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Swiss voters favour Islamic Minaret ban for local buildings

Kat Stevens said:
Why is it so hard to understand that the Swiss want Swiss cities to look Swiss, not Iranian, Jordanian, or Saudi Arabian?  Christian churches have been an integral part of life in Switzerland since the year dot.  They are as much a part of the landscape as the Alps, clock shops and chocolate factories.

And I think this is a valid point. 
Every nation in Europe has the right to decide what's moral.
These are our homelands,let us not ever forget that.
To us people that are white,they/we have every right to decide what's right and wrong to shape what our countries will become for future generations.
VinceW said:
To us people that are white,they/we have every right to decide what's right and wrong to shape what our countries will become for future generations.

Listen Francis,

Off you go to http://www.stormfront.org/forum/, if you want to spout that shite, and not know the true history of Europe.


VinceW said:
To us people that are white,they/we have every right to decide what's right and wrong to shape what our countries will become for future generations.
:rofl: You're shitting, right? C'mon, really, just fuckin' us around aren't you. :clown:

You MAY have some semblence of a point in there somewhere, but your delivery and comprehension of the subject sucks.......................really big time.
I'm not an advocate of German morality,I know that the Jews are not plotting to overthrow the White race,never have been,never will.

The fact is at the current trend of immigration is that non-whites will be the majoity of our lands(Europe)one day is true and I don't wan't that to happen,so if Europeans can find a non-horrifing way to stop this from happening,I support it.
VinceW said:
I'm not an advocate of German morality,I know that the Jews are not plotting to overthrow the White race,never have been,never will.

The fact is at the current trend of immigration is that non-whites will be the majoity of our lands(Europe)one day is true and I don't wan't that to happen,so if Europeans can find a non-horrifing way to stop this from happening,I support it.


I think the ding I heard was for your microwave pizza, better run up before Mum wakes up and scolds you....

All hail Vince and his views....


VinceW said:
I'm not an advocate of German morality,I know that the Jews are not plotting to overthrow the White race,never have been,never will.

The fact is at the current trend of immigration is that non-whites will be the majoity of our lands(Europe)one day is true and I don't wan't that to happen,so if Europeans can find a non-horrifing way to stop this from happening,I support it.

Just quit, before I put my Mod hat on.

Let's move away from this before it goes south. No need to provide a soap box.

Milnet.ca Staff
Alright,I'm done here,this topic is too controvesial to be discussed any further from my and millions of others point of view.
Jeez, some people here are really clueless about Islam. Minaret a sign of Islamic power? Muslims wanting to rule the world under one religion? Christians and Jewish people are infidels?

All these are as plausible as an Islamic person believing that the Jew Bear from the movie "Inglorious Basterds" eats Nazis and Palestinians for breakfast.

One of the major points I have learned from studying Islam is that they supremely teach that all religions (Judaism and Christianity) that worship the "one" god (iconoclastic religion) are brothers. The conflict between Christians and Muslims and Jews and Muslims aren't even that old and were started over disputes of land. (I don't know about you guys but I would be pretty pissed if Ontario was suddenly renamed in 1948 to Israel and became a new country).

Also, the infidels in the main book of Islam do not refer to Christians/Jewish people/non believers but in fact they refer to the people they were hunted down by from Mecha. These were "infidels" that believed in over 300 gods of stone, clay and man made material. They had many battles with them during the early years of Islam due to little choice of the matter.

The main problem that causes so much confusion amongst the religion is that people who KNOW the religion know that it is a very peaceful religion and has ideals higher than others (I've never read anything in a bible saying how you should treat other religions correct me if I am wrong). The people who misinterpret this book are people who can't read it or people who have higher agendas and use it to further their goals.

Imagine if today the bible was written in latin and on top of that when you translated it to English it would be word jumbled around a lot.

Although, one thing that is very different over there than over here is that here in the west we rank Country over Religion. But in the middle east countries could go to war over the simple fact of sect.

One of the odd things I found about the whole Israeli wars is that Egypt + other middle eastern countries wanted to reunite Palestine as a country again. The US was against this and thus supported Israel since it's birth in billions of dollars.

But this situation just happened again recently with Georgia trying to reunite with South Ossetia and the U.S. supported their mission to reunite their country after it had been broken up.

Confusing no? :P
Dean22 said:
One of the major points I have learned from studying Islam is that they supremely teach that all religions (Judaism and Christianity) that worship the "one" god (iconoclastic religion) are brothers. The conflict between Christians and Muslims and Jews and Muslims aren't even that old and were started over disputes of land. (I don't know about you guys but I would be pretty pissed if Ontario was suddenly renamed in 1948 to Israel and became a new country).

Also, the infidels in the main book of Islam do not refer to Christians/Jewish people/non believers but in fact they refer to the people they were hunted down by from Mecha. These were "infidels" that believed in over 300 gods of stone, clay and man made material. They had many battles with them during the early years of Islam due to little choice of the matter.

Although your studies seem that you have put much effort, the word "infidels" is a 15th century reference from the Christians to indicate the Muslims, as they were not baptized and lay fidelity to Christ.  It is now used by all of the Abramatic beleifs to indicate, the other religions.

Just wanted to help you in your endeavours.


By the way I searched Swiss Architecture and for a moment I thought a minaret was in the google search but apparently buildings that look like minarets "ARE" Swiss design in looks.

http://thedailyexplorer.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/9.jpg (Swiss Architecture)

http://www.molon.de/galleries/Brunei/Jameasr/images01/03%20Minaret%20with%20golden%20dome.jpg (A Minaret)

I don't see much of a difference besides the height difference.

Maybe people are afraid of Muslims putting ICBM's in the minarets  ::)

edited to stay on topic

Dean22 said:
Anyone else think of Nazism when you read Vince's posts?

By the way I searched Swiss Architecture and for a moment I thought a minaret was in the google search but apparently buildings that look like minarets "ARE" Swiss design in looks.

http://thedailyexplorer.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/9.jpg (Swiss Architecture)

You are showing a "roof design" not a minaret.                                                                                                                                    You are showing a "roof design" not a minaret

Here is a definition:

minaret definition mina·ret (min′ə ret′, min′ə ret′)


a high, slender tower attached to a mosque, with one or more projecting balconies from which a muezzin, or crier, calls the people to prayer
Etymology: Fr < Turk menāret < Ar manāra(t), lighthouse, minaret < base of nār, fire

George I think you missed out on the point of my post. I was showing a Swiss Architecture example to show that they are not far apart in architectural design which, is one of the new excuses that is popping up. I did not say that the Swiss building was a minaret.
Dean22 said:
George I think you missed out on the point of my post. I was showing a Swiss Architecture example to show that they are not far apart in architectural design which, is one of the new excuses that is popping up. I did not say that the Swiss building was a minaret.

They are far different in design.  A roof does not make a structure a minaret. 
recceguy said:

Let's move away from this before it goes south. No need to provide a soap box.

Milnet.ca Staff

So I'm wondering what part of my above post people didn't understand?

Keep it on track or I'll call the janitor in.

Milnet.ca Staff
Sorry Recceguy I wasn't sure if my post was southbound or not, thanks for cleaning up y mess  ;D
Dean22 said:
One of the major points I have learned from studying Islam is that they supremely teach that all religions (Judaism and Christianity) that worship the "one" god (iconoclastic religion) are brothers. The conflict between Christians and Muslims and Jews and Muslims aren't even that old and were started over disputes of land. (I don't know about you guys but I would be pretty pissed if Ontario was suddenly renamed in 1948 to Israel and became a new country).

Also, the infidels in the main book of Islam do not refer to Christians/Jewish people/non believers but in fact they refer to the people they were hunted down by from Mecha. These were "infidels" that believed in over 300 gods of stone, clay and man made material. They had many battles with them during the early years of Islam due to little choice of the matter.

The main problem that causes so much confusion amongst the religion is that people who KNOW the religion know that it is a very peaceful religion and has ideals higher than others (I've never read anything in a bible saying how you should treat other religions correct me if I am wrong). The people who misinterpret this book are people who can't read it or people who have higher agendas and use it to further their goals.

It is all good in Acidiema, but when most peoples exposure to Islam is the radicals preaching death and destruction; how is they going to perceive the religion?