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Step Test Super Thread

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hey, be happy you don‘t have to do the old PT test. if you‘re having trouble with the step test you would have had no chance under the old system.
I really hate this stupid step test....
Follwed by:

I hear you bud, my retake is on monday

I don‘t think he means that he finds it hard Razic.
I think he means he hates that its so easy, yet he has to listen to so many people stress out about it and complain that its hard etc.
I found I was able to walk fast for stages 1 and 2. After then that, it was that awkward run up and down the stairs for stage 3. I had a girl doing it at the same time, just watching me run up and down the stairs. Sorta felt weird but meh.
either way, its stupid, give me a track or a tread mill and ill run way under the required 11:50 or whatever
I ran a search on the forums as well as the net and didn't find the answer that I was looking for. My question is what would be the passing bpm for the step test? I'm concerned that my heart rate is to high after exercising and am willing to re-book my testing until I have lowered it to ‘passing standards‘. I just purchased a Nike watch which comes with a heart rate monitor and after my jog today the monitor registered my max heart rate at 190 bpm...I have a feeling that this is way too high and would fail the step test.
Is anyone able to help me with this?
It depends on how old you are.


Check Figure 3-16

You need to pass at least the first stage. Once you have gotten past that, and done at least the second stage (stress... I believe... I do not know for 100%) they will plug some stuff into a formula (including your final heart rate, age, weight) and plug out a number. If it is above the minimum, you are in.

I should know... I did this this morning (successfully!) (w00t!)
Congrats Tyrnagog im happy to hear u passed!!!

Thanks for the post, I found that link that u provided when i ran my search but found it to be confusing. I will go over it somemore and maybe it will become a little more understandable. I still have a month to go before I take my PT so there is still time for me to work on my cardio and lower my heart rate.
It‘s really not too bad. I managed to pass it with the flu, so you shouldn‘t have much trouble at all. Just don‘t worry about it and your heart rate should be fine.
It also depends on your weight as well that‘s why they weight you before you do the physical
I already know what the whole step test is and what not. I'm just wondering about some other things... If you pass the first test and they won't let you move onto the second do you fail? Is having a fast heart rate good or bad ?
Bad, for each age grouping there is a maximum heart rate beyond which you will not be allowed to move to the next stage. Declarations that your heart rate peaks quickly or runs fast will not allow you to keep going. If your heart rate stops the test before you have achieved the expected level, you will be recorded as failing the test.
Hi all,

Well I completed my physical test yesterday. I did 39push-ups in a row 41 sit-ups in 1 minutes, squeezed around 58 on each hand for the hand grip exercise, but when I did the step test I got no idea if I passed :\, so I was hoping maybe one of you guys could help me out? I completed the first the level no problem. The second level I made it to completed that, but I was told ok we are done? I don't see why  :-\ I wasn't breathing hard in the slighest way. I was just wondering if I passed because I was stopped after the second lvl  ??? Thanks In advanced.
When I did my test, they told me that if I was stop before the third level the test was failed, but I finished all the levels. Did they told you something when your where stop.

I just did the step test.  I got 40 pushups and 40 situps but failed the step test.  I can do an hour pretty heavy cardio no problem, i was not havin a problem at all on the step test and i was ready for the next level but they told me it was done and i failed......I was pretty fuckin pissed, I still am cause i have no problem pushing my body and this bitch cut me short.....well I will be retaking the test in 2-4 weeks after some hard cardio sessions at the gym mimmicking the step test
I did 3 levels in my test.  I would contact your tester and ask them if you passed or not.  I would imagine they would have told you if you hadn't, but probably better to double check.
When I did my step test, I was stopped after the second level because my heart rate was too high. I still passed, however, as my heart rate is normally elevated at rest for some reason. Most of the time it doesn't matter where they stop you, they've got some calculations to make on your pulse and such afterwards.