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System Upgrades- Improvments Over The Years

Haha! Good one Infanteer!

I had to buy it off eBay though. ;)
1. I like the new look.

2. A minor glitch occurred when logging in yesterday - on one of the forums, the index showed a VERY wide column for the message icon, and an extremely narrow column for the subject heading. That problem seems to have either disappeared or to have been fixed.

3. I appreciate the improvements in speed and in the fact that the home page loads properly now every time, rather than sporadically.

4. Now, you need to attract more people to the site. My question is this: "is there a BBS or chatroom frequented by reg force personnel - there seem to be very few on here, and I‘d like to start tracking some people down to find out what is going on.

Thanks. I‘m checking out the "extra wide message icon" problem. I‘ve seen it once myself, so you‘re not dreaming. :)

I‘m hoping that once the kinks are all worked out, people will come on their own. Maybe a bit naive, but if the site *isn‘t* working, I bet they won‘t come. :)

Very nice new look.

But I have noticed that on the ‘new posts‘ page, all the post summaries are printed on one line only. This results in a relitivly long line (which is difficult to read on my tiny monitor).

Excellent everywhere else though. We are all greatfull for the work you put into this site.
Havent been around for a while. Site loads much faster and more consistently. CADPAT adds a nice touch of modernism. All together a major improvement.
Hi all,

I‘ve changed around many of the files on this site, so if you see any broken links (there are bound to be some), please e-mail me or post them here.

Also, if anyone has links to this site (other than to the main page at http://CdnArmy.ca), please check them to make sure they‘re still active.

In a nutshell, any "html" pages have been turned to php pages. For example:


is now


Hi all,

I‘ve just put up a new web site intro and menu system that I‘ve been working on for some time. As with any change, it‘s bound to cause some people some problems.

The biggest one is that both these changes require you to have Macromedia Flash installed on your system. Most systems already have this installed, but some may not. So if things aren‘t working please try that first. You can download this from the following URL:


And of course, your feedback and suggestions on these changes are encouraged.

Hi all,

Just wanted to bring a new feature to your attention. On the main page for this site, there are two new sections. The first is a "news" table, which contains links to the last 5 topics in this forum. The second is a "recent posts" table, which has the last 5 postings made to any forum in The War Diary.

Click here to see what I mean.

It still needs some touching up, but I think it‘s a good start.

Hi all,

I‘ve recently found out that our current Internet connection is going to be gone around December of this year. As you can imagine, this is going to mean some changes.

Before you get too concerned, just let me say that shutting down this site is not considered an option to me. The current plan then, is to move the site to my home connection. This has a couple of implications, the most noticeable to users would be that my home connection is not very reliable. So the site would be down, probably for a few hours every couple of days.

The other side effect of this option is that my home connection has a bandwidth limit, and I pay for any traffic over the limit. My estimates indicate that this site will put me about 4Gb over the traffic limit, which is considerable.

So this post is more or less a "heads up" saying that I may look at some ways of funding the site, in order to keep it going. Some potentials are:

  • Donations: A small "Donate" button would be added, allowing users to donate an amount of their choice to the site. Donations would be in no way mandatory, and there are currently no plans to differentiate between those who donate and those who don‘t. (Other than recognition.)
  • Ad banners: Military books from Amazon.com. Click here for an example.
  • Selling items: For example, Canadian Army stickers, etc.
These options pretty much all make my skin crawl, but at the same time, I‘d like to keep the site running.
I‘m hoping to get your feedback on the best way to proceed here. Please vote in the poll below, to express you opinion.
You may not notice it squished between "Profile" and "Search" at the top of the page, but a new feature has been added. The Nominal Roll is simply a display of the members of this board.

You can search for members by their name, by keyword (I.E. search for those with "Infantry" in their occupation), by member status and more. You can even see who the top posters on the board are.

Feel free to give it a shot, and if you have any feedback, let me know.

Hope you get this. I got an error message when I tried to update my profile.
An error has occurred:

$VAR1 = [
‘00001052‘ => [
‘CRPTC Range Control‘,
‘Anything to do with weapons‘,
Backtrace: ultimatebb.cgi:736 -> sub main::edit_profile

Backtrace: ubb_profile.cgi:635 -> sub main::update_profile

Backtrace: ubb_profile.cgi:1153 -> sub main::UpdateOLIdexLine

Backtrace: ubb_lib_files.cgi:1149 -> sub main::ModifyFileAsMultiHash

Backtrace: ubb_lib_files.cgi:166 -> sub main::Tracer

Hope you can help...thanks :)
Thanks Hayrick,

It‘s a bug for sure. I‘ve passed it on to the vendor and will let you know when it‘s fixed.

Ok, it‘s been fixed. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Hi Mike, great site. Only one problem, the War Diary page does not update, the last posts I get are from 15 nov. The topics are up to date though... :cdn:
Hmmm... Looks up to date to me. You may have a stale copy cached. Try hitting reload/refresh on your browser. If that doesn‘t cut it, hold down CTRL and try it again. That should force a new copy to your browser... Let me know if that makes a difference. I may have just missed the problem...

Thanks, it worked... but I had to hold the CTRL button as you said. The refresh by itself didn‘t do it... :cdn:
I posted a question asking you if you had ever considered a "chat room", but the post never appeared.
Hi Digger,

I just took a look, and it actually did show up, here:


But I haven‘t replied. :)

I‘ve been asked about a chat room before, so maybe it‘s time to spent a bit of time checking it out... I‘ve never really used one, so it‘ll be a bit of a learning curve for me, but I‘ll see what I can figure out. Feel free to nag if you don‘t hear any progress for a while. ;)
