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Steven Staples & Company

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Definately too much reading but here is my opinion on his video and his "ceasfire .ca":
He's a definate peacenik who never served in the military yet believes himself a military analyst {won't go there about the first four letters of that word!}
It may be true that some people see the war in Afghanistan as one for oil {not!} or to continue GW's war on terrorism, {possibly!} but I firmly believe that we are doing good in that country and we don't need fools like this to deter us from our mission.  Yes, we've taken casualties, but not as many as the states in Iraq, but the soldiers I talked to were all for the mission over there and support their job there.
"If you don't stand behind our Troops
Feel free to stand in front of them"!!!

Good young and old men and women are fighting and dying for a cause they believe in, the re-establishment of a legal and peaceful government of Afghanistan. 
This guy, again, brings back my favourite saying {still need copy right laws on that one from recceman???}
Kneel, face the ditch...Sorry, I can't stand the guy. BUT our society allows him to voice his opinions and we as soldiers must defend his right to do so. Kind of ironic isn't it??
I have no problem whatsoever with Mr. Staples saying anything.  He is obviously passionate about it.  I do, however, have a bit of a problem with him presenting himself as an objective military analyst.  I have a bigger problem with the MSM who cannot see him for what he is.
Once he is done with the News, he could make a pittance on the Comedy Network.
 As Shrek's little brother?

During that interview he was beaten by the facts - fair and square.

He does have a pretty twisty view of the world and maybe he needs to
be educated.  That is, I'm curious about his 15,000 ??  supporters and
I wonder what they would say if he were proven wrong again&again.

The introductory video is designed to play well with people who don't
have time to stop and think ( single moms ) and his position suggests
Canada is an island and all we really need is to get out from under GWB.

He could be reminded that without America there would be no microwave
ovens Hollywood, Playstation and of course security.

I agree with the general tone on this thread. This young guy has a heir of
legitimacy he does not deserve. Looks like nice work if you can get though... ;D
BYT Driver said:
"If you don't stand behind our Troops
Feel free to stand in front of them"!!!

I really hate that saying.  :-\

I love people like this, each time he opens his mouth to condem us and our mission -- it just reinforces for me the fact that he is able to do so exactly because of the proud military history of this country during the wars that we have been involved in.

People like Mr Staples who slant the truth, spin the facts, and get away with it (especially in the MSM) in this democratic country, make me very proud to wear this country's uniform and only serve to re-inforce my utmost respect for my military predecessors who performed their duties to uphold democracy so well. I am proud to follow in their footsteps of upholding democratic tradition both within and outside of our borders.

And the MSM can take me to the bank on that.
Sorry to have offended with the troops bumpersticker, but for me, it rings well.  Some people are not behind the reason for being in A-stan, but everyone should support the troops who are there and everywhere for whatever reasons.  We do something that many people either are not qualified to do or choose not to do.
My fore-fathers and ancestors did not fight and die in Europe for nothing! 74 Canadian troops did not die for nothing!
Democracy and Peace.
BYT Driver said:
Sorry to have offended with the troops bumpersticker, but for me, it rings well. 

Offend me? I don't get offended by too much (BUT trust me -- IT happens!! Depends on the circumstances).

I just don't like the idea of suggesting that they stand in front of me -- I'm a good shot.  ;)  I am pretty sure that's the implication being made with the saying in question.
ArmyVern said:
Offend me? I don't get offended by too much (BUT trust me -- IT happens!! Depends on the circumstances).

I just don't like the idea of suggesting that they stand in front of me -- I'm a good shot.  ;)

Agreed and in a democracy such as ours we don't shoot people who disagree with the military or the government's policies. I've never liked that jingle either.

He hasn't posted in over a year, but does show up once in awhile..............
ArmyVern said:
Offend me? I don't get offended by too much (BUT trust me -- IT happens!! Depends on the circumstances).

I just don't like the idea of suggesting that they stand in front of me -- I'm a good shot.  ;)  I am pretty sure that's the implication being made with the saying in question.
...meh! All's fair in love and war...well, except that was has ROE's.  And I've seen some people shoot..the safest place IS in front of them.. ;D

edited for spelling.

Agreed and in a democracy such as ours we don't shoot people who disagree with the military or the government's policies. I've never liked that jingle either.
Sometimes that is unfortunate, but we all fight for HIS right to say that...I just don't like the fact that our forfathers may be rolling in thier graves to hear such drivel??!!  Sorry, but I'm a bit emotional right now after Gnr Dions passing.  I won't let his sacrifice,or any others be tarnished by some peacenik who probably shirked away from military duty...not that I condone conscription..but I also fully believe that a person has no right to criticize another unless they've been in that person's shoes for awhile. 
I like my job...  :-*
Jingleman Coal-Getter said:
I do, however, have a bit of a problem with him presenting himself as an objective military analyst.  I have a bigger problem with the MSM who cannot see him for what he is.

Hence why I started this thread. It's one thing to be passionate on a POV and speak your mind on it.

It's another to pass yourself off as something completely else.

CTV passes him off as a objective analyst when, in reality, he isn't nor is he qualified to do so.

This link demonstrates what I'm talking about....Canada wants to use freakin' lasers.        ::)


He uses times of anguish in not only the families of the fallen, but of comrades as well to get in sound bites.

I, for one, am sick of his misleading the public and pushing his propaganda.

BYT Driver said:
..but I also fully believe that a person has no right to criticize another unless they've been in that person's shoes for awhile. 
I like my job...   :-*

Ahhh, soooo

You've been heading up a left wing think tank and giving expert military analyses & opinions to the media without fessing up to us then??  >:D

We may not like what he says, nor his opinion of us ... but I'm quite sure that he feels the same way about how we feel about him.

Anyway, there's parties to participate in this evening -- asshats please confine yourselves to the cloakroom on the Left. I'll be with the rational thinking majority in the main room.  ;D
Aah Soo, a tit for tat...I stand corrected but he shouldn't criticize the military and our jobs without doing some time.  I only criticized his lack of understanding of us.  And, yes, I do tend to play devils advocate without meaning too. 

I wish you all a Happy New Year and Safe Journeys this night.
BYTD :salute:
edited to add: I wasn't critiquing him or his website, I was calling him out.  :blotto:

"Born in the Maritimes and a long-time resident of Vancouver, Steven now lives in Ottawa with his wife and two children. He holds a Bachelors of Education (Hon. History) from the University of New Brunswick."

Oh the shame!    :(  Speaking on behalf of all those with a history degree from UNB.  :D
BYT Driver said:
I stand corrected but he shouldn't criticize the military and our jobs without doing some time.  I only criticized his lack of understanding of us.

Anyone can criticize the military, no time in required IMHO.

It helps your argument if you do though. (Sunil Ram comes to mind, I'm not a fan either, but that's another topic.)

He (Staples)is a peace advocate on the far left end of the political spectrum passing himself off as an impartial analyst, which he is not.

He doesn't want to understand us nor the part we play in Canada's defense, nor our role in NATO. Certainly not the reasons why we're in Kandahar either.

For some reason RBD -- it's not letting me quote your post ... GLITCH!!!  :-X

From the video:

Mr Staples: "Laser type weapons that may skirt the law."

Yep -- there's an expert on Defence for you.  ::)

What is it with your frequent need to imply that Canadian soldiers will circumvent the Law or the Geneva Conventions? One can also see evidence of this in your previous posting history (linked in an earlier thread) where you imply that the JTF2 would get away with "committing atrocities" if Canadian and CF policy on "Secrecy" is not changed.

That's just low -- and disgusting of you.

And, now I AM offended. You may have the right to speak freely, but you do not have the right to imply that I (and I AM a soldier so your statements are directly ABOUT me) or any of my comrades in arms would circumvent Canadian Law or the Geneva Conventions -- that's just slanderous. We are more professional than that.
ArmyVern said:
And, now I AM offended. You may have the right to speak freely, but you do not have the right to imply that I (and I AM a soldier so your statements are directly ABOUT me) or any of my comrades in arms would circumvent Canadian Law or the Geneva Conventions -- that's just slanderous. We are more professional than that.

The Canadian MSM is allowing him to slander us all...in front of the Canadian public who, a large portion it would seem, are ignorant of the facts of how we conduct business.

But I digress.

He has an agenda and it's pretty clear to anyone that takes the time to do a bit of research.

Baden  Guy said:
Oh the shame!    :(   Speaking on behalf of all those with a history degree from UNB.  :D

Mr Staples dose not have a degree in History. His Bachelors is in Education.

The bottom line is that Mr. Staples is not a military analysis, or an expert. He is a lobbyist with an anti-military and anti-American agenda.
I might be out of my lane but maybe we should take some care about what we say about Mr. Staples. Lets not give him ammo to use against us.
NFLD Sapper said:
I might be out of my lane but maybe we should take some care about what we say about Mr. Staples. Lets not give him ammo to use against us.

I believe that the thread, so far, is fine. Everyone is free to voice their opinion and state facts.

I'm sure that Steven Staples has a thick skin and can take criticism, seeing as he doles it out on a regular basis publicly.

Mike Bobbitt or another mod will be along to give it a read I'm sure.        ;)

No problems with that RBD, was just being cautious. Never know how he might try to spin it.