polls
- Ratings
If you
must have access to information in a PM from the old forum, let me know and I should be able to recover it for you. (It's a fairly lengthy process, so I'd prefer to avoid it if possible.)
Well, enjoy the changes! It's been a long day so I'm off to bed.