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Supply Tech Ettiquette

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Army.ca Myth
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Is there some type of supply tech ettiquette I'm missing?

I know supply techs don't get a lot of respect at times for the hard work they do. I know they have to deal with mass loads of people, innane rules, rude soldiers lying to them or trying to get gear they are no entitled to.  I know reserve units whom are sending their guys on summer taskings  send their troops to bases and tell them to get their exchances done there. I'd be annoyed too.

Is there some type of rule saying certain trades or components get different quality of equipment?

I watched a regular force logistics officer stand at the counter and trade in his shelfter half.  The guy at the counter took the ratty hoochie went to the back and brought the officer a brand new one no questions asked no problems. the next guy in line, an infantry corporal wanted to exchange his hoochie. The guy behind the counter grilled him about it. Whats wrong with it bla bla bla. It leaks and it's ripped? wheres the rip?  The guy ginally decides to exchange it heads  to the back, stops, asks the corporal if he's regular force.
The guy behind the counter bends down and starts fishing through a little box or bin full of used shelter halfs and brings the kid one that looked even worse than the one he was trading in.

What the hell is up with that guys?
IS there some unspoken rule that certain trades or components don't deserve the same quality of equipment as someone else?
i'm not even going to argue the obvious point about who will depend on the equipment more in my example.

I've walked in, asked a supply tech soldier for something and they've said no. A few days later i'd ask one of the civilians who work there (having gone back for something else) and most of the time they say yes.

It's almost like it's up to the individual supply techs disgression.

If you have new equipment and a soldier  comes in your place to exchange something give them the best equipment they can get. Don't play games with the shit.
But if they issue out all that high speed kit, they won't have anything to count come stocktaking time.  It's much more important to have a well stocked QM than a well kitted out soldier, dontcha know?

Weren't you the one who was whining for 5 pages about not being allowed to keep your cool new tacvest? Not whining about it anymore now, are you?  Maybe the Sup Techs are just trying to save you from your own ignorance?  ;D ;D

<Runs away>
Kat Stevens said:
But if they issue out all that high speed kit, they won't have anything to count come stocktaking time.    ;D


Which explains why they're closed for a week to do stocktake. If they only had to count 638's, they'd be reopened by coffee on the first day ;D
Well sorry I can't give you an answer as to kit exchange, I have ben out of the supply trade to long..

But when I was in, we had some problems, as in when reserves were posted to a base for the summer, we wouldn't get thier clothing doc's from thier main base... so the question would be, okay he has a beat up shelter half, which he Could have bought at Novacks or some surplus place and wants to echange it for a newer one.. so the ? is was he actually issued one..

And yes it is one for one, so they shouldn't care, but supply techs are cautious because of the scams people have tried to pull on them for kit.

Another point, the civilians who work behind the counter, some don't know or some don't care.. back when the nice cots came out, I had recieved one that was damaged, and I put it in my repair bin to send back to base for repair, a sigs guy came in and talked to the civilian who was working with us, and asked if we had any broken/damaged cots that he could have, the civi said ya we have one here and gave it to him..
I had gone back with the 942 to tag it and send it to base with the 1020, and lo and behold it's gone.. searched around couldn't find it, ask the civi we had working with us, and he said Ya, I gave it to a sigs guy... I was not impressed with that as he gave away a "B" class item and now I had to figure out how to report a loss, but he found the guy and got the cot back from him, and saved me some headache, but he didn't know ....

So now as to why this supply tech did that, well only he know why... maybe it goes back to the dispute between regs and reserves..
on how reserves in 5 years, and be a Mcpl, and or Sgt, where reg force just getting your Corprals.. it's hard to answer that cause this could be 1 out of 1000's of supply techs..
Bin-Rat said:
Well sorry I can't give you an answer as to kit exchange, I have ben out of the supply trade to long..

But when I was in, we had some problems, as in when reserves were posted to a base for the summer, we wouldn't get thier clothing doc's from thier main base... so the question would be, okay he has a beat up shelter half, which he Could have bought at Novacks or some surplus place and wants to echange it for a newer one.. so the ? is was he actually issued one..

And yes it is one for one, so they shouldn't care, but supply techs are cautious because of the scams people have tried to pull on them for kit.

Another point, the civilians who work behind the counter, some don't know or some don't care.. back when the nice cots came out, I had recieved one that was damaged, and I put it in my repair bin to send back to base for repair, a sigs guy came in and talked to the civilian who was working with us, and asked if we had any broken/damaged cots that he could have, the civi said ya we have one here and gave it to him..
I had gone back with the 942 to tag it and send it to base with the 1020, and lo and behold it's gone.. searched around couldn't find it, ask the civi we had working with us, and he said Ya, I gave it to a sigs guy... I was not impressed with that as he gave away a "B" class item and now I had to figure out how to report a loss, but he found the guy and got the cot back from him, and saved me some headache, but he didn't know ....

So now as to why this supply tech did that, well only he know why... maybe it goes back to the dispute between regs and reserves..
on how reserves in 5 years, and be a Mcpl, and or Sgt, where reg force just getting your Corprals.. it's hard to answer that cause this could be 1 out of 1000's of supply techs..

the clothes docs are all online for us. I've only seen actual paper docs once. I just show up they take my service number and everything they have ever given me comes up with sizes and everything.
BeadWindow said:
the clothes docs are all online for us. I've only seen actual paper docs once. I just show up they take my service number and everything they have ever given me comes up with sizes and everything.

That is a fairly new development, like the last couple years. When I was posted to Moose Jaw in Nov 02, I had to wait a week or two for my clothing docs to arrive before I could draw any kit. Last year when I was posted to Shearwater, it was all online and I could draw kit right away.
seems to work pretty good. I havent had a bad experience with supply yet! Of course Im pretty young in service
Wow, cool, when I was just leaving they were just bringing in the Umm can't think of the system, but it was for procument...
and also a computer system for our rations section, but wasn't fully operational when I left, which was in 93...
Well if they have the docs online now, hopefully for regs and reserves there shouldn't be much of a issue see if they are issued what, unless they aren't in the system... but....

But not to hi-jack this thread, and talk about the supply system more.. I'll leave at that, sorry for going off topic a tad..
I am a Supply Technician and I have a few answers for you guys.

First of all, the issues with Clothing Stores are usually the result of a moody Supply Tech behind the desk... also, for some reason, A LOT of Supply Techs at clothing stores seem to believe that the kit is their personnal responsability, which it is, but you shouldn't over-protect your stock.  I mean, they shouldn't issue bad kit so that they can keep the good one for officers (there's one at every unit).

Behind the scenes, what you DON'T see is that those guys that treat officers better (better kit, more service, faster response, etc) are usually not very appreciated by their peers (who are NCM's).  Eventually, the hard-working, and FAIR supply tech is the one getting the promotion (or the posting to a sweet a$$ unit / base)

As for the docs online, I can clarify that a bit.  I don't know for reservists, but for us Reg Force dudes, all our kit (unless it's unit-specific, which implies a 638) is online, through the supply system (CFSS : Canadian Forces Supply System).

It's a good, albeit kinda flawed, application we use for ALMOST all our tasks (requesting items from the depot, transfering stuff from one unit to another, buying stuff from a civilian company, etc).  I basically have the possibility of reviewing every single soldier's clothing equipment list. If I worked at a clothing stores, I could review a person's docs (using his service #) and see what he's missing, what he has, etc.

Good tool.

Any questions about Supply, feel free to ask me, I love my work and I'd be glad to help.

I find the newer/younger Supply Techs do not know the kit some of us were issued in the mid to late 90's. When you return this this kit they do not know what is it is. They also do not know how how fit you for ICE. I asked for a 7344 ICE jacket they wanted to issue me a 6740. I had to explain to them how your clothing should 2 sizes larger, so if your shirt is 7344  then the rest of your kit should be 7344 as to fit underneath this. They told me they did not know this, but would send any clothing shortage overseas to us on Roto 2 (did  not happen).
The situation could be rectified by proper supervision by the NCO Chain of Command. The Sgts need to be on the floor supervising their subordinates. I know the response will be well I'm up to my neck in paper and tied to the computer. Well break away and see how your Soldiers are treating those they support.

I believe that everyone wants to do a good job, as for the Soldier drawing the kit, have you ever thanked the person for their efficiency or assistance?  A small pat on the back can do wonders.

Bottom line is, if you are unhappy with the service ask to speak to the persons supervisor. If that person isn't there get their name and phone number and make contact. Then, let that supervisor know the situation as calmly as possible.

I have been through many battles at the clothing counter and have found this approach works the best.  :salute:
Wow, As the current IC of Clothing Stores Gagetown, I find some of these comments amazing...From my point of view...a bad soldier is a bad soldier....whether they be the Sup tech at the CSG counter or the customer on the other side. I don't know what Clothing Stores you pers have gone to but if it has been Gagetown, I certainly haven't heard your complaints...and I am the supervisor.
First of all, for the Sup Tech who stated that the guy working the counter was probably having a bad day...apparently you have not worked in Clothing since CTS came into being. Do you really think we love grilling each pers about their current trade qualification, whether they are a student or permanently posted to base, whether they belong to a 1st line field Unit or are 2nd line support? No...I guarantee we don't. But.....you are not entitled just because....You must have an entitlement to get a specific piece of kit....if the Sup Tech questions you, it is because he has to not because he chooses to. I am a firm believer in the old philosophy that it is better on the troops than on my shelf....to a point. If you are entitled to it....you will not be refused. To be honest with you, the last place a Sup Tech wants to work is Clothing Stores and there is a reason for that. Try telling someone he's not entitled to something and watch as a good 75% of them will stand there and argue with you. Don't lie to us...we guarantee we've heard the same one before. It's amazing. I'd just like to point out that your own MOCs determine what you are entitled to!! If you are told that you are not entitled to something than have your Unit/Trade write it up to the ECS and justify why you should have it. It only takes a bit...then you will find you are entitled. Do it right. Don't blame it on the Sup Tech working the counter for your lack of entitlement...we only get to enforce the rules not make them. Don't swear at us, treat us disrespectfully, throw barrack boxes at us when told to remove the paint and stickers that you put on them, (I have witnessed it all), or you may find a supervisor like myself handling the situation in an appropriate manner. Likewise, if one of the staff treats you in an inappropriate manner, address it with the CSG supervisor...it's been done before. Please try to remember that we deal with approx 50 different scales of entitlement based on trade, qual level, UIC, posn, time in, component. They are vast and not even you could memorize them all so cut us a little slack. I liken it to the RMS world: You go to the Pay office and request an extra 1 dollar on your pay (hey it's only $1), the RMS clerk of course is gonna send you on your way because you are not entitled to that loonie. See, they only enforce the Pay Scale, they don't decide it. You don't then yell at them and curse at them and degrade their trade because you know they are only enforcing someone else's rules.  Guess what...that's exactly what the Clothing Stores Sup Techs are doing so why is it all right to slam them? Another point, everybody waits in line in Gagetown, and there is nothing in the books that says they shouldn't. Perhaps the pers you speak of bothered to phone and book an appt in order to avoid the wait? That is allowable. All our walk-in customers wait in line, first come first serve, regardless of rank, even our Comd who expressed no concern with that during his visit last weekin which he waited 15 minutes for service because we had a course in the house. That is the way it should be. So if you believe that you are being treated unfairly, or not getting kit to which you believe you are entitled, ask to see the supervisor...don't argue with the pers on the counter....it is unbecomming and unprofessional. Like wise for the Techs at the counter, if they are unprofessional...report it.
Ghost778 said:
Is there some type of supply tech ettiquette I'm missing?

I know supply techs don't get a lot of respect at times for the hard work they do. I know they have to deal with mass loads of people, innane rules, rude soldiers lying to them or trying to get gear they are no entitled to.   I know reserve units whom are sending their guys on summer taskings   send their troops to bases and tell them to get their exchances done there. I'd be annoyed too.

Is there some type of rule saying certain trades or components get different quality of equipment?

I watched a regular force logistics officer stand at the counter and trade in his shelfter half.   The guy at the counter took the ratty hoochie went to the back and brought the officer a brand new one no questions asked no problems. the next guy in line, an infantry corporal wanted to exchange his hoochie. The guy behind the counter grilled him about it. Whats wrong with it bla bla bla. It leaks and it's ripped? wheres the rip?   The guy ginally decides to exchange it heads   to the back, stops, asks the corporal if he's regular force.
The guy behind the counter bends down and starts fishing through a little box or bin full of used shelter halfs and brings the kid one that looked even worse than the one he was trading in.

I'm really not sure why you think that reg force troops and reservists should be on the same footing for the issuing of kit.

I use my kit daily - EVERY SINGLE DAY - and I need it. I've spent in excess of 100 days in the field/training on other bases some years. I wear out kit quickly, and  since there is a shortage of a lot of it, I'm not ashamed to say that I deserve that new hootchie more than a reservist who does one exercise a year, but believes that he should be kitted out like an assaulter.

How would you like to be freezing through your ancient gore - tex coat which is no longer water repellant while watching reserve and CIC pers kitted out to the max in ICE and CADPAT for their annual trg ex?

The supply techs generally do a good job, and IMHO, the militia should be near the bottom of the list for kit, unless of course they are deploying, in which case they need it.
GO!!! said:
I'm really not sure why you think that reg force troops and reservists should be on the same footing for the issuing of kit.

I use my kit daily - EVERY SINGLE DAY - and I need it. I've spent in excess of 100 days in the field/training on other bases some years. I wear out kit quickly, and   since there is a shortage of a lot of it, I'm not ashamed to say that I deserve that new hootchie more than a reservist who does one exercise a year, but believes that he should be kitted out like an assaulter.

How would you like to be freezing through your ancient gore - tex coat which is no longer water repellant while watching reserve and CIC pers kitted out to the max in ICE and CADPAT for their annual trg ex?

The supply techs generally do a good job, and IMHO, the militia should be near the bottom of the list for kit, unless of course they are deploying, in which case they need it.

I agree with you GO reg force should have the better stuff. But i just want to Clarify that we (or at least our unit) trains One weekend a month, and courses, so it depends on how keen the troop is, for some reservist you could be using your kit a lot of times,
Armyvern, good points!  While I was the 10 TAG Life Support Eqpt Officer, I was responsible for "operatinal validating" four different scales, and even being fairly far removed from the supply counter, would get complaint after complaint from some folks.  It's amazing how many folks think that because they "want" something, or think they "should have it", that they should be given it if they give a good argument.  In general, if your MOC needs it, it's on your scale, exactly as you said.

What does the 3rd Bn need issued kit for anyway, it's not like any of them atually wear the issued stuff..... :)
Britney Spears said:
What does the 3rd Bn need issued kit for anyway, it's not like any of them atually wear the issued stuff....
defaulter inspections
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