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Supporting our Wounded Soldiers - Discussion of Various Funds Available

Yes, your absoulutly right, sorry to anyone who thought that. I should have put a source to back it up.
Thank you very much for clearing that up :)
Seems on the up-and-up based on a quick look at their plan:

It's absolutely legitimate.  McTeague's one of my sappers, and the Capt Johnston referred to in the article is his AO.

The idea for the fund came from the recognition that there's this gap between what the system will pay for and what guys need.  Ideally, this gap shouldn't exist- but there's still the matter of what you do in the interim... this fund addresses the interim need.

In a lot of cases, this gap is currently covered by regimental associations, but that's not necessarily the best place for it.  Also, like it or not, some of the regimental associations just don't have the depth to handle this spending.

In all, a worthwhile venture.
There's a guy at my unit whose wife is making red fleece scarves with a yellow ribbon sewn on, and is donating a percentage of the proceeds to this very worthwhile fund.  She was looking for a group that did just that and was really impressed with what the fund is being put in place to do.

I told her I would throw a plug in here, as she is planning to make a presentation within the next couple of weeks.  If anyone is interested feel free to PM me.  I'll get the contact info tomorrow.

James, good on you guys for setting all of this up.  I've only ever had to spend a night at a time in the hospital and, even all drugged up on painkillers, it was as boring as could be.  There are not enough ceiling tiles to count to keep even the most doped person occupied.
I was talking to Julien Austin today and he said that $5.00 from the proceeds from his CD sold through the Canex is going to this fund.  WTG GI Jules!
Hello all

By way of introduction my name is Captain Wayne Johnston the founder of the fund. I should give you a backgrounder on how all this came about. I have known Sean McTeague (Mikes Dad) for some x30 years (we were Snr NCO's way back when in the Infantry) and when it came time for Mike to join the Army Reserves Sean contacted me. I recruited Mike and enrolled him (talk about full service now that I am his assisting officer). When Mike was wounded (Sept 18th bicycle suicide bombing) Sean asked that I be the assisting officer to accompany the Family to Germany. Upon return to Canada I have been still assisting Mike and the Family.  Words cannot explain how humbling, emotional, and yet so rewarding being a assisting officer to one of the wounded has been. Suffice to say it has been the most important work I have done in my 33 years service.

Mike is a miracle in that at one point he wasn't expected to live (when the family goes to Germany it isn't the best news) and then he was expected to lose his legs. Thank God this didn't happen and Mike is struggling and fighting hard to regain his mobility at St Johns Rehab in Toronto it will take a long time but he will get there.

In general the soldiers stay in Germany no more than 2 weeks. They are then moved on to a hospital in Canada, where location is dependant on the wounds and the hospitals ability to deal with them and the location of their family. Depending on the wounds hospital stays can be a week or two or months.

The fund was started because we noticed in Germany that the troops had very little in the way of their own. More to the point they had little to pass the time in the way of electronics and entertainment. In addition the support staff was spending out of their own pockets top get the little things in life. Thus this fund was born (over a few beer I might add) the mission is as follows;

The Sapper Mike McTeague Wounded Warrior Fund supports all Canadian Forces members wounded on operations, at the outset of their healing process. The fund aims to improve the general morale and welfare of the soldiers and their families by working through first-line caregivers, medical staff, chaplains and assisting officers.

The fund is designed to deliver quality of life, financial and benevolent assistance through three different programs

Direct Support and Donation Program:

When an injured soldier leaves an operational theatre, they do so quickly without warning. Sometimes they have with them just the clothes on their back and it is here where they are at their most vulnerable. This program sets out to alleviate this inconvenient deficiency by contributing "quality of life" items to the soldier. "Wounded Warrior Packs" will contain a variety of items as follows;

x1 CADPAT Wheelers Personnel Kit Bag Retail $99.00
x1 Portable DVD/MP3/CD player retail $250.00-$300.00
x1 Hudson's Bay blanket
x1 Team Canada Jersey
x1 ARMY Baseball cap
x1 ARMY Water bottle
A selection of DVD's and CD's
A selection of books
x1 large Canadian Flag
A selection of sweets
x1 Shave Kit

As you can see this is a large undertaking that will require large dollars, our wounded deserve nothing less as I am sure you will agree. In addition CF CCU (Critical Care Units) that care for our wounded coast to coast in numerous hospitals will be provided with an entertainment library of video games,CD's and DVD's with a loaner laptop (with all the toys). There are approx x15 of these unit incl Germany the value of each library is approx $10K. As you can see this is no small undertaking. As part of this program a small Padre's Contingency Fund has been established in Landstuhle Germany to aid in the morale of the soldiers. This fund has been established as of Nov 1st 06.

There has been some debate on is this the Govt's responsibility That being said I like many of my fellow CF members do not believe this is a issue that the tax payer should burden. DND is like any other Govt Dept by that I mean should the taxpayer pay for a Canadian Coast guardsman who is injured or for that matter any other Govt Dept. This is a very slippery slope to travel. The Regimental system provides to a degree with Regimental kit T shirts and the like. It is the mission of this fund to kick this up several notches.  While I understand the Regimental system has a version of a wounded pack this is clearly not the same. As a product of that very system I understand the pitfalls. I was speaking to a wounded chap today who got such a pack and nothing fit. In the end he gave it all to the hospital staff. Insofar as CFPSA goes I think we all know the answer to that one.

Family Assistance Program:

Hospital stays, while stressful for the patient, can be equally stressful for the soldiers family, both mentally and financially. This program will reduce this impact by augmenting existing CF support programs. As some soldiers will be in hospital longer than others, the fund is intended to function over the long term, catering to the specific needs of each case. It is here where we will address the issue of TV rentals and such . The issue of TV rentals while very important isn't the only issue in this matter.

Fisher House Endowment:

The Fisher House is a unique program similar to the renowned Ronald MacDonald House charity. Fisher House supports the families of those receiving critical medical care by providing free accommodation, near the hospital in Landstuhle Germany. While the Fisher houses were started to provide assistance to the families of wounded US service people they have opened their arms to Canadians. Fisher Houses rely on donations. Therefore it is the goal of the fund to provide a one-time donation of $20K Cdn to the Fisher House in Germany. This donation will be dependant on the requirement of the other two programs.

In the event you wish to discuss this matter or indeed have wish to assist in any way call me at work Ph# 416 633 6200 x5505 Cell 416 275 7448 or via email johnston.gw@forces.gc.ca

I would be remiss if I didn't mention that cheques can be made payable to the "Sapper Mike McTeague Wounded Warrior Fund" and sent to the following;

The Sapper Mike McTeague Wounded Warrior Fund
PO Box# 141
Stn, Brooklin
Whitby, Ontario L1M 1B5

We are in the process of incorporation as we speak, once completed we will gain tax charity status. In addition a web site is up and running www.woundedwarriors.ca pretty basic right now more to follow. If any of you folks out there want to help in any way be sure to email me.

Wayne Johnston

I believe you spoke directly to the woman I refered to above wrt the scarves she is selling.

Let me just say that you made quite on impression on her, and she is quite confident that she has chosen the right group to support.

Thanks for all your work.  Here's hoping that none of us ever have to use it.  An impossibility unfortunately, but dare to dream. :cdn:
Thank you so much

I must say when all this started well I figured too easy collect a little coin (I am good at that as I am not shy) and help out the Padre in Germany with a slush fund. Well it wasn't to be after I opened the door to this issue. I saw our guys staring at 4 walls figuring what is next. I have been there as I shreaded my heart valve in Bosnia (finished the tour) and thank God my wife (the love of my life) was there to catch me in hospital when I was feeling sorry for myself after the big zipper. While my issue is nothing compared to these Canadian hereos I know (or at least have an idea) what they are going through. Anyway I am going off subject. When we were in Germany things were not looking so good for Mike. After a lot of beer I lay in bed and said "God I am not sure if you are even there, but if you are please save this boy". "If you do this one thing I will work hard and make amens for all those bad things I did (well not all that bad)". The next day Mike wiggled his toes and of course I had a good cry and then figured out I am on a quest weather I like it or not (I couldn't tempt fate). I still am not a religious man but well you know......................  I have crunched the numbers and based on the predicted figures until 2009 we are going to need about a 1/4 million to deliver this service and look after our troops.

The good news is I have a number of players who want to help and have had great media support (thank God for Joe Warmington of the Tor Sun and Christie Blatchford of the Globe and Mail her story to follow). Some of the players are folks like your good wife who I suppose just naturally do the right thing (you have a star in her my friend). On the otherhand I have guys like Julian Austin, Diane Chase and a few other stars who are ready to do some business. We are looking at putting on a "black tie affair" with a star studded array of entertainment, a great evening out ,with a super prize at the end. The Landscapers of Orillia are donating a $100K home makeover incl a inground pool (neat or what). More to follow suffice to say it can be done. I was OPI of the 2003 Toronto Garrison Ball where we had over 1400 attend. A function of this nature will really set us up right.

As it is people from all walks of life have donated and offered to assit so far we have collected approx $25K incl the $6K already in Germany. Most of the cheques come with a note the best is as follows; "My husband was with 1 Canadian Para Bn he is no longer with me. He would want me to do this. Sorry it is only $25.00 but I am on a pension". Well these letters bring you to tears and really humble one. Thus so far the fundraising has not been too shabby for a one man show and a couple of months in action. As I mentioned we are undergoing incorporation and cannot spend any funds until this is complete (year end). I made a call to start before we were incorporated to get things going as the spring is around the corner and things really heat up in theatre.

In any event email me on the DWAN as I need to speak to your wife or have her email me.


It is not my wife (I am not married and would much rather have a husband! ;D), but my coworker's.

She is also thinking on making her presentation on Saturday night at Logos Land, where they are having a tree lighting ceremony or something like that.

I'll keep everyone informed.

Well go figure I am one of those old guys who assumes (we all know what that means) I trust you will forgive me. Yes she emailed me but alas I am speaking to the St Patricks Day Parade 2007 here in Toronto. They are behind the troops 110% (in point of fact they want to feature that support before during and after) and want to assist with the fund. Otherwise I would be there. In my capacity at LFCA I am supporting the function in Pet. I wish it the best.

James101, I have met your dad, Sean and Captain Wayne Johnston (shy guy) and will be doing all that I can to support this cause.  Because of my job, I have a lot of contacts in the hi tech business and will be approaching them for donations, cash and/or high tech items.

My husband is donating all of the proceeds from the Vaughan Business Exchange golf tournament, from this year onwards, to this worthwhile cause. Until they all come home. The tournament will be held at Nobleton Lakes Golf Club on Tuesday May 29th, 2007.  The format will be a best-ball team scramble and the shot-gun start will be at 1 p.m.  At present I am estimating that we will be charging $1,000.00 per foursome, which will include 18 holes of golf, with cart, lunch and a steak dinner.  Nobleton Lakes is a really first-rate facility in all respects and they put on a great event.  He is looking for corporate sponsors to help defray the costs of the tournament so that more money will go to the charity.  He is also appealing to the corporate community to donate cash, prizes for the golfers, or items we can auction to raise additional money at the tournament.  We will provide receipts for tax purposes for cash or "in kind" donations.

My son is a sapper and will be leaving for his first tour in February. I pray to God that he never needs to benefit from the proceeds of this Fund, but I will thank all the supporters of the Fund if he does.

Godspeed to your brother James and hopefully, I'll be seeing your dad at the Burlington Red Friday Rally on Friday December 15th (my sapper's birthday).  Hey Wayne, look forward to seeing you there.

God Bless!

Sam & Greg Jackson

My thoughts and prayers - and I'm certain that the prayers of the rest of the army.ca members - are with your brother and your family. 

On another thread the total price of one kit was pegged at $600. I'm curious to know what Mike, the DS, and the members think about doing an army.ca members fundraiser.  I think it would be cool to set a target of a certain number of kits to buy for the fund.   For example, if we were able to raise $6000 collectively, it would buy 10 kits for wounded soldiers.

Let's get creative, and think up some good ideas to raise money.  Think up a challenge and throw it down for the rest of the members.  Here's a couple of ideas (Ottawa-centric) that I had, wondering what others think:

1. Winterlude triathlon. 5K skate, 6K ski, 5K run on the first Sunday in February.  A great event that anyone can do.

2. Keskinada Loppet.  50 Km ski race in the beautiful Gatineau Park.  Another excellent event.

3.  Nordion National Capital Half Marathon.  I hereby challenge anyone and everyone who is willing to raise money by doing a ruck march in the Half Marathon in May.  Ever done 21K with a pack?  I have not, but I am interested in the challenge.  I will personally buy a case of beer(24) for the army.ca member (brand of their choosing) who (a) raises at least $200 for the Wounded Warrior Fund, and (b) has the fastest time ruck-marching/ airborne shuffling the half marathon.

4. The Rudy Award.  If you do the three above-mentioned events, you only have to do two more events - the Rideau Lakes Cycling Tour and an Ironman-distance triathlon - in order to receive the Rudy Award.  The Rudy Award is given to those who complete the previously mentioned events within a calendar year.  As you can see, this is a significant accomplishment, and perhaps not possible for a lot of people because of scheduling conflicts.

Any comments/suggestions?  Anyone interested in taking up the challenge? 

edit: to qualify for the Rudy Award, you actually have to do a FULL marathon, not a half.  Therefore, I will extend my case of beer offer.  Anyone who raises at least $200 for the Wounded Warrior Fund and either (a) has the fastest time in the Keskinada 50K, or (b) completes the Rudy Award will receive from me a case of beer of their choice. 

All the Camerons and Foot Guards out there, consider this a challenge to YOU.  Yeah that's right, I'm calling you out!  Both regiments have quite a few guys over in The Sandbox, so do something to make me owe you a case of beer! 

BTW it will only be available for the Rudy Award because I plan to be fastest at Keskinada and the half marathon.... :nana:


I will be there with bells on.................. What do you me shy guy? Just kidding. I was thinking this Golf thing may be right up Joe Warmingtons alley. It has potential to be a great story. In any event we will be incorporated before the year end, I suspect a little sooner. Will keep you posted. See you Friday.
captainj said:

I will be there with bells on.................. What do you me shy guy? Just kidding. I was thinking this Golf thing may be right up Joe Warmingtons alley. It has potential to be a great story. In any event we will be incorporated before the year end, I suspect a little sooner. Will keep you posted. See you Friday.

I'll let Joe know.  Hunter, I don't live in the Ottawa area, nor am I in shape right now to take up your challenge.  But what a wonderful idea!

What a great idea. I would be less than honest if I didn't say I get a tad frustrated when we raise loads of $$$$$ for the United Way and the like. Yet our own folks who over the last few years have had to rely on the Regimental system. Now please do not get me wrong the system has its place and does good work.  I would suggest with the number of wounded Regiments and messes are maxed out. In a dream world I would like each CBG and CMBG to raise $5K each, this can be done. However it takes LUCK (Labour Under Correct Knowledge), we need to look toward our own for once. There is a old saying victory has many fathers but defeat is an orphan. I am sure I will get loads of help when we hit the $100K mark but right now it seems the only people who are standing up to the plate are individuals. The time has come for us as an organization to step up (CBG's and CMBG etc). All that being said the Staff College is joining the fray. More to follow..................................

The numbers of wounded will grow as we are there until 2009 (for now). Based on the numbers $100K will but be a dent in what we need. CFPSA claims they are aware and will step in when needed (ya right). I ask how many more will it take. There is a CANFORGEN of a proposal for CFPSA to assist but I fear it will be a cumbersome exercise at best. In my 33 years I have yet to see that organization poney up a whole lot anyhow. The Sapper Mike McTeague Wounded Warrior Fund will be in the yes biz not in the fill out a form and or pay for it up front and claim it biz. Simple I know but it has to be. Phase one will be to have x25 wounded warrior packs in place in Germany sadly in anticipation of the spring.

Hunter I am really encouraged by your suggestions and sure could use the help.

I find it strange too that we all just contributed to the Government of Canada Workplace Combined Charities (GCWCC) here  on base and there's no money coming the way of our wounded.  Puzzling?!
Thought I would let you know that the PM bought two scarves from my friend during the tree lighting at Logosland.  If you look at the photos when he is on stage you can see the scarf under his coat -- I guess he couldn't tie it over his coat because it was slipping off.

She was very impressed though and is very happy with the results so far.

As for the "Challenge" expect to see me with a group running the half marathon.  I don't plan on doing it with a ruck on -- want to go for a new PR -- but maybe I can get some fundraising going.  If we indeed get a group of Army.ca members participating, someone is going to have to come up with a nice Dryfit shirt to wear!
I know the feeling at the LFCA HQ they donated approx $70K to Canada Workplace Combined Charities (GCWCC) go figure ...................
Indeed 32 CBG is again doing a food drive when one of their own is in a hospital aka Spr McTeague and they ask "is there anything we can do".............
Excuse me for venting.........................I feel better already. I am told it is this way with all grass roots operations in the begining. This fund will grow and play a major part in the healing process of our Hereos, I just want it to happen NOW. We have a number of programs and fundraisers on the horizon. Along with the Golf thing the Greg and Sam have going the Landscapers of Orillia have donated a $100K backyard makeover incl a inground pool. This will be raffled off a $100.00 per ticket. MARC from MOTORGRAPHICS is doing a tribute canvass to the CF where it will be raffled off at the 2007 North American Supercycle Show 5,6,7 Jan 07 Toronto International Centre as well Marc will be doing a interactive art fundraiser. Check out his work www.motorgraphics.ca In addition we are looking at a black tie affair with a star studded line up of entertainment.  So alot of stuff is happening. Naturally getting media play always keeps those cheques flowing in. The good news is the letters of incorporation have been sent to Ottawa and will be in our hot little hands soon.

I do like the idea of a ARMY.CA driven fundraiser. Is there anything I can do to assist as I am the OPI OP CONNECTION in JTFC/LFCA (aka I do the events like CNE, Canada Day Ottawa, SUPEREX, Toronto Gran Prix etc)...........................................
captainj said:
Hunter I am really encouraged by your suggestions and sure could use the help.

Sir it would be an honour to be part of this initiative!  :salute: